Security of Digital Banking Systems in Poland: Users Study 2019
Wojciech Wodo and Damian Stygar
Department of Computer Science, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27,
Banking, Electronic Banking, Mobile Banking, Security, Biometrics, 2FA.
Our aim of this study was to discover believes, behaviors, thoughts and habits of digital banking users in
Poland, we wanted to understand their motivation and drivers while using electronic and mobile financial
services. Thanks to using Design Thinking research methodology we empathized users deeply and defined
personas - representing user groups of common features and way of thinking and acting. Our desk research
and users interview resulted in the identification of a number of aspects of e-banking, that can/should be taken
into consideration by its users and, possibly, providers in order to assess the security of the service from the
perspective of usability. We have interviewed 62 people in Poland (age span 16-72, different professions
and familiarity level with e-banking solutions) in a form of qualitative study in-depth survey (one hour per
person) and discussed security issues with several Polish banks representatives. This paper is essence extract
of full research conducted in this area. It presents and summarises the main assumptions and results.
The year 2019 for the development of digital ser-
vices and digitization of administration in Poland was
very significant. We mean both state administration
services, where tax settlement has been fully started
for the first time - Your e-PIT (Ministry of Finance,
2019), new ID cards have been introduced with the
electronic layer (Ministry of Digital Affairs, 2019a),
the mObywatel application (Ministry of Digital Af-
fairs, 2019b) enabling confirmation of identity, but
above all preparing the financial sector for the im-
plementation of the PSD2 Directive (European Par-
liament, 2015), launching and issuing of the test API
interface by the banks (Zwiazek Bankow Polskich,
2019a) and fintech reinforcement to take over the fi-
nancial services sector (Zwiazek Bankow Polskich,
2019b). This state of affairs is very pleasing from
the point of view of economic development and in-
creasing the comfort of implementation of many ac-
tivities, both private and business. However, behind
the rapidly moving digitization comes the risk of: cy-
bersecurity threats, lack of user awareness, room for
abuse and failure to adapt legal provisions quickly.
The government has taken steps to guarantee a legal
basis for certain activities and services. These ac-
tivities are: the Act on Cyber Security (Polish Par-
liament, 2018c), the Act prohibiting the production
of documents imitating identity documents and docu-
ments authorizing to perform activities (Polish Parlia-
ment, 2018b), or the previously ratified, widely dis-
cussed GDPR (Polish Parliament, 2018a).
1.1 Motivation
The enormous pace of adoption of new technologies
in every domain of life, both private and business
is not reflected in informational and education cam-
paigns that would ensure safe and informed use of the
benefits of digital services. The area of this study is
electronic finance, digital banking and financial ser-
We are interested in how do current users of finan-
cial services and electronic banking perceive available
solutions, how do they view security issues, how do
they feel like when using different forms of payment,
or whether are they aware of the threats arising from
various technological solutions and risky behaviors.
We would like to get to know the users better, their
attitudes and fears, to be able to identify areas that are
worth special attention in the context of education, in-
formation, and the ability to change the formula of the
services provided.
The guidelines we have developed aim to identify
elements that improve the comfort and safety of using
Wodo, W. and Stygar, D.
Security of Digital Banking Systems in Poland: Users Study 2019.
DOI: 10.5220/0008555202210231
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 221-231
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
new services. We believe that our research will help
to capture aspects that were not included in the prepa-
ration and design of services and systems by banks or
state administration. We want to shed new light on
the financial services ecosystem from a user perspec-
tive that is not uniform. This paper is essence extract
of full research conducted in this area. It presents and
summarises the main assumptions and results.
1.2 State of the Art
In the area of electronic banking, research is ongoing
to monitor the state of its development, availability of
services, threats and the structure of users. Thanks to
the activity of the Polish Bank Association (ZBP) the
Bank Cybersecurity Center was established, which
monitors incidents and threats in the network, and
coordinates and manages difficult situations. ZBP
also regularly publishes reports on topics related to
the level of adoption of banking services in the coun-
try, as well as security issues. It is worth quoting the
2018 report on the ”Cybersecure Portfolio” (Zwiazek
Bankow Polskich, 2018) indicating the behavior and
preferences of banking customers as well as paper
”PSD2 and Open Banking - Revolution or evolution?”
