We propose the discrete version of the Focus
Group Optimization Algorithm (FGOA) for
solving CSPs. In this regard, we described in
details all the necessary steps needed for DFGOA.
Moreover, in order to deal with local optimum, we
devised and proposed a new method for
diversifying the potential solutions. The
performances of DFGOA when augmented with
this diversification method have been assessed by
conducting experiments on random CSP instances
generated by the model RB. Comparing to other
metaheuristics as well as systematic search
methods, DFGOA shows better running time even
for the hardest instances.
In the near future, we plan to apply the
DFGOA for solving different variants of the CSP.
First, we will tackle over-constrained CSPs. In this
particular case, a solution does not exist and the
goal is to find one that maximizes the total number
of solved constraints. This latter problem is called
the max-CSP.
We will also consider the case where CSPs are
solved in a dynamic environment. In this regard,
the challenge is to solve the problem, in an
incremental way, when constraints are added or
removed dynamically.
Finally, we will consider the case where
constraints are managed together with quantitative
preferences. This problem is captured with the
weighted CSP (Schiex, Fargier, & Verfaillie,
1995), where two types of constraints are
considered: soft constraint that can be violated
with associated costs and hard constraints that
must be satisfied. The goal here is to find an
optimal solution satisfying all the hard constraints
while minimizing the total cost related to soft
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Discrete Focus Group Optimization Algorithm for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems