Phishing URL Detection Through Top-level Domain Analysis:
A Descriptive Approach
Orestis Christou, Nikolaos Pitropakis, Pavlos Papadopoulos, Sean McKeown
and William J. Buchanan
School of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, U.K.
Phishing Detection, Machine Learning, Domain Names, URL.
Phishing is considered to be one of the most prevalent cyber-attacks because of its immense flexibility and
alarmingly high success rate. Even with adequate training and high situational awareness, it can still be hard
for users to continually be aware of the URL of the website they are visiting. Traditional detection methods
rely on blocklists and content analysis, both of which require time-consuming human verification. Thus, there
have been attempts focusing on the predictive filtering of such URLs. This study aims to develop a machine-
learning model to detect fraudulent URLs which can be used within the Splunk platform. Inspired from similar
approaches in the literature, we trained the SVM and Random Forests algorithms using malicious and benign
datasets found in the literature and one dataset that we created. We evaluated the algorithms’ performance
with precision and recall, reaching up to 85% precision and 87% recall in the case of Random Forests while
SVM achieved up to 90% precision and 88% recall using only descriptive features.
The past few years have seen an outburst of high-
impact breaches and issues, showing that sole reliance
on traditional mitigation and prevention approaches
is not ideal for providing adequate protection against
such fluctuant environments. The Domain Name Sys-
tem (DNS), being one of the principal elements of
the Web, is not only a prime target for attacks in-
volving system downtime but is also used as a means
for the execution of further and more complex so-
cial engineering and botnet attacks. In the report by
Fouchereau and Rychkov (2019), 82% of the compa-
nies undertaking their survey reported suffering from
at least one DNS-related attack. The average num-
ber of attacks experienced per company was 9.45,
placing the average cost of damages at $1,000,000.
From the dangerously diverse and ever-growing threat
landscape, the most ubiquitous DNS-related threat
was phishing, with Malware, DDoS and Tunnelling
following closely behind (Fouchereau and Rychkov,
2019). FireEye’s recent report (Hirani et al., 2019) on
a grand-scale DNS hijacking attack by alleged Iran-
based actors, for record manipulation purposes, rein-
forces this notion.
Adversaries do not have to be networking experts,
nor possess knowledge of the underlying operation of
the DNS to misuse it. To execute a successful phish-
ing attack, the only thing an adversary needs to do
is to select the right domain name to host their mali-
cious website. Instead of merely choosing a generic
and innocent-appearing name, the process of select-
ing the domain name may include techniques such as
homograph spoofing or squatting (Kintis et al., 2017;
Moubayed et al., 2018; Nikiforakis et al., 2014).
One of the most popular approaches for dealing
with such websites is using blocklists (OpenDNS,
2016). It is simple and accurate as each entry in the
blocklist is usually manually verified as malicious.
The problem with the latter approach is that it re-
quires frequent updating of the blocklist through con-
stant scanning for new entries. Moreover, the systems
creating these blocklists tend to have high operational
costs, which lead to the companies requiring payment
to access them. Usually, adversaries that utilise these
malicious URLs do not keep them active for very long
as they risk being detected and blocked.
Machine Learning techniques use features ex-
tracted from the URLs and their DNS data to anal-
yse and detect whether they are malicious or benign.
Usually, methods which rely on the analysis of the
content of such URLs come at a high computational
cost. Blum et al. (2010) compute MD5 hashes of the
main index of their webpages and compare them with
Christou, O., Pitropakis, N., Papadopoulos, P., McKeown, S. and Buchanan, W.
Phishing URL Detection Through Top-level Domain Analysis: A Descriptive Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0008902202890298
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 289-298
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the hashes of known phishing sites. In their work,
they mention that this technique is easily bypassed
just by obfuscating the malicious contents. This limi-
tation constrains approaches to exclusively analysing
the URL strings to classify the URLs (Blum et al.,
2010). More recently, L
opez (2019), attempted to de-
tect phishing by using Splunk and taking into consid-
eration only the use of typosquatting (L
opez S
2019; Nikiforakis et al., 2014) and homograph squat-
To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first
attempt that takes into consideration all the forms of
domain squatting and produces an automated mecha-
nism to detect malicious phishing URLs, thus increas-
ing the situational awareness of the user against them.
The contributions of our work can be summarised as
The Machine Learning system is trained using de-
scriptive features extracted from the URL strings
without utilising host-based or bag-of-words fea-
tures. The domain names come from real-world,
known phishing domains (blocklist) and benign
domain names (allowlist).
The popular classification algorithms SVM and
Random Forests are used and compared empiri-
cally based on their performance.
The process is heavily automated as it relies on
the Splunk software, thus it can easily be trained
against new datasets to generate alerts when new
malicious entries are detected.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Sec-
tion 2 briefly describes the related literature with re-
gards to phishing; Section 3 introduces our method-
ology while, Section 4 describes the results of our
experimentation along with their evaluation. Finally,
Section 5 draws the conclusions, giving some pointers
for future work.
2.1 Phishing
Phishing as a term did not exist until 1996 when it was
first mentioned by 2600 a popular hacker newsletter
after an attack on AOL (Ollmann, 2004). Since then,
there has been an exponential increase in phishing
attacks, with it becoming one of the most prevalent
methods of cybercrime. According to Verizon (2019),
phishing played a part in 78% of all Cyber-Espionage
incidents and 87% of all installations of C2 malware
in the first quarter of 2019 (Verizon, 2019). In the
earlier report by Widup et al. (2018), it is reported
that 78% of people didn’t click a single phish all year,
meaning that 22% of people did click one. Moreover,
only 17% of these phishing campaigns were reported
by users. It is also emphasised that even though train-
ing can reduce the number of incidents, phish hap-
pens (Widup et al., 2018). Since only a single e-mail
is needed to compromise an entire organisation, pro-
tection against it should be taken seriously.
Cyber-criminals use phishing attacks to either har-
vest information or steal money from their victims
through deceiving them with a reflection of what
would seem like a regular e-mail or website. By redi-
recting the victim to their disguised website, they can
see everything the victim inserts in any forms, lo-
gin pages or payment sites. Cyber-criminals either
copy the techniques used by digital marketing ex-
perts or take advantage of the fuss created by viral
events to guarantee a high click rate. Vergelis and
Shcherbakova (2019), reported a spike in phishing
redirects to Apple’s sites before each new product an-
nouncement (Vergelis and Shcherbakova, 2019).
Regular phishing attacks are usually deployed
widely and are very generic, such that they can be de-
ployed to target as many people as possible. A Spear-
Phishing attack, instead, targets a specific individual,
but requires that information be gathered about the
victim prior to crafting a successful spear-phishing
email. A more advanced version of this attack is a
Whaling attack, which specifically targets a com-
pany’s senior executives to obtain higher-level access
to the organisation’s system. Targeted phishing at-
tacks are increasingly gaining popularity because of
their high success rates (Krebs, 2018).
2.1.1 Attacks
If the end-goal of a phishing attack is to ensure that
the victim is ultimately redirected to the phishing
website without being aware of it, then the adversary
needs to use several techniques to guarantee that. One
of those techniques is URL hiding , where the at-
tacker obfuscates a malicious URL in a way that does
not raise any suspicions and ultimately gets clicked
on by the victim. One way to execute this would be to
replace a valid URL link with a malicious one. Short-
ened links from services such as Bitly can be used
to obfuscate malicious links easily. There is no way
to know the actual destination of an obfuscated link
without visiting it.
Homograph spoofing is a method which depends
on the replacement of characters in a domain name
with other visually similar characters. An example of
that would be to replace 0 with o, or I with 1 (Rouse
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
et al., 2019). So, for a URL the spoofed
URL would be Characters from other al-
phabets such as Greek have also been used in the past
for such attacks. The Greek o character is visually in-
distinguishable from the English o even though their
ASCII codes are different and would redirect to differ-
ent websites. Content polymorphism is addressed, as
well, using visual similarity analysis of the contents
(Lam et al., 2009).
Typosquatting targets common typographic er-
rors in domain names. For example, an attacker could
use the domain to target users who in-
correctly type or to trick them into click-
ing on a regular link. Moubayed et al. (2018), combat
this issue using the K-Means Clustering Algorithm
to observe the lexical differences between benign and
malicious domains to extract features, and propose a
majority voting system that takes into consideration
the outputs of five different classification algorithms
(Moubayed et al., 2018).
Soundsquatting leverages on the use of words
that sound alike (homophones). Nikiforakis et al.
(2014), show that for a domain, an ad-
versary may use dot-omission typos (,
missing-character typos (, character-
permutation typos (, character-
replacement typos ( and character-
insertion typos ( They illustrate how
they used Alexa’s top one million domain list to
create and register their soundsquatting domains,
measuring the traffic from users accidentally visiting
them. Through their research, they have proven
the significance of taking into account homophone
confusion through abuse of text-to-speech software
when tackling the issue of squatting (Nikiforakis
et al., 2014).
Combosquatting is different from other ap-
proaches as it depends on altering the target domain
by adding familiar terms inside the URLs. An ex-
ample of this technique would be bankofscotland- or Research per-
formed by Kintis et al. (2017), shows a steady
increase in the use of combosquatting domains for
phishing as well as other malicious activities over
time. It is also reported that combosquatting domains
are more resilient to detection than typosquatting and
that the majority of the combosquatting domains they
were monitoring remained active for extended peri-
ods, sometimes exceeding three years, thus suggest-
ing that the measures set in place to counter these are
inadequate (Kintis et al., 2017).
2.1.2 Suggested Defences
The term Passive DNS (pDNS) refers to the indirect
collection and archiving of DNS data locally for fur-
ther analysis. In the early days of pDNS URL analy-
sis (Spring and Huth, 2012), where privacy was still
not considered to be an issue, the pioneer system for
malicious domain detection through pDNS was Notos
(Antonakakis et al., 2010) with its reputation-based
classification of domains. Notos extracts a variety of
features from the DNS queries and creates a score for
each entry to represent the likelihood of it being ma-
licious. A similar approach is taken for EXPOSURE
(Bilge et al., 2011), which is a large-scale pDNS anal-
ysis system developed using a gathered dataset of 100
billion entries. Bilge et al. (2011), differ in their ap-
proach by operating with fewer data compared to No-
tos. Khali et al. (2016) focus on the global associa-
tions between domains and IPs instead of looking at
their local features, thus addressing any privacy issues
as they only extract information relevant to their re-
search from the gathered dataset (Khalil et al., 2016).
Okayasu and Sasaki (2015) compare the performance
of SVM and quantification theory in a similar setting.
SVM was proved to be superior in their comparison
(Okayasu and Sasaki, 2015).
Since the lexical contents of malicious URLs play
a significant role in their victim’s susceptibility, squat-
ting detection should play a vital role in the identifi-
cation of malicious URLs. Kintis et al. (2017) use a
joint DNS dataset comprised of 6 years of collected
DNS records from both passive and active datasets
that amount to a total of over 450 billion records.
They found that the majority of combosquatting do-
mains involve the addition of just a single token to the
original domain (Kintis et al., 2017).
A novel approach is taken by Blum et al. (2010),
where URLs are classified without the need for host-
based features. They found that lexical classification
of malicious URLs can rival other conventional meth-
ods in accuracy levels (Blum et al., 2010). Lin et
al. (2013) propose a similar Machine Learning (ML)
approach, which can detect malicious URLs by focus-
ing on the URL strings. They use two sets of features
to train their online learning algorithm: i) Lexical fea-
tures, which are extracted by taking the name of the
domain, path, and argument of each entry, then using
a dictionary to remove less useful words from them,
and ii) Descriptive features are static characteristics
derived from the URLs such as total length or number
of symbols (Lin et al., 2013).
Da Luz and Marques (2014), build upon the work
of Notos (Antonakakis et al., 2011) and EXPOSURE
(Bilge et al., 2011) to detect botnet activity using both
Phishing URL Detection Through Top-level Domain Analysis: A Descriptive Approach
host-based and lexical features. They give a com-
parison of the performance of the K-Nearest Neigh-
bours, Decision Trees and Random Forests algo-
rithms, showing that Random Forests performed sig-
nificantly better (da Luz, 2014). Lin et al. (2013)
make the distinction between descriptive and lexical
features by separating the features derived directly
from the domain names strings and the features de-
rived using their bag-of-words model. They use a
combination of the Passive-Aggressive algorithm, to
classify their dataset, and the Confidence Weighted
algorithm, to alter the characteristic’s weight, thus
achieving more efficiency than other content-based
models (Lin et al., 2013).
Our approach differentiates from these as it only
emphasises the descriptive characteristics of URLs in
order to observe and attempt to improve the perfor-
mance of a model without taking into consideration
host-based or lexical (bag-of-words) features. More-
over, none of the approaches in the literature explored
the creation and usage of a model in a widely used
platform such as Splunk, to provide alerting capabili-
ties to automate the detection of malicious URLs.
As malicious parties continue to abuse DNS to
achieve their goals, the means of stopping them
should also be constantly developed. When observing
the literature historically, it can be deduced that mod-
ern approaches are becoming more focused on the de-
tection of specific problems. Therefore, following the
same trend, our work is assisted by the Splunk plat-
form to train and use a classifier to detect phishing
domains through their extracted descriptive features.
Figure 1 illustrates the architecture of the proposed
system. The technical specifications of our test envi-
ronment are an Intel Core-i5 CPU with clock speed of
1.70GHz, and 6GiB RAM.
3.1 Dataset Selection
The quality of the prediction of a ML algorithm is
strongly related to the quality of its training set. The
Machine Learning approach requires a supervised
learning algorithm, and therefore, the samples will
need to be labelled as either benign or malicious. To
reduce bias in our results, three tests were conducted
using a total of six lists, three allowlists and three
The first benign list was derived from TLDs in the
Alexa’s top one million domain list as of September
2019. This database contains one million entries of
Figure 1: System Architecture Diagram.
the most popular websites worldwide. As this list
contains domains ranked by popularity, we verified
their authenticity and content for the first five thou-
sand domains from this list. We therefore populated
our allowlist using the five thousand most popular
Alexa domains.
The first malicious list was created using Phish-
tank’s active blocklist (OpenDNS, 2016). The block-
list consists of more than four hundred thousand
phishing domain entries and is continuously updated
with active domains. Five thousand of those domains
were selected to populate the blocklist. The two lists
are joined, and overlapping domain names are re-
moved to avoid creating any noise. More entries from
the blocklists are included in the following tests.
As the Alexa’s database is not validated for poten-
tially malicious entries like combosquatting domains,
as proved in the related literature (Kintis et al., 2017),
we turned our attention to established datasets used
by the cyber security community. Therefore, the le-
gitimate and malicious lists provided by Sahingoz et
al. (2019) were used together in the second test. The
legitimate list is reported to have been cross-validated
and thus can be used at full scale (Sahingoz et al.,
2019). The phishing/legitimate URL set published
in Phishtorm (Marchal et al., 2014) is used in the
third test. The comparison of the performance of our
feature selection using each of the different sets will
be crucial in determining their relevance through the
elimination of dataset bias from the algorithm’s per-
3.2 Analysis
The previous sections have illustrated how miscreants
can misuse DNS in their attempts to perform phishing
attacks. From the knowledge extracted from the liter-
ature, a set of features was selected and extracted from
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
the gathered pDNS data. The set of features allow for
the classifier to divide the domain names into either
benign or malicious.
3.2.1 Feature Extraction
The Splunk ML Toolkit has no functionality for ex-
tracting features from strings, and therefore, the fea-
tures were extracted using Python libraries. The Pan-
das Python library was used to import the two datasets
into Python for the extraction of the features. We ex-
tracted a total of eighteen features from each domain
name in the DNS dataset. Since the benign dataset
did not include other details such as the TTL, cer-
tain types of features could not be derived. Therefore,
more weight is given to analysing the lexical charac-
teristics of our domains. The features are split into
two groups: descriptive features and statistical fea-
tures. The rationale behind the division of the features
into these two categories is that descriptive features
are variables derived directly from the domains while
statistical features are derived from applying mathe-
matical statistic operations on either the strings them-
selves or the descriptive features.
3.2.2 Descriptive Features
The descriptive features that were extracted from each
domain name string are distinguished in the length,
number of unique characters, numbers and symbols
in the URL, in the domain, and in domain suffix. Ma-
licious domain names tend to have a higher number
of symbols or numbers than benign ones, either be-
cause of squatting or because they are randomly gen-
erated. Therefore, we extracted features to represent
the number of symbols and numbers found in the dif-
ferent parts of the domain.
