new services. We believe that our research will help
to capture aspects that were not included in the prepa-
ration and design of services and systems by banks or
state administration. We want to shed new light on
the financial services ecosystem from a user perspec-
tive that is not uniform. This paper is essence extract
of full research conducted in this area. It presents and
summarises the main assumptions and results.
1.2 State of the Art
In the area of electronic banking, research is ongoing
to monitor the state of its development, availability of
services, threats and the structure of users. Thanks to
the activity of the Polish Bank Association (ZBP) the
Bank Cybersecurity Center was established, which
monitors incidents and threats in the network, and
coordinates and manages difficult situations. ZBP
also regularly publishes reports on topics related to
the level of adoption of banking services in the coun-
try, as well as security issues. It is worth quoting the
2018 report on the ”Cybersecure Portfolio” (Zwiazek
Bankow Polskich, 2018) indicating the behavior and
preferences of banking customers as well as paper
”PSD2 and Open Banking - Revolution or evolution?”
(Zwiazek Bankow Polskich, 2019b) looking at the is-
sues of open banking and the PSD2 directive, as well
as business opportunities and threats to the fintech
market. Thanks to the cooperation of the Conference
of Financial Companies in Poland and EY, an annual
report (since 2009) on fraud in the financial sector is
created (The Conference of Financial Companies in
Poland, 2018). The report presents changes in the
digital banking services market, new threats and pol-
icy changes for financial institutions. In 2019, Mas-
terCard performed research in the context of Polish
consumers’ attitudes towards online shopping, taking
into account the upcoming changes in e-commerce
payments. The result of their work is the ”Secure
e-shopping” report. The authors prove that biomet-
rics will become the standard for confirming iden-
tity in payments. In addition, more than 75% of re-
spondents believe that strong authentication of online
card payments, which will enter into force in mid-
September 2019, is needed, which clearly sets a new
trend in banking. In 2016, Polish users’ preferences,
their attitudes and level of awareness in relation to the
security of mobile devices and biometrics were exa-
minded. This work resulted in the report ”Security
and biometrics of mobile devices in Poland. User
surveys 2016” (Wodo and Ławniczak, 2016). The
study distinguished four main types of users of mo-
bile devices and applications, assigning them charac-
teristic features, views and behaviors. Disturbingly,
more than half of the users showed nonchalance and
carefree approach to security aspects, they did not at-
tach importance to the value of their data and identity.
The most important conclusion of the report is that it
is impossible to create one universal solution that re-
sponds to all security needs of mobile device users.
Security systems should be designed with a specific
audience in mind that combines similar characteris-
tics, views and needs. The topic of corporate banking
security was in turn taken up by KPMG, preparing the
2018 report on Mobile Technology Security (KPMG,
2018). The report shows that companies are more at-
tentive to security than individual customers. Over
half of the surveyed companies use mobile devices in
their business practice, and 76% of organizations do
not allow the processing of company data on employ-
ees’ private mobile devices. Over half of the compa-
nies enforce authentication for access to a mobile de-
vice and only install mobile applications approved by
the organization. Yubico sponsored research in 2019
devoted to users’ approach to passwords and identity
authentication security, resulting in the State of Pass-
word and Authentication Security Behaviors Report
(Ponemon Institute LLC, 2019). The study was con-
ducted in the United States, Great Britain, Germany
and France on a sample of 1,761 people involved in IT
technologies. Interestingly, over 57% of respondents
said that due to the fact that password management
is inconvenient and cumbersome, they would like to
use alternative methods to authenticate their identity.
56% of respondents were in favor of using dongles.
The report shows that the use of two-factor authenti-
cation is not common, 67% of respondents do not use
2FA in any form in their personal lives, and 55% do
not even use it at work.
In order to analyze the situation in the area of security
technology of electronic and mobile banking services
in Poland, exploratory research on the user market
was carried out using the Design Thinking method-
ology. It is a method of creating innovative products
and services based on a deep understanding of users’
problems and needs, developed at Stanford Univer-
sity in California (Brown, 2009). The main assump-
tion of this method is to focus on the user, because it
is he who will bring the answer to the guiding ques-
tions related to awareness and approach to electronic
banking security systems. In order for the proposed
solution to reach maturity, it should undergo several
project cycles during which it will verify the decisions
taken and the directions of work chosen, and above
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy