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Here, the position-based MILP model used for the
comparison is described. It was originally proposed in
(Che et al., 2017) to minimize the total tardiness and
idle energy on a single machine with a single power-
saving mode.
Reference Model
The idea of the model is to represent all possible
positions to which the individual jobs can be as-
signed. The variable representing the completion time
is linked with the position instead of the job. A set
of constraints assure that if a job is assigned to some
position, its completion time is bounded (by the dead-
line, neighboring jobs, etc.). Following decision vari-
ables are used:
Binary variable; if job J
is assigned to position
l on machine M
. then x
= 1, otherwise 0
Binary variable; if there is turn-off-on opera-
tion immediately after l-th job is processed on
machine M
, then y
= 1, otherwise 0
On Idle Energy Consumption Minimization in Production: Industrial Example and Mathematical Model