Ontology-based Open Multi-agent Systems for Adaptive Resource
Petr Skobelev
1,2 a
, Alexey Zhilyaev
, Vladimir Larukhin
1,3 c
, Sergey Grachev
1,3 d
and Elena Simonova
Samara State Technical University, Molodogvardeyskaya Str., 244, 443100 Samara, Russia
Institute for the Control of Complex Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Sadovaya Str., 61, 443020 Samara, Russia
«Knowledge Genesis» Group of companies, Bolshoi bulvar, Office 1680, 42/1, Skolkovo Innovation Center,
129085, Moscow, Russia
Samara National Research University, Moskovskoye Shosse, 34, 443086, Samara, Russia
grachev@smartsolutions-123.ru, simonova.elena.v@gmail.com
Keywords: Resource Management, Ontology, Knowledge Base, Multi-agent Technology, Planning, Adaptability,
Flexible Production.
Abstract: The paper describes an ontological model of a planning object, which provides flexible configuration of multi-
agent resource management systems. The authors propose using the basic ontology of resource planning and
then building it up for significantly different domains. The key concept here is “Task”. A relatively universal
agent can be created thanks to formalized description of various classes of tasks based on this concept. It can
also be customized to a specific domain area. Based on the ontology, an enterprise knowledge base is created.
It contains instances of concepts and relations. The paper also introduces new classes of agents for demand
and resource networks. The authors then propose a new method of multi-agent planning using this knowledge
base. This approach has been already successfully applied in several domain areas through the developed
software package. The paper demonstrates that the use of ontologies can improve the quality and efficiency
of planning by taking into account multiple factors in real time, thus reducing the cost of creating and
maintaining multi-agent systems, as well as development times and risks.
With the increasing complexity of tasks, the ability of
a business to quickly adapt to changes becomes the
most important characteristic that determines
economic efficiency of the enterprise (Zhong, R. Y.,
2016). We can distinguish adaptability of the first
type, in which plans of enterprises change taking into
account new unforeseen events, and adaptability of
the second type, when changes affect the knowledge
underlying decision-making processes for planning
activities of enterprises, for example, products,
technological processes, capabilities of available
resources, etc. The combination of all knowledge and
data about the production object and the enterprise
itself is increasingly called the “digital twin” of the
product and the enterprise (Tao, F., 2017).
In these conditions, enterprise management
requires new approaches to automating solution of
planning problems, which should gradually become
more operational and flexible, rather than strategic
and long-term. In fact, production plan becomes the
necessary part of the enterprise "digital twin", along
with other parameters, such as the state of its
warehouses and machines at any given time.
However, high complexity and dynamics of
event-driven production processes lead to the fact that
traditional batch, centralized and sequential
Skobelev, P., Zhilyaev, A., Larukhin, V., Grachev, S. and Simonova, E.
Ontology-based Open Multi-agent Systems for Adaptive Resource Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0008896301270135
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 1, pages 127-135
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
computational models, methods and algorithms of
combinatorial or heuristic types cannot effectively
solve these problems with acceptable quality and
within decent time (Leitao, P., 2016). In this regard,
the task of searching for rational methods providing
for adaptive event-based restructuring of plans in real
time becomes extremely relevant and significant.
At the same time, experience in solving practical
problems (Rzevski, G., 2014) shows that the key
factor affecting the quality and efficiency of planning
is the professional knowledge of specialists who
determine semantics of the domain area and content-
related features of the tasks being solved.
These challenges make digitalization of
knowledge relevant and significant, especially in the
form that allows for computer processing, in
particular, for use in automation systems for planning
production resources.
One of the promising approaches to creating
automated resource management systems is the use of
multi-agent technology (Rzevski, G., 2014).
The proposed approach to creating multi-agent
systems (MAS) for resource management is
associated with the use of demand and resource
networks (DR-networks) (Vittikh, V. A., 2003,
Skobelev, P., 2015). This approach allows us to move
from the usual “centralized” vision of management,
where one single interest and one objective function
of the “whole” are dominating - to distributed
solution of management problem, where interests of
all participants are represented, valued and taken into
Moreover, solution to any complex problem is
formed evolutionarily, from the roughest and most
particular solutions to more complete and accurate
ones. In general, this process can be considered as a
non-deterministic process of agent self-organization,
since each agent itself makes the decision to establish
or break the links at a previously unknown time
(reviewing decisions made earlier is a typical step in
this method). At the same time, all the agents are in
the state of continuous identification and resolution of
conflicts with other agents. Conflict resolution is
implemented through various types of negotiation
protocols and mutual concessions with
compensations based on satisfaction functions, as
well as bonuses and fines (Mayorov, I., 2015). The
result of these processes is not a completely globally
optimal solution, which is often not possible to
obtain, but a rational (locally optimal) one, which has
the ability to quickly adapt to events in real time.
The papers (Shoham, Y., 2009, Easley, D., 2009)
show a number of important properties of such
methods and algorithms for planning and
optimization, which not only reduce combinatorial
enumeration of options and sometimes provide an
optimal solution, but are also intuitive, better
parallelized, resistant to changes in the problem
statement and have other advantages to become a new
tool for solving NP-hard problems.
At the same time, development of MAS still
remains more an art than a technology, and requires
great efforts from developers both at the design and
development stages, and at the implementation and
operation stages, as it is necessary to take into account
a variety of individual characteristics, preferences and
limitations of both participants of the planning
process and the actual enterprise objects (products,
machines, materials, etc.), which directly affect the
quality and efficiency of planning. The principal
thing here is that the structure and composition of
these requirements is difficult to determine in
advance, since they relate to “unconscious”
knowledge, and their next change is actually another
type of event to be processed by the planning system.
The basic principles for constructing multi-agent
systems based on ontologies were previously
formulated in the works of G. Rzevski and P.O.
Skobelev (Rzevski, G., 2014). In particular, the paper
(Skobelev, P. O., 2013) shows the structure of a
typical multi-agent system for resource planning, the
data model of which is based on ontology.
The proposed research considers the developed
principles of creating a basic planning ontology and
developing models and methods of decision-making
for resource management, as well as implementing a
set of software tools in which ontologies can not only
expand the set of limitations taken into account, but
also reconfigure the planning system for solving new
3.1 Requirements for Building an
Ontology for Resource Planning
In order to solve the problem of formalizing
knowledge about individual characteristics of domain
objects and processes, it is proposed to create a set of
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
tools based on the principle of separating the planning
logic and describing the domain area of the specific
problem to be solved.
Such an approach should make it possible to tune
the system to the field of application, describing the
enterprise model in a formalized way as an object of
planning with the help of a basic set of concepts and
relations of the domain ontology. Further, this
formalized description, which is an ontological model
of the management object (technical object or
production enterprise), will be uploaded into the
planning MAS for constructing a plan and its further
adaptive adjustment based on events. In this case,
each order or resource will be associated with its own
software agent and a variant of its behavior, which
will be adjusted to the specifics of its owner from the
knowledge base that describes, for example,
qualifications of a worker or specific features of a
technological process.
The knowledge base is used for accumulation and
formalization in planning of those knowledge quanta,
the storage of which in corporate systems is currently
not provided. Such a knowledge base that already
contains instances of objects instead of classes can be
built based on the domain ontology in the form of a
semantic network of classes of concepts and relations.
The scheduling tasks have similar features,
highlighting which, we can create a basis of concepts
and relations sufficient to describe objectives,
preferences and limitations of system agents.
Thus, any work plan of an enterprise is built on
the basis of orders put into production, each of which
is characterized by applicable technological or
business processes, preconditions for starting task
implementation and the expected result (product or
service) for each task, as well as resource preferences,
and time standards for performing the work.
The planning task consists in calculating the
schedule for executing orders, which determines
distribution of resources by tasks and the exact time
of their fulfillment from the point of view of the
following performance indicators:
• fulfillment of orders as early as possible or in
• increasing resource utilization;
• minimizing the average or maximum delays for
orders, etc.
