Analysis of Vessel Movements using Association Rules
Noviyanti Santoso, Wahyu Wibowo, and Nur Azizah
Department of Business Statistics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Vessel Movements, Association Rules, VISITS
Abstract: Currently, ship traffic and the situation of sea waters are essential for several countries, including Indonesia
as an archipelago. The automatic Identification System of ITS (VISITS) provides data containing a variety
of information about vessel movements and traffic characteristics in Java sea waters. We use data mining
techniques to identify and determine ships' movement patterns in the Java sea, especially the Lombok Strait.
The objects of research are ships around the Lombok Strait because it is one with hefty ship traffic. Based
on the analysis results, we obtain information that the dominant types of ships passing in the Lombok Strait
are cargo ships with medium vessel speed and relatively spread out the course over ground, as many as 25%
of ships heading to the South. Furthermore, using the a priori algorithm association rules method, 14 rules
are obtained for a maximum of 3 items and 26 rules for a maximum of 4 items. The rules with the highest
lift score state that if the ship's coordinates are at Latitude = 7 and Longitude = 116, and type = Cargo ship,
then the course over ground is about 180° - 225° or the vessel is heading South.
Indonesia is a country with a big sea area called an
archipelago. Indonesia has the potential to develop
the existing marine. Apart from abundant marine
resources, Indonesian seas are also a route for world
trade. As much as 90% of world trade routes are
transported by sea, 40% of this trade passes through
Indonesia. Indonesia has an opportunity to become a
World Maritime Axis Country by improving an
integrated marine transportation system.
Traditionally, the process of tracking vessels at sea
is using radar. However, with the development of
technology, currently, there is a satellite-based
Automatic Identification System (AIS) to monitor
the activities and movements of ships passing in sea
AIS data provides much information, including
ship identity, passage time, latitude-longitude, type,
speed, course over ground, etc. Predicting the status
of vessel motion, patterns, and ship anomaly status
can use that type of data (Gustisatya, 2017). The
result is essential to maintain the security of
interactions between ships and ship traffic in sea
Several data mining approaches have been
applied to AIS data to analyze ship movements used
the Association rules and Markov model to inform
the motion patterns of ships in Chinese waters
(Deng, et al., 2014). The Markov model became the
solution for the continuous transaction. In 2011,
Mascaro detected anomalous motion of ships
passing through Sydney waters using the Bayesian
Network method (Mascaro, et al., 2013).
Furthermore, the visualization and interaction of
anomalous status on ships in Sweden using the
combined Gaussian Mixture Model and Kernel
Density Estimation and Clustering based on the
ship's trajectory (Riveiro and Falkman, 2014). Zhu F
applies Agrawal’s association rule in mining ship
trajectory patterns (Agrawal, et al., 1993).
In this study, we analyse the vessel movements
using the association rules method based on the
frequency. This work aims to determine an
appropriate pattern of vessel motions. The result
sustains and simplify to control, monitor, and predict
the vessel's activities. The paper is structured as
follows. In the first section, the background and
descriptions of several studies were appropriate. The
second section explained the analytical methods
used in the study, followed by the research
methodology covering the data sources and pre-
processing. In the third section, data analysis
consists of ship data characteristics and ship motion
patterns using association rules. The last section is
the conclusion of the research.