(Zwiazek Bankow Polskich, 2019b) looking at the is-
sues of open banking and the PSD2 directive, as well
as business opportunities and threats to the fintech
market. Thanks to the cooperation of the Conference
of Financial Companies in Poland and EY, an annual
report (since 2009) on fraud in the financial sector is
created (The Conference of Financial Companies in
Poland, 2018). The report presents changes in the
digital banking services market, new threats and pol-
icy changes for financial institutions. In 2019, Mas-
terCard performed research in the context of Polish
consumers’ attitudes towards online shopping, taking
into account the upcoming changes in e-commerce
payments. The result of their work is the ”Secure
e-shopping” report. The authors prove that biomet-
rics will become the standard for confirming iden-
tity in payments. In addition, more than 75% of re-
spondents believe that strong authentication of online
card payments, which will enter into force in mid-
September 2019, is needed, which clearly sets a new
trend in banking. In 2016, Polish users’ preferences,
their attitudes and level of awareness in relation to the
security of mobile devices and biometrics were exa-
minded. This work resulted in the report ”Security
and biometrics of mobile devices in Poland. User
surveys 2016” (Wodo and Ławniczak, 2016). The
study distinguished four main types of users of mo-
bile devices and applications, assigning them charac-
teristic features, views and behaviors. Disturbingly,
more than half of the users showed nonchalance and
carefree approach to security aspects, they did not at-
tach importance to the value of their data and identity.
The most important conclusion of the report is that it
is impossible to create one universal solution that re-
sponds to all security needs of mobile device users.
Security systems should be designed with a specific
audience in mind that combines similar characteris-
tics, views and needs. The topic of corporate banking
security was in turn taken up by KPMG, preparing the
2018 report on Mobile Technology Security (KPMG,
2018). The report shows that companies are more at-
tentive to security than individual customers. Over
half of the surveyed companies use mobile devices in
their business practice, and 76% of organizations do
not allow the processing of company data on employ-
ees’ private mobile devices. Over half of the compa-
nies enforce authentication for access to a mobile de-
vice and only install mobile applications approved by
the organization. Yubico sponsored research in 2019
devoted to users’ approach to passwords and identity
authentication security, resulting in the State of Pass-
word and Authentication Security Behaviors Report
(Ponemon Institute LLC, 2019). The study was con-
ducted in the United States, Great Britain, Germany
and France on a sample of 1,761 people involved in IT
technologies. Interestingly, over 57% of respondents
said that due to the fact that password management
is inconvenient and cumbersome, they would like to
use alternative methods to authenticate their identity.
56% of respondents were in favor of using dongles.
The report shows that the use of two-factor authenti-
cation is not common, 67% of respondents do not use
2FA in any form in their personal lives, and 55% do
not even use it at work.
In order to analyze the situation in the area of security
technology of electronic and mobile banking services
in Poland, exploratory research on the user market
was carried out using the Design Thinking method-
ology. It is a method of creating innovative products
and services based on a deep understanding of users’
problems and needs, developed at Stanford Univer-
sity in California (Brown, 2009). The main assump-
tion of this method is to focus on the user, because it
is he who will bring the answer to the guiding ques-
tions related to awareness and approach to electronic
banking security systems. In order for the proposed
solution to reach maturity, it should undergo several
project cycles during which it will verify the decisions
taken and the directions of work chosen, and above
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
all it will collide with its final recipient - the user. The
stages of the Design Thinking process are illustrated
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: General scheme for Design Thinking pro-
We do not forget about possible limitations of our
research, that is the way we would like to discuss
them in following paragraphs. This paper reaches
third stage of DT process - Ideation. The study in-
volved 62 people constituting the research sample, in-
cluding 32 men and 30 women aged 18 to 78 years
18-23 (48,4%), 24-45 (32,3%), 45+ (19,4%). It
should be emphasized that the conducted research is
a qualitative research in which a single interview with
the respondent lasts about an hour and is focused on a
thorough understanding of the respondents’ attitudes,
thoughts and behaviors. We tried to select our re-
search group in such a way it could be diversified both
in terms of gender and age, but also education and
profession, thanks to which the obtained information
has a greater cognitive value and is not biased.
At the same time, a larger share of a group of peo-
ple aged 18-23, i.e. a learning / studying group, was
taken into account, as they are natural users of new
technologies and will soon start their professional life.