The resulting solution must satisfy the
performance and resource schedule limitations. For
example, an unshared resource can be used by only
one operation at a time. If there are several valid
schedule options, it is necessary to choose the one that
is closest to optimal, since due to dimension of the
solution space or completely different criteria used at
different stages of planning, obtaining the optimal
result can be difficult and unjustified in terms of the
time spent.
Compared to the well-known and closest tasks of
constructing a schedule for Project Scheduling and
Job Shop Scheduling for machines (Shoham, Y.,
2009), the described problem statement has a number
of additional requirements, the most important of
which is growth of the number of individual criteria,
preferences and restrictions for each object, as well as
the need for adaptive schedule recalculation due to
events that change both availability of resources and
materials, and technological processes for execution
of orders.
3.2 Overview of Existing Ontologies of
Production Resources
Creation of ontologies for managing production
resources has been the subject of a number of studies.
One of the first known production ontologies was
the Process Specification Language (PSL) ontology,
which was developed as an independent language of
knowledge representation about the production
process and used for integration of various
applications (Gruninger, M., 2003).
In 2006, the Manufacturing’s Semantics Ontology
(MASON) was published, designed to simulate the
production process and calculate costs associated
with it. The main classes of concepts in it were
resources (including materials and personnel) and
operations (Lemaignan, S., 2006).
Borgo and Leitao (Borgo, S., 2007) proposed their
version of production ontology based on one of the
top-level public ontologies (DOLCE) and expanding
it with domain-dependent concepts. The resulting
ontology determines taxonomy of products and
components, materials, orders, and production
In the paper (Cândido, G., 2007), the authors were
among the first ones to use the ontological approach
for automating the assembly line management
process, creating a MAS in which resource agents
registered their capabilities in the system, while
agents of processes selected the necessary resources.
Advantages of using ontologies in agent-based
resource management systems have been
demonstrated in (Vrba, P., 2009). The described
ontology focuses on such concepts as order, product,
production process and enterprise structure (grouping
of equipment into production cells, description of
product movement routes between cells).
Ontology-based Open Multi-agent Systems for Adaptive Resource Management
The paper (Usman, Z., 2011) proposes a
production ontology of the upper level, which can
combine the stages of design and production.
In paper (Wautelet, Y., 2012) the authors focused
on using ontology to match resources’ offer and
demand through the concepts of functionality and
competency. In (Minhas, S., 2014), application of
knowledge bases is considered in the context of
assisting dispatchers in planning of the production
process. One of the latest works (Sormaz, D., 2019),
proposes an ontology based on representation of
production process in three dimensions: structural
(relationship between processes and the used
equipment and tools, etc.), temporal (sequence of
operations), variative (ability to choose between
alternative processes, equipment and tools). A
detailed analysis of the current trends and the future
of industrial knowledge bases based on ontologies
was published in (Chandrasegaran, K., 2013).
Analysis shows that most ontologies are focused
on a specific area of production and mainly serve to
integrate knowledge from various information
systems or to simulate production processes.
Whereas, the aim of this paper is to develop the basic,
domain-independent planning ontology that helps
apply accumulated knowledge about the production
process in automated MAS for planning.
3.3 Structure of Ontology for Resource
The main purpose of ontologies and knowledge bases
built on their basis is to formalize the domain
knowledge in order to more accurately specify
requirements that must be taken into account in
applied systems, as well as to separate this
information from the system source code to enable its
editing and expansion. The ontology development
process consists in classifying domain concepts and
defining the format for knowledge representation in
the form of a finite set of concepts and domain
At the first most abstract level, the concepts
defined in the RDFS and OWL standards are used. At
the next level, it is proposed to use the planning
ontology, which consists of the most common and
reusable concepts, while details depending on the
domain area would be fixed in specialized ontologies
that extend the basic one. Thus, a separate
manufacturing ontology can be created to describe the
domain area of machine-building production. The
hierarchy of concepts can be specified in the more
specialized ontologies down to the level of a
particular enterprise. On the basis of the domain
ontology, an ontological model of the enterprise is
constructed, consisting of instances of the previously
described concepts including the enterprise
organization, description of products and
technological processes, equipment, people and tools
used (Fig. 1).
