Figure 7: Different diameter beams tolerance analysis in the
manufacture error dove Prism. (
:45 degrees + 2’,
degrees + 2’) (a) Input light tilt tolerance analysis. (b) Input
light decenter tolerance analysis.
At present, the optical component tilt error was
less than ±10 arc minutes, and the decenter error was
less than ±50 μm. Therefore, in the current assembly
tolerances, the suitable beam diameter was 2 mm. The
2 mm beam diameter of coupling efficiency was over
80% in the tilt error ±10 arcmin and decenter error
±250 μm. The 2 mm cross-sectional area was 44%
smaller than the 3 mm cross-sectional area. The FORJ
could arrange more fibers and transmit more signals
at the same time. If the FORJ want to accommodate
three different communication wavelengths, he
position of receiver of FORJ required tuning range
from 0 to 400 μm.
In the paper, a misalignment and field magnification
tolerance analysis for the coupling efficiency of FORJ
was presented. It helped producers easily define
element specifications and assembly tolerances for
FORJ. The 2 mm beam diameter was the most
suitable for current assembly tolerances. The
coupling efficiency exceeded 80% when the tilt error
was ±10 arcmin and the decenter error was ±250 μm.
If the FORJ want to accommodate three different
communication wavelengths, the position of receiver
of FORJ required tuning range from 0 to 400 μm. In
the future, we could create a FORJ system according
to the simulation parameters. The practice experiment
data would compare to our simulation results that
used to prove our simulation results.
The authors would like to express their appreciation
for financial aid from the Ministry of Science and
Technology, R.O.C under grant numbers MOST 108-
2221-E-492-019, MOST 108-2218-E-492-010 and
MOST 107-2622-E-492-017-CC3. The authors
would also like to express their gratitude to the
Taiwan Instrument Research Institute of National
Applied Research Laboratories for the support.
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