Table 1: Performance comparison of schemes with different
SNR levels at the bandwidth of 20 MHz.
TOD positions in the edges of radar pulse. The
drawback of these approaches is the edges of radar
pulse are deformed critically under the effect of
noise in low–SNR levels. Therefore, it is very dif-
ficult to estimate correctly in such conditions. By
applying the state-of-the art techniques in the pro-
posed Denoising Net and Edge–Detection Nets,
DeepIQ can mitigate the effect of noise as well
as achieve a significant improvement of detection
accuracy in severe conditions.
In this paper, we have introduced a hierarchical con-
volution neural network scheme, DeepIQ, for the de-
tection of radar pulses with various waveforms over
a wide range of SNR levels. The proposed scheme
is obtained by assembling 5 sub-convolution neural
network that are in charge of 3 different roles: clas-
sification, denoising, and edge detection. These net-
works are trained on radar I/Q segments of a fixed
length. The simulation results show that DeepIQ sig-
nificantly outperforms the Threshold-based Edge De-
tection (TED) scheme (Iglesias et al., 2014) and our
previous work (Nguyen et al., 2019) especially for
low SNR levels. The shortcoming of our method is
its computation time, about 0.44 µs/sample on one
GPU, which is still far from the real-time target,
12.8 ns/sample. Future work should focus on com-
pressing DeepIQ’s sub-networks as suggested in (Han
et al., 2016).
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A Hierarchical Convolution Neural Network Scheme for Radar Pulse Detection