Manufactur in gontology
RDFSandOWLcon cepts
Figure 1: An example of ontology representation with
multiple layers.
Advantages of using this approach include:
• creation of a single basis in which knowledge is
described. This helps systematize and unify the ways
of representing knowledge;
• possibility of making changes to the structure of
knowledge representation;
• visibility and accessibility of large volumes of
complex structured information for users;
• ability to integrate heterogeneous sources of
3.4 Basic Planning Ontology
In order to “explain” to the planning system how to
work with the domain area, it is necessary to connect
its concepts and relations with the already known
ones (interpreted by the system and built into its
source code). A set of these concepts and relations
forms the “planning ontology”, in which all
abstractions for operation of the planning system can
be collected.
For the basic concepts and relations of the domain
ontology, it is advisable to choose those that
correspond to the main agents of the demand and
resource network, used for adaptive planning based
on multi-agent technology. Such concepts are: order,
task, resource and product (Fig. 2).
Resou rcegroup
Producedprod uct Consumedproduct
Consum e
rea djustment
Figure 2: Basic planning ontology.
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
In general, to form an enterprise model, it is
necessary to create instances of the following concepts:
1) Range of products used and manufactured (raw
materials, semi-finished products, information
products, documents, products, etc.). Description of
each type of product can be refined using additional
relations and attributes.
2) Composition and structure of used resources
(personnel, machines, tools, etc.). The following
properties are set for resources: productivity; work
calendar; rules for scheduled preventive repairs and
maintenance, depending on the operating time or the
output volume; readjustment rules determining
duration of transition to production of another type of
product; additional attributes and relations.
3) Technological processes for obtaining
products, which are an ordered list of operations. For
operations, standards of lead time are indicated: fixed
or depending on the volumes of products involved in
the transformation and resources necessary for its
implementation (by setting the necessary properties).
The time taken to complete the operation may depend
on the performance of the selected line.
4) List of orders containing information about the
manufactured product, its quantity and deadlines.
3.5 Domain-specific Ontologies
Applied ontologies contain classes of concepts and
relations that are specific for this domain, for
example, manufacturing ontology describes such
classes as “product”, “technological process”,
“workshop”, “equipment”, etc. (Fig. 3).
Tech nological
Worker Skill
require nment
Man ufact uringontology
Figure 3: Extension of the planning ontology to the field of
Some of these classes refer to the basic ones given
in the planning ontology, for example, the “Providing
resource” at the level of ontology of manufacturing is
represented by the classes “Tooling” and
“Equipment”. Additionally, classes of the general
purpose are indicated. These are not inherited from
the basic ones, but only participate in relations with
them, allowing users to describe properties of the
domain area concepts (equipment model, employee
competencies, etc.).
To solve the planning problem, it is proposed to use a
multi-agent approach, which is based on juxtaposition
of ontological entities of domain area and software
agents acting on their behalf.
Each agent is able to make decisions and interact
with other agents, which altogether form the multi-
agent system. Behavior of the MAS is not regulated
by any centralized algorithm, but, on the contrary,
arises from the local interactions of the agents
forming it. Each agent has a set of behaviors that
determine its response to messages from other agents,
or to changes in external conditions (events).
In the proposed approach, the schedule is built via
self-organization of software agents of the demand
and resource network with competition and
cooperation in the virtual market. The basic types of
agents are agents of orders, tasks, resources, products,
as well as the scene agent.
Objectives and limitations of these agents are
shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Objectives and limitations of agents.
Objectives and
To be fully completed
in the specified time,
with minimum cost
Timing, volume,
marginal cost
To be performed on a
suitable resource within
the specified timeframe
in the shortest time
Characteristics of the
required resources and
products, start and end
dates, relations with
other tasks
To be as occupied as
possible, minimize
downtime and
Work calendar,
unavailability intervals,
service and readjustment
rules, performance
To provide its storage,
minimize retention
Storage requirements,
delivery or production
time, consumption time
Identification of
bottlenecks in the
schedule, managing
activity of system
agents, interaction with
external systems
Time allocated for
planning, depth of
permutation chains in
the schedule
Ontology-based Open Multi-agent Systems for Adaptive Resource Management
Objectives and preferences of each agent are
determined through the satisfaction function, which is
a weighted sum of components that meet various
criteria. Depending on the value of satisfaction
function, an agent is automatically assigned a bonus
(or penalty), the amount of which is determined by
the bonus and penalty function set for this agent
(Mayorov, I., 2015).