Malicious domains also tend to be longer than be-
nign ones (Moubayed et al., 2018). However, after
observing the entries in the phishing dataset, it was
noticed that many entries would have longer subdo-
mains but short domains. This would mean that even
though they would look disproportionate, they would
still be flagged benign as their length is similar to be-
nign entries. To counter this issue, features were set
to contain the length of each domain part.
The number of unique characters also differs in
malicious URLs because legitimate website owners
tend to choose simpler and easier to remember words
for their URLs. Using this reasoning, the number of
unique characters in the domain and suffix of each
URL was used to populate the features. Moreover,
since those unique characters are often numbers, fea-
tures were selected to represent the number of nu-
meric characters present in each URL.
3.2.3 Statistical Features
Features to constitute the character continuity rate of
the domain and suffix were selected. In general, as
mentioned earlier, website owners tend to choose sim-
pler names for memorisation purposes. Because sim-
pler domain names are usually more expensive to buy,
it is unlikely that the attackers will pay large sums for
a domain that will most likely serve them for a short
period. Lin et al. (2013), use this idea to design the
character continuity rate feature. To create this fea-
ture, the domain name is split into tokens of sequen-
tial characters based on their type (letter, number or
symbol). Once the domain is split, the length of each
token is measured and compared to the other tokens
in its respective category. Then, the longest token for
each character type is selected, and their total length
is added together and divided by the total length of
the token (Lin et al., 2013).
To detect randomised domain strings or at least
detect randomisations within them, the features con-
taining the Shanon entropy of the domain and suffix
strings were selected (Lin et al., 2013). Shannon en-
tropy H is calculated using the formula seen in Equa-
tion 4, where p
is the chance for a character i to ap-
pear in a given string (Marchal et al., 2012).
H =
Equation 1: Shannon Entropy.
In our scenario, p
is replaced with the count of
different characters divided by the length of the string.
Standard deviation and mean of the entropy of the two
domain levels’ entropy were extracted to test if using
a more median number would produce better results
than using the initially extracted values of entropy.
3.3 Training, Application and Alerting
To train the algorithms, the training set containing all
the features and the malicious and benign labels was
exported. Splunk was set to monitor that file so that
if any changes needed to be made to it, they could
be updated in Splunk instantly. This experiment was
split into Tests 1, 2 & 3. Test 1 was performed using
a set of ten thousand data entries from the Alexa and
Phishtank datasets (Alexa, 2019; OpenDNS, 2016).
A 50/50 split was performed on the datasets for the
training phase using Splunk to provide a better out-
look of the algorithms’ efficiency by using one half
for training and the other for testing.
The chosen algorithms for this experiment are
SVM and Random Forests because of their reported
performance. Support Vector Machine or SVM was
Phishing URL Detection Through Top-level Domain Analysis: A Descriptive Approach
developed based on Vapnik Chervonenkis’ statistical
learning theory in 1995 (Vapnik, 1995). SVM is a lin-
ear model used to solve classification and regression
problems. It can be applied to both linear and non-
linear problems. Put simply; the algorithm separates
data into classes using a line called the hyperplane.
Random Forests algorithm takes the same parameters
as Decision Trees. It works by utilising multiple deci-
sion trees in order to improve the algorithm’s robust-
ness as well as its ability to generalise. The core idea
of it is to use a multitude of trees that will output class
predictions (Breiman, 2001).
Test 1.1 will examine the performance of the Ran-
dom Forests algorithm with minimal changes to its
default configuration of the parameters: infinite max-
imum depth, features and maximum leaf nodes, ten N
estimators and two minimum samples per split. Test
1.2 will take a similar approach against the SVM al-
gorithm, with slight alterations to the C and Gamma
parameters which are set by default to 1 and 1/500
Test 2 was separated into Test 2.1 and Test 2.2
to evaluate the SVM and Random Forests algorithms
using a larger dataset of 70,000 data entries (Sahin-
goz et al., 2019). Likewise, Test 3 was divided into
Test 3.1 and Test 3.2 to compare SVM and Random
Forests with the Phishstorm dataset (Marchal et al.,
2014). Test 4 serves as a what if scenario that allows
the comparison of all the available algorithms in the
Splunk ML toolkit to see if there could have been al-
ternatives not mentioned in the literature.
