the arrival rate of HP packets increases, the mean
number of tokens in the system decreases and the
mean number of HP and LP packets increases.
Finally we study the effect of leakage on the mean
number of tokens, HP and LP packets in the system
shown in Figure 6. As the rate of leakage increases,
the mean number of tokens in the system decreases
and the mean number of LP and HP packets increases.
The proposed models developed as Geo/Geo/1/k
systems shows that the proposed model illustrates the
effect of leakage on the mean number of tokens and
packets in the system.
In this paper, the performance of an energy harvest-
ing sensor node assuming data transmission and en-
ergy leakage was analysed. To this end, three models
were investigated. Two of the models had an energy
harvesting node which was modelled as a stochastic
system with two queues, one for data packets and the
other energy packets. We investigated the node when
a leakage is imposed on the energy buffer. To fur-
ther investigate the node, a third model was devel-
oped to observe the effect of priority. We showed
that the each of proposed systems can be described by
a Quasi-Birth-Death process (QBD). This allowed us
to obtain the performance measures using the matrix-
geometric methods. The simulations carried out re-
vealed the effect of leakage on the mean number of
tokens and packets in the system. Future work will
address the threshold case, when a threshold is im-
posed on the token buffer. When the token buffer is
below a specified level then the transmission of low
priority packets will be halted and only high priority
packets will be transmitted.
The authors would like to thank the South African Re-
search Chairs Initiative (SARChI) in Advanced Sen-
sor Networks (ASN) and SENTECH for their finan-
cial support in making this work possible.
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