The agent-based planning method is built on the
conflict analysis mechanism that provides the ability
to rearrange conflicting tasks in the schedule through
agent negotiations (by exchanging messages
according to specified rules). As a result, an
acceptable locally optimal solution is achieved, which
is further adaptively corrected in the “sliding mode”
on the given planning horizon.
The following is an algorithm for the planning
1) In accordance with the current state of the
scene, agents of orders, resources and products are
created. The scene agent sends a signal about the start
of planning to one or more order agents.
2) The order agent reads the technological process
for the related product and generates task agents
corresponding to the technological process and
operations arranged in a hierarchy.
3) The top-level task agent reads the concept of
the given task in the knowledge base and checks for
the presence of products used in the task, evaluates
resource requirements and selects a combination of
them based on assessment of its duration. The
procedure for finding placement options includes
analyzing the required resources, comparing
requirements of tasks and capabilities of resources,
coordinating times of availability of all resources, and
choosing the best combination of performers.
Moreover, as resources are selected, the system
determines a set of orders interfering with placement
on the selected resources (the conflicting set). The
procedure for determining a conflicting set of orders
depends on the type of resource under consideration:
an unshared resource fixes a conflict in case of
intersection of time intervals used by two tasks, while
the shared resource fixes a conflict if the total amount
of the resource used by the tasks exceeds the limit
value. After selecting a placement option, the group
task agent sends a planning request to the agents of
child tasks.
4) Agents of child tasks recursively search for
placement options taking into account limitations
determined by the parent task. Planning results are
reported to the top-level task agent, which clarifies its
placement or invites child tasks to schedule at another
5) The top-level task agent informs the order agent
about parameters of the selected placement.
6) The order agent proposes conflicting orders to
find another slot in the schedule, reporting their losses
in comparison with the basic (initial for the current
thread) version of the schedule. As a result, a chain of
permutations of tasks and orders is determined,
values of objective functions of those entities affected
by changes in the plan are calculated, and based on
this, the final value of the objective function of the
whole system is refined as the normalized sum of
objective functions of its constituent agents. A
permutation chain is successful (permissible) if the
value of objective function of the system is higher,
and the order agent can compensate for the loss of
other entities involved in this variant of permutations.
If these conditions are met, the changes in the
schedule are approved. Otherwise, another placement
option is determined.
7) After placement, the order agent checks
availability of products related to it by the “Produced”
relation and notifies their agents of the delivery time
to the warehouse.
8) This process continues until the condition is
fixed where no agent can improve its state
(satisfaction function).
9) The scene agent determines the agent with the
worst criteria for the system as a whole. The selected
worst agent is instructed to break ties with related
products and resources. The selected agent receives
an increased importance coefficient of the worst
criterion in the satisfaction function, so that agents
choose other options during the next rescheduling.
10) The agent tries to be scheduled again - if
successful, the process goes on to the next criterion
and the corresponding agent. If not, the agent reports
the amount of compensation that it lacks to achieve
the new criterion value.
11) The scene agent evaluates availability of the
currency in the system and if necessary, adds virtual
currency to this agent. As a result, the worst agents
iteratively “tighten” their criteria for the new values,
compensating for the losses of other agents via virtual
12) The process ends if the time allotted for
building the schedule is over, or if there is no more
room for improvement.
4.1 Support Tools
To implement the proposed approach, a software
package was developed, which includes a
management module, a user interface, an editor of
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ontologies, models and scenes, as well as a planning
module (Fig. 4).
Planning module
User interface
Editor of
models and
Knowledge base
Figure 4: Architecture of the software package.
The management subsystem is the server part of
web application that implements its business logic.