After training the algorithm, Splunk will be con-
figured to periodically fit the algorithm on a con-
tinuously monitored file so that any new entries are
checked immediately for their maliciousness. If the
algorithm is accurate enough, it will be configured
for scheduled re-training to ensure that it is up to date
with recently found phishing domain entries.
4.1 Results
The first algorithm to be tested was Random Forests
in Test 1.1. In Table 1, the performance of the al-
gorithm is evaluated. Moreover, the fine-tuning of the
algorithm’s parameters to achieve its full potential can
also be seen.
Test 1.2 implemented the SVM algorithm against
the same dataset as Test 1.1, with an initial precision
& recall of 0.89 and 0.87 respectively as shown in
Table 1. The algorithm’s performance increased im-
mensely by simply using a larger C value to increase
the hyperplane’s flexibility. However, reducing the in-
fluence of the points placed far from the hyperplane
resulted in a drop in accuracy. As shown in Table 1,
a precision of 0.90 and a recall of 0.88 was achieved
after the tweaking.
Test 2.1 evaluated the performance of the Random
Forests algorithm using a larger dataset containing
70,000 entries. Once again, the features were tweaked
until the perfect combination was found. As shown in
Table 1, the performance of Random Forests peaked
with a 0.84 precision and recall when 10 Estimators
(Decision Trees) and an infinite max depth of nested
statements were set. The alteration of the minimum
samples per split had no impact on the overall perfor-
mance, and therefore, it was kept to its default value.
The decrease of the maximum number of features to
consider per split negatively impacted the overall ac-
curacy and thus was kept as the default value.
The same procedure as earlier is repeated using
the SVM algorithm in Test 2.2. Using the default set-
tings with a C of 1 and a Gamma of 1/18, the algo-
rithm achieved a 0.76 precision and recall. In Table 1,
it can be observed that this time, the peak performance
was achieved using a C value of 100 and a Gamma of
1/500, with 0.79 precision and 0.77 recall achieved.
Table 1 shows the performance of the Ran-
dom Forests algorithm against the Phishstorm dataset
(Marchal et al., 2014) with 96,000 data entries in Test
3.1. Tweaking the algorithm parameters did not yield
better results and thus the default configuration of the
algorithm was kept.
Once more, the process is repeated using SVM in
Test 3.2 (Table 1). When a C value of 100 was used
the algorithm reached its peak precision & recall rates
of 0.81 respectively. Altering the Gamma value only
reduced our rates and thus was kept to its default of
After completing the experiments, the experimen-
tal setup of Test 3.1 was chosen to create a model in
Splunk. The model allows for the fitting of the now
trained algorithm into other datasets which are im-
ported in Splunk. Splunk was configured to contin-
uously monitor the input file to update any further ad-
ditions or removals. An alert was created, which runs
the query against the input file every hour and notifies
the user if a new entry is flagged as malicious. The
alert is then added to the triggered alerts. With this,
the automated detection system is complete. Finally,
the model is set to re-train itself using any new data
added to the initial dataset.
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Accuracy of Tests.
Random Forests SVM
Tests N Estimators Max Depth Max Features Precision Recall C Gamma Precision Recall
1 10 0.87 0.86 1 1/18 0.89 0.87
10 10 0.89 0.86 1 1/50 0.83 0.83
10 10 2 0.89 0.87 10 1/18 0.90 0.88
2 10 0.84 0.84 1 1/18 0.76 0.76
1 0.81 0.81 10 1/18 0.77 0.77
10 10 0.80 0.80 100 1/18 0.78 0.77
10 2 0.84 0.84 100 1/500 0.79 0.77
3 10 0.85 0.85 1 1/18 0.79 0.79
1 0.83 0.83 100 1/18 0.81 0.81
10 10 0.83 0.83 100 1/100 0.81 0.80
10 2 0.85 0.85 100 1/500 0.80 0.79
4.2 Evaluation
The outcomes of Tests 1.1 & 1.2 established that
SVM performed slightly better than Random Forests.
With Random