floors is low in the morning and then rises until the
afternoon. The dry temperature of the 2nd-floor
classrooms tends to be lower than the 3rd-floor
classrooms. This condition is due to the higher
elevation of the 3rd Floor classrooms to receive
longer solar radiation heat. Heat enters the room
through the conduction process, namely through
walls and roofs and through the process of solar
radiation transmitted through windows.
The effective temperature on the 3rd Floor is
lower than the 2nd Floor because of the location of
the 3rd-floor classrooms, which is higher than the 2nd
Floor. This condition allows the movement of wind
entering the classroom to get a minor obstacle factor,
such as other buildings and surrounding trees. The
movement of air that enters the classroom 3rd-floor
classroom is higher than the 2nd Floor.
The results of the thermal comfort analysis of the
first and second models show that both models have
an effective temperature in the warm comfort
category and the hot category in the Mom-Weiseborn
thermal comfort standard. Analysis of the effective
temperature of the measuring point of the second
model is in the hot category more than the analysis of
the first model. This condition is due to the constant
air movement in the second model at 0.1 m /s, below
the first model, which has a movement of 0.15-
0.24m/s. In the analysis of the first and second
models, air movement in the room needs to be
increased to optimize natural ventilation in the room.
A fan can be applied so that the effective temperature
of the room is included in the criteria for optimal
comfort according to Mom-Wiesebron standards.
The author would like to thank Nasima Elementary
School, Semarang City, Central Java, for allowing me
to carry out this research at his institution. We also
thank the Department of Architecture, Faculty of
Engineering, Diponegoro University for providing
facilities in the data processing.
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The Influence of Building Facade Design on Thermal Comfort in Classroom Case Study: Nasima Elementary School Semarang