The editor of models, ontologies and scenes provides
creation, editing and storage of a digital model of the
planning object, providing a software interface for
access to available information. The data warehouse
is physically divided into two parts: ontological and
relational. The ontological part contains descriptions
of all used ontologies and models in the form of
triplets, while the relational part contains data about
all objects entered into the system (resources, orders,
tasks, etc.). This division allows users to combine
advantages of rigid, normalized and dynamically
extensible data structures stored in various DBMSs:
PostgreSQL and Mongo.
The main objective of the planning module is
formation and adaptive restructuring of the order
execution plan taking into account resource
limitations. The module creates and configures
instances of system agents based on the ontological
description of the planning object, provides a multi-
threaded environment for their implementation,
determines the order and algorithm of their
functioning. The module is built on Akka framework
that implements a low-level mechanism for
asynchronous messaging and thread-scheduling in a
concurrent environment. It allows creating thousands
of agent instances on a limited number of threads. All
created agents correspond to the base concepts from
the planning ontology and can be directly executed
without manual code insertion because all
communication protocols have been already
The user interface is the client part of the web
application that runs in the browser and implements
graphical interface for accessing the object model and
planning results.
The developed methods and tools were applied to
solve the following problems:
• production planning for an aircraft
manufacturing enterprise;
• planning for truck assembly;
• planning a well drilling process.
Despite significant differences in the statements,
all these problems were solved using one software
package with some improvements related, primarily,
to visualization of domain-dependent processes. At
the same time, all changes in the planning module
were not “tied” to a specific domain area and only
increased its general capabilities, which allows us to
make the conclusion that the product can be gradually
stabilized and can later be offered to system
integrators as a regular service.
In each case, the basic planning ontology was
used, on the basis of which domain-specific
ontologies and enterprise models were created. In the
case of aggregate assembly of trucks, it was possible
to reuse the ontology of manufacturing, expanding it
to the specific case of robotic tools. At the same time,
based on the needs arising in solving applied
problems, the basic planning ontology was being built
up and the logic of agents' work was modified.
General information about the number of entities in
the knowledge base, agents in the planning module,
as well as approximate terms of completion of the tool
complex is given in Table 2 (the number of agents
depends on the number of orders entered, the table
shows average values).
Based on the analysis, the following main
advantages of the developed approach can be
distinguished, since it helps to:
• significantly reduce the complexity and labor
intensity of creating a MAS for resource
• increase the number of factors for decision
• configure the logic of MAS without involvement
of programmers;
• reduce the costs of creating and maintaining the
described systems;
• use the same source code for different tasks,
reducing the number of errors and risks associated
with development.
Ontology-based Open Multi-agent Systems for Adaptive Resource Management
Table 2: Indicators of the use of a set of tools for solving
applied problems.
Size of
Size of
Size of
Time for
152 925 > 350 3 5.5
89 382 > 520 1 2
85 441 > 5000 2 3.5
In practice, it becomes possible to systematize,
accumulate, and formalize the specific knowledge of
enterprises that could not previously be separated
from the source code and which can now receive
additional value. In the future, it will enable us to
consider the emerging knowledge base as another
asset of the enterprise.
The paper proposes the basic ontology of resource
planning and possibilities of its expansion in domain
areas, making it possible to use the same set of DR-
network agents to manage enterprises in significantly
different domains. An extension of the multi-agent
planning method based on the ontological enterprise
model stored in the knowledge base is presented. The
paper also presents examples of using this approach
to control assembly of aircrafts, robotic assembly of
cars and the drilling process.
The proposed approach makes it possible to build
formal ontological models of DR-networks of
enterprises and flexibly configure multi-agent
systems of resource management without labor-
intensive reprogramming in order to take into account
specific features of their work. The created
ontological models of enterprises can be the basis for
creating ontological "digital twins" of enterprises,
applicable both for operational management and for
modeling the processes of development and
modernization of enterprises.
Research has been carried out and financed within the
Program of fundamental research of the Russian
Academy of Sciences in priority areas determined by
the RAS Presidium #7 «New developments in
promising areas of energetics, mechanics and
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Ontology-based Open Multi-agent Systems for Adaptive Resource Management