They will constitute a new segment of financial ser-
vices clients, hence we decided that their examination
is particularly important for the conclusions and rec-
ommendations for the future.
2.1 Questionaire
According to the adopted methodology, work be-
gan with the creation of an interdisciplinary research
team, which due to the diverse experience of mem-
bers, could look at the research problem from many
perspectives. The construction of the questionnaire
is the result of the diversified knowledge and expe-
rience of the team that developed it to maximize the
answers to the most important questions from users.
In the first phase of the Design Thinking process, a
framework interview questionnaire was constructed.
The rules and guidelines suggested by American pro-
cess creators were taken into account, while remem-
bering the context of the study. As it was decided
to use in-depth interview, the importance of explor-
ing the respondent’s needs and fears was emphasized.
Attention was also paid to behavioral aspects - i.e. be-
havior, gesticulation during the answers given and the
inseparable expression of emotions associated with it,
e.g. through the tone of voice, speed of speech or fa-
cial expressions. It was decided that the above aspects
should constitute the frame of the interview, and the
questionnaire should be the starting point of the con-
versation, which direction the questioner will decide
on. Before proceeding to the interview phase, a re-
search team of ten members was trained to conduct
research correctly and uniformly to ensure consis-
tency and quality of the data obtained. The question-
naire covered 13 areas and consisted of open ques-
tions whose purpose was to explore the area of us-
ing electronic and mobile banking. The emotional
background accompanying the responses expressed in
the respondents’ behavior was also examined, and at-
tempts were made to capture the motivation of their
decisions. The interview also raised issues of views
regarding the issue of cybersecurity. The main pur-
pose of the questionnaire was to highlight the needs,
concerns or concerns of users related to various as-
pects of using electronic banking and related services.
The areas discussed in the interview concerned: - use
of electronic and mobile payments, ways of carrying
them out and authentication; - a sense of security re-
sulting from the use of online and mobile payments;
- use of mobile applications for electronic payments
and their updates; - experiences and emotions (per-
sonal or loved ones) related to cyber attacks; - hygiene
in using electronic and mobile banking, knowledge
of security rules and compliance with them; - knowl-
edge of issues related to cyber attacks on electronic
finances and sources of information about them; - the
use of payment cards and contactless payments, appli-
cable limits and security rules; - knowledge of double
verification mechanisms (2FA), ePUAP system, iden-
tity verification services such as ”log in via a bank”
and attitudes towards them as well as the degree of
their use; - imagining an ideal security system for
electronic banking services and mobile;
2.2 Collected Data Presentation
This part of the study will present data obtained from
interviews, both in quantitative terms, as well as their
discussion broken down into individual issues. The
research areas will be provided with the users’ own
statements, which will allow to accurately illustrate
the attitude, opinions and approach to the discussed
issues. This approach allows you to more easily iden-
Security of Digital Banking Systems in Poland: Users Study 2019
tify your (reader) views and behaviors with described
people, because their characters become closer and
more real to us through references to situations, facts
and behaviors known to us from our own lives. The
presented statements are only part of the interview - it
is impossible to describe all dependencies in a graphic
form, nevertheless those that best illustrate the pur-
pose of the research were presented.
2.2.1 How Do You Pay for the Services and the
Products? Why?
Figure 2: How do you pay for the services and the products?
Why? (n=62).
The overwhelming number of people - 83.9% of re-
spondents, pay by card (debit, credit, etc.) on a daily
basis. Many answers show that mobile banking users
like to ”enjoy freedom” - for many, card payments are
fast, and the lack of the need to have a full cash wal-
let with them is a convenience that has repeatedly ap-
peared in the statements of respondents. However, it
is not only speed that determines how the respondents
People are more likely to choose methods they
know and inspire more confidence. Thanks to such
answers it can be concluded that the popularization
of a given payment method and its advertising affects
the number of people who will use it.
2.2.2 How Do You Pay for Online Shopping?
Of all respondents, 92% pay for online purchases.
Others. 8% either do not shop online at all, or ask
someone close to buy, or only use cash on deliv-
ery. Fear accompanies more than one user of elec-
tronic banking. Once again, the respondents’ main
reasons for using selected payments are speed and
convenience, which is emphasized by several of the
According to the respondents’ answers, they do
not consider using certain payment methods in terms
of security. For example, a card payment transaction
is a reasonable choice for online payments. While the
respondents mention the simplicity and speed of this
solution, it is worth adding that card payment is also
secure, for example due to chargeback. Thanks to it,
in certain cases, the owner of a payment card may
apply for a refund of the transaction amount.
Figure 3: How do you pay for online shopping? Why?
2.2.3 What Methods of Transaction
Confirmation Do You Know and Use?
Figure 4: What methods of transaction confirmation do you
know? (n=30).
Figure 5: What methods of transaction confirmation do you
use? (n=30).
In both cases, many respondents misunderstood the
question. It concerned transaction confirmations,
such as a one-time code, which allowed the payment
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
process to start. In the interpretation of some of the
respondents, transaction confirmations are SMS no-
tifications and emails that say that the payment pro-
cess has been completed. Due to this interpretation
error, the statistical sample for these questions is half
of those surveyed.
The best-known method of confirming transac-
tions is a one-time SMS code. This may be primarily
due to their high popularity in Polish banking.
Banks encourage the use of SMS codes, withdraw
other transaction authorization methods
, and several
respondents pointed out that in their bank SMS codes
were the only possible option to choose.
SMS codes may not be a secure way of confirm-
ing transactions, as there is an option to add a trusted
recipient. After this action, the SMS code is not re-
quired to complete the transaction. It is also possible
to duplicate the SIM card and take the victim’s num-
. The implementation of the SMS code mecha-
nism is also sometimes faulty. The code may not be
associated in any way with the transaction performed
by the user, so it is possible to use it at the same
time for another transaction (e.g. substitution of given
2.2.4 Do You Feel Safe/Comfortable When You
are Paying Online?
Anwers for this question are following (for n=56):
Yes - 69,6%, No - 5,4%, Not Always - 25%.
An overwhelming number of people say that they
feel safe when using the above payment. A frequent
justification among the respondents was the lack of
unpleasant experiences. An additional answer was
distinguished - ”not always”.
Considering the answers and conclusions from
previous questions, it can be seen that respondents
in everyday life do not worry about safety. What
counts is that the service works well, hence the re-
peated emphasis on the speed and convenience of the
solution. The security of banking systems is not long
in the minds of users. Most of them are unaware of
lurking threats or unpleasant consequences. Many re-
spondents personally did not experience any unpleas-
ant incidents. This may lead to the conviction that
they cannot be attack objects, which translates into a
(false) sense of security.
2.2.5 Do You Check Your Bank Account in
Public Places?
The majority of respondents believe that home and
work are safe places for financial operations. Some-
times, however, there is a need to carry out a financial
operation in a public place and then the respondents
decide to do it (44.8% of respondents), with the pro-
viso that they use their device (25% checkers), try to
find a secluded place, or at least cover the screen dur-
ing entering login details or transaction data (35.7%
verification). In addition, 11.5% of respondents who
check the account declare that they are accompanied
by a sense of discomfort. The above numbers show
the respondents’ concerns related to violation of the
sphere of privacy or potential threat to finance. Only
less than 31% of respondents perform financial ac-
tivities in public places without fear and discomfort.
Some of the surveyed people have developed meth-
ods that allow a greater degree of security to use elec-
tronic finances in public places, namely using a per-
centage slider in a banking application that reflects the
account balance in relation to the set amount.
Figure 6: Behaviors and emotions among people checking
a bank account in public places. (n=26).
2.2.6 Have You Heard about Cyber Attacks on
Electronic Finance?
Over 88% of respondents have heard about cyber at-
tacks on electronic finances, however, after analyzing
quotes describing this information, one may get the
impression that this information is rudimentary, im-
precise, not bringing with it solid knowledge, what
should be done to avoid such an attack in the future.
Only 12.9% of those surveyed answered in the first
place about such incidents.
2.2.7 Where do You Get Knowledge about
The dominant source of information on cybersecurity
among the respondents are general media (approx.
Security of Digital Banking Systems in Poland: Users Study 2019
Figure 7: Where do you get knowledge about cybersecu-
rity? (n=62).
60%), such as the Internet (information portals) as
well as television and the press.
These are carriers of unprofessional information,
but they should clearly be used to reach a large group
of recipients, hence banks should devote more atten-
tion to them while conducting information and educa-
tional campaigns.
About 25% of respondents declare that they read
ads and banking information, this would indicate an
important educational and information channel.
One should work on the form of banking mes-
sages, because for the average recipient the content
transmitted there is unattractive and incomprehensi-
ble, which means that they quickly lose their atten-
tion and do not have the proper effect. Over 20% of
respondents advise friends on security issues, this in-
formation channel cannot be directly influenced. On
social media, which for almost 15% of respondents
are a source of information about security already. By
addressing these communication channels, you can
reach the majority of different users, so they are excel-
lent places for educational and warning campaigns.
2.2.8 Do You Think That Cyber Attacks Apply
to You?
Answers show, around 74% of people think that cy-
ber attacks can affect them. At first, this result looks
promising, because it shows that there is awareness of
the threat arising from the world of cyber crime. Un-
fortunately, some of these people immediately under-
estimate the reality of such attacks by saying: ”I will
not be attacked because I have no money” (11%) or
”I am not afraid because I have secured myself well”
(6.5%). This is reflected in the answers to the next
interview question. A large proportion of respondents
(around 21%) do not believe that cyber attacks affect
them, arguing with their opinions on the content of
bank accounts.
The conclusions of these results are appalling, be-
cause a large group of people clearly do not realize
that they can become the target of cyber criminals and
that you do not need to have big money or be impor-
tant. They clearly lack awareness of how such attacks
take place and that in most cases they are not targeted,
but automated, based on phishing and installing mal-
ware on victims’ devices.
2.2.9 Have You Personally or Someone Close
Become a Victim of a Cyber-attack on
Finances? What did You Feel? What did
this Person Feel?
Figure 8: Have you personally or someone close become a
victim of a cyber-attack on finances? (n=62).
The answers to this question are an extremely impor-
tant clue, because they show that almost 80% of re-
spondents did not experience harm and did not fall
victim to a cyber attack on their finances.
Lack of such direct and strong experience makes
their perception of threat less real, it is difficult for
them to imagine what their situation would look like
and what emotions would accompany them. It is also
associated with a lack of reflection on cyberspace se-
curity issues in everyday life. It is easy to imagine
what will happen if we do not close the apartment and
lose our possessions, it is much harder to think about
virtual money and bank accounts that are intangible
and distant.
Over 21% of respondents declare that unpleasant
incidents related to cyber attacks occurred in their
families or friends, this experience should sensitize
them to security issues, but they are not their own
experience, so the impact of such situations is much
8.1% of respondents have suffered harm as a re-
sult of a cyber attack, their attitude and approach to
security have changed dramatically.
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
2.2.10 Does Your Bank Warn You about Cyber
Answers (for n=59) are following: Often, through
various channels - 58%, Sometimes - 25%, No no-
tifications I did not notice - 17%. It is very important
to ensure the awareness of users of electronic bank-
ing. They should be kept informed of any attacks they
may be exposed to. Otherwise, they can easily be-
come victims. To the question ”Does your bank warn
you about cyber attacks?” As many as 83% of re-
spondents said yes. This is positive information, but
you should ensure that this indicator increases all the
time, because it means that the remainder of 17%
are not sent or are published in a form that remains
unnoticed by users.
While answering the question, a condition was
noted, which should be given special attention. About
22% of surveyed users who said they received notifi-
cations openly admit that they do not read this infor-
2.2.11 What Safety Rules Do You Know?
Figure 9: What safety rules do you know?
The responses show that a large proportion of respon-
dents are aware to use strong passwords and change
them regularly.
Equally popular indications were to avoid open-
ing suspicious emails and links. It allows, among oth-
ers avoid entering login details on the crafted page.
The surveyed people do not use public networks when
using electronic banking, fearing the interception of
sensitive data. The ”Regularly updated software” op-
tion definitely received the least number of indica-
tions, however, this is due to the fact that the vast
majority of respondents use automatic updates and do
not have to remember that on a daily basis. The rule to
check the URL of the bank’s website was quite popu-
lar. Some respondents use bookmarks in the browser,
so they do not have to enter the address themselves.
