gies and given birth to new approaches such as Prog-
nostics and Health Management (PHM). At the same
time, data management has also become a challenge
that can be neglected no more. As we believe that
ES are relevant solutions for implementing PHM so-
lutions due to their ability to capitalize and process
available knowledge on a systems and its failures, we
propose to combine this systems with CEP solutions.
The purpose of using CEP is to filter to flow of input
data in order to detect the relevant events for further
analysis. In order to match these systems we pro-
pose to implement a model transformation approach
to extract knowledge from the ES knowledge base
and transform it into CEP rules. This transformation
is divided in two steps. The first phase consists in
transforming the relevant concepts of the knowledge
base into generic rules. The second phase transforms
these generic rules into CEP rules conforming to the
Event Processing Language. The purpose of defining
generic rules lies in the improved flexibility granted
to the transformation and the possibility to perform 1-
to-n transformations between these generic rules and
EQL rules.
The limit of this approach is the current lack of
computing implementation in a real case, which our
future work will focus on.
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MODELSWARD 2020 - 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development