This paper introduces rBPMN, a valid BPMN exten-
sion for unreliable communication environments with
limited, delayed, intermittent or broken connectivity.
Using rBPMN, domain experts may model robust sce-
narios with dynamic alternatives for failing message
transfers. Users may verify and enhance scenario ro-
bustness prior to runtime.
The BPMN meta model has been extended with
opportunistic message flows, enabling the definition
of QoS parameters and connectivity characteristics
for robustness verification. Alternatives may be de-
scribed explicitly with priorities or implicitly using
decision criteria to be evaluated dynamically by de-
cision engines. In case of no connectivity, locally
moved functionality of other actors/system parts guar-
antees stable process operation. rBPMN has been de-
signed as a lightweight, but powerful set of extension
concepts. It is extendable by more complex param-
eters and criteria for decision taking and robustness
verification, if required.
Further research objectives include practical eval-
uations of the proposed concepts for opportunistic
messaging, moveable functionality and dynamic de-
cision taking. In addition, research on a tool for as-
sisted troubleshooting of robustness issues seems to
be a promising help for domain experts.
The presented work is part of the OPeRAte project
(OPeRAte, 2019). OPeRAte is supported by funds
of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
(BMEL) based on a decision of the Parliament of the
Federal Republic of Germany via the Federal Office
for Agriculture and Food (BLE) under the innovation
support program.
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