However, it is common behavior to enter the bank
name in the Google search engine and select the link
that comes first from the searched items. This behav-
ior combined with the lack of address verification can
lead to dangerous situations.
2.2.12 Do You Know Any Form of Phishing?
About 15% of people openly admitted that they do not
know any forms of phishing.
Figure 10: What forms of phishing do you know? (n=59).
Physical and virtual methods were among the
types of phishing scams mentioned. The physical,
which according to the answers constitute about 1/4
of the total indications, can be attributed to the method
of ”granddaughter”, photocopying an ID card and
the use of skimmers in ATMs. However, by far the
most popular form among the respondents is phish-
ing, which obtained almost 46%.
The possibility of photocopying an ID card as
a form of phishing has been mentioned alarmingly
rarely. The problem with this type of behavior was to
be solved by the ”Act of November 22, 2018 on pub-
lic documents”(Polish Parliament, 2018b) , but pho-
tocopying will still be possible.
2.2.13 How Do You Verify the Bank’s Website?
Figure 11: How do you verify the bank’s website? (n=56).
About 30% of surveyed users said that they did not
verify their bank’s website at all. People who carry
out verifications mainly check the presence of a ”pad-
lock” at the bank’s address and graphic design, and
Security of Digital Banking Systems in Poland: Users Study 2019
only 9% of people additionally check the certificate.
A disturbing phenomenon is that the people who carry
out the verification do not have adequate knowledge
whether this is sufficient treatment. Therefore, they
feel anxious when using electronic solutions because
they are not sure if this guarantees their security.
2.2.14 Have You Heard of Two-Factor
Authorization (2FA)?
As it turned out, there are often those who have heard
of 2FA (69% people), 24% of respondents are not
concerned with knowledge about 2FA. Only after ex-
plaining the interviewers did the respondents often re-
alize that they knew and even used this solution.
Some users are not familiar with the names of the
solutions they use. The reason for this may be the fact
that banks use too superficial - descriptive names of
solutions, as well as the fact that many surveyed users
of electronic banking do not broaden their knowledge
in the field of security.
Author’s comment: It is important that banking
institutions not only inform the user in a clear but also
non-trivialized manner about the solutions used. A
short but reliable explanation could encourage a better
understanding of how a given system, method (e.g.
authentication) works.
2.2.15 Do You Use Two-Factor Authorization
Most respondents use 2FA (67,4%). The question was
asked to a group of respondents who in the previous
question declared knowledge of two-factor authoriza-
tion. Analyzing the answers to the above question,
one can notice a certain lack of consistency of respon-
dents. Many people want to use additional security
features, although they may be less convenient than,
e.g., one-factor authorization. Of course, there will
be people who do not want to use additional security,
because they associate it with a problem, not secu-
rity. Therefore, we need to popularize authorizations
such as biometrics, which is a convenient and effec-
tive way of confirming identity. Similar conclusions
were made in the results of research carried out by
2.2.16 Do You Use the Application (on Your
Phone / Computer) to Store Passwords /
PINs for Login / Authentication?
Subjects almost equally use and do not use mecha-
nisms to store and manage passwords for authenti-
cation services. Among those who declare the use
of such mechanisms (46.7%), the most popular is re-
membering passwords in the browser (over 66% of
use cases). The Apple user pool uses a keychain
(10% of use cases). In addition, people who use
these solutions indicate that not for banking appli-
cations! The attitude of the respondents to mecha-
nisms and tools supporting the process of remember-
ing passwords and keys for authentication services is
2.2.17 How Do You Imagine an Ideal Electronic/
Mobile Payment Security System?
From the answers given, it can be concluded that users
feel the need to increase the level of security. The
most frequent indications are the greater use of bio-
metrics, e.g. fingerprint, iris scan. Such solutions in-
spire the trust of respondents, regardless of their age
or experience in electronic banking. This was indi-
cated by both younger and older people.
Based on some interviews, an image of a person
is also created for whom comfort is definitely more
important than safety. Such a person would gladly
give up, for example, confirming activities by using
SMS codes. This opens the way to the popularization
of biometric solutions.
In addition, attention was paid to the problem of
the multitude of data for logging in to various web-
sites. The respondents believe in the security of bank-
ing solutions and would be more willing to use the
possibility of authentication through a banking ser-
vice, as it is the case with the ePUAP website. This
creates a chance to introduce solutions such as myID
(Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa, 2019).
2.3 Personas
The research allowed to deepen knowledge about
users of electronic and mobile banking. Based on the
analysis of the answers given by users and the accom-
panying emotions, three main personas were identi-
fied, combining similar behavioral traits, needs and
fears. Personas distribution (for n=62) is: Naive Na-
dia (45%), Fearful Frak (10%) and Reasonable Rick
2.3.1 Persona 1 - Naive Nadia
This person has little knowledge of current banking
systems. She is usually familiar with the very ba-
sic principles of using electronic or mobile payments,
and her knowledge of attacks on electronic banking is
often low or negligible. This results in Nadia’s con-
viction that she cannot be the target of a hacker at-
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
tack, because she is an unattractive target because she
does not have a large amount of financial resources
and is not an important person. In banking, she values
speed and convenience above all. She does not think
about the security of the systems she uses, therefore
she does not feel the need to explore her knowledge
in this direction, believes that someone else will take
care of its security. Nadia often has no need to use
technical innovations and the basic payment mech-
anisms she is used to are satisfied with it, she does
not see the benefit of using them. She is not looking
for new safety information in the media. Naive Na-
dia in some cases is accompanied by the belief: ”I do
not know, so I do not care”, which is dangerous for
her finances. Despite the use of electronic and mobile
banking, she is not interested in whether the given so-
lution is secure. Often, elements such as payment and
authentication methods are selected only on the basis
of the bank’s recommendations and uses factory set-
2.3.2 Persona 2 - Fearful Frank
A person who has some concerns about electronic
and mobile banking. Despite his fears, he uses mod-
ern solutions but with great uncertainty. Frank has
some knowledge related to banking, but it is usually
not complete, which can lead to various inaccuracies.
This person derives information mainly from the in-
ternet, but not from professional sources, hence often
operates on ”half truths” about an attack or system.
In addition, Frank may be very distrustful of financial
systems, fear espionage and conspiracy, which results
from a lack of his thorough knowledge and a lack of
willingness to deepen it. His attitude is often repre-
sented by statements such as ”they know”, ”every-
thing is monitored”, ”I don’t trust my phone”. Frank
feels calmer when he is aware of how the solutions he
uses work. If in his opinion the application is simple
and transparent, and his data is not saved anywhere,
then he is not afraid of losing funds or attacks. What
is most important for him in banking can summarize
the statement: ”The certainty that a given transaction
will be carried out, that nobody will mix anything in
it and the money will go to the right recipient.
2.3.3 Persona 3 - Reasonable Rick
A person well-versed in banking and new technolo-
gies, aware of the risks associated with cyberattacks
on electronic finance. Rick knows and applies vari-
ous security mechanisms and generally adheres to se-
curity principles. This person draws knowledge from
various sources, they are often reliable and proven.
Rick sometimes even visits industry portals to read
some details. In addition to speed or convenience, it
often mentions that security is an important feature of
the banking system. It may happen that Rick overes-
timates his knowledge and his confidence is too high,
which is expressed in beliefs such as ”messages from
the bank are too simple, I already know everything”
and thus skips bank alerts or exposes to new threats.
Figure 12: How do you verify the bank’s website? (with
personas distribution) (n=56).
Among those who do not verify the bank’s web-
site, those with the characteristics of Naive Nadia pre-
dominate. This proves that it is primarily the lack of
knowledge and putting convenience over security that
are the cause of exposure to potential attacks. It can
be seen that as users become more aware, the num-
ber of ingredients that are verified when visiting the
bank’s website also increases. This is illustrated by
the increased participation of people with the charac-
teristics of Reasonable Rick in subsequent answers to
this question.
Figure 13: What is your payment limit? (with personas
distribution) (n=58).
Based on the answers and distinguished people
during the study, it can be concluded that people with
the characteristics of Reasonable Rick set definitely
higher limits than other persona. It may be related
to the fact that these people feel safe because they
make more effort while verifying other security mech-
Security of Digital Banking Systems in Poland: Users Study 2019
This part of the study will summarize the research car-
ried out and formulate the main conclusions resulting
from it. In addition, recommendations will be devel-
oped for both users and financial institutions.
3.1 Main Outcomes
Users often mention as a service that they use a
specific brand of the company that provides this
service. This demonstrates the strength of the
brand’s recognition and its impact on the recipi-
Respondents begin to understand the need to use
biometrics, trust it more and appreciate the bene-
fits it brings.
Users benefit from new, digital services if they ex-
perience benefits for themselves. An excellent ex-
ample was the possibility of settling PIT tax in
2019, where you could log in with the help of a
trusted profile or a bank. Many respondents used
the ePuap platform service for the very first time.
Respondents show confidence in banking insti-
tutions and willingly use authentication mecha-
nisms through them (including the Trusted Profile
service). This indicates a promising direction for
the development of identity management services
and its verification by financial institutions.
60% of respondents indicate television, the press
and ordinary non-industry information portals as
the main source of information about security.
The use of these sites during socio-educational
campaigns can significantly contribute to raising
users’ awareness.
Market penetration through 2FA solutions is quite
high, about 70% of respondents declare the use
of a double authorization mechanism. The imple-
mentation of the PSD2 directive by the banking
sector will further promote the use and awareness
of these solutions.
Only 3.8% of people indicated photocopying their
ID as a form of phishing. This shows the lack of
awareness of the consequences of such behavior
among the respondents. The solution to this prob-
lem was to be the Act of 22 November 2018 on
public documents (Polish Parliament, 2018b), but
the interpretation of the provisions in relation to
financial institutions is still not clear.
1/3 of respondents cannot answer at what level
they have set limits, e.g. cash withdrawals or
transfer amounts. 22% of respondents use lim-
its of over PLN 3,000, including 9% set over PLN
5,000. Given the average earnings in Poland for
2019, which is PLN 3,600 net, these people risk
losing almost all of their earnings.
Over 60% of respondents verify the bank’s web-
site by checking the ”green padlock”, similarity of
the website’s graphics and the HTTPS protocol in
the address bar, but they are still not sure if this is
enough. Only about 9% of respondents check the
site’s certificate.
Over half of the respondents (approx. 63%) are
aware of the reality of cyber threats on their fi-
nances. On the one hand, it still shows a lot of
room for education of users, while on the other
it calms down a bit, showing that awareness of
threats arising from cyberspace is growing every
year (The Conference of Financial Companies in
Poland, 2018).
Only a small number of people surveyed (about
8%) directly experienced a cyber-attack on their
finances or data, hence most of the respondents
cannot imagine how this situation looks like and
what their emotions are. It is foreign and distant
to them.
The popularity of applications for electronic pay-
ments such as GooglePay or ApplePay is not
large, less than 13% of users declare their use.
This is probably due to the high availability of var-
ious mobile and electronic payment mechanisms
in Poland (Shoper, 2019), hence the need to use
these specific is not great.
Summing up our research, we identify the evident
need to match security solutions and communica-
tion methods to several existing client archetypes, be-
cause they are characterized by distinctly different
needs and approach to the issue of electronic bank-
ing. Among the diversified surveyed group, there are
still large gaps in knowledge and awareness regarding
cybersecurity issues when using digital banking solu-
tions. The good news is that an increasing number of
people know and use the second verification factor as
well as point out biometrics as an alternative to stan-
dard security mechanisms. Efforts should be made to
constantly educate the market and customers in co-
operation with institutions and companies that have
recognition among customers.
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
As the main focus for future work in this area
we would like to investigate in more detail the us-
age of second security factor (i.e. biometrics, tokens)
in mobile banking security systems and apps. What
is also important in the context of banking security
is the General Data Protection Regulation (European
Parliament, 2016) and its impact on security mecha-
nism and at least data processing and storing, includ-
ing backups and erasing data on customer demand.
What should be addressed here is appropriate mecha-
nisms fulfilling both banking law and GDPR, which is
challenging, especially in the prospect of implement-
ing the PSD2. We will create assesment criteria to
perform preliminary evaluation of Polish and Euro-
pean Banks in the first place, we will quantify the an-
swers and assign scoring for each criteria. We also
want to extend our study to other coutries, in Europe
as well as in Asia and North America.
We would like to express our gratitude to our col-
league Klaudia Winiarska for support during inves-
tigating these issues, brainstorming and contestation
of assumptions.
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Security of Digital Banking Systems in Poland: Users Study 2019