same radial distortion parameter throughout the tra-
jectory of the robot, as it estimates a new parameter
along with each homography. In order to enforce the
same radial distortion compensation, we may use his-
togram voting of the estimated distortion parameters.
In Figure 6 we have done so for the estimated para-
meters acquired during the parallel parking test se-
quence. The most likely parameter λ
is then used to
rectify a previously unseen image of the calibration
scene. While the rectified image is not perfect, it may
serve as a good initial solution for further non-linear
One cannot ignore radial distortion when estimat-
ing trajectories in a Visual Odometry framework. In
this paper we have considered radially distorted ho-
mographies compatible with the general planar mo-
tion model. We have proposed a novel algorithm
for estimating the homographies and showed on both
real and synthetic data that it increases the perfor-
mance compared to a general homography estima-
tion method with radial distortion. Furthermore, we
show, by incorporating the proposed algorithm in a
VO pipeline, that it yields satisfactory results in terms
of estimating the radial distortion parameter.
The author gratefully acknowledges M
ack and Martin Karlsson for providing
the data for the planar motion compatible sequences,
and Magnus Oskarsson for fruitful discussions
regarding the basis selection heuristic which made
the proposed solver faster. This work has been
funded by the Swedish Research Council through
grant no. 2015-05639 ‘Visual SLAM based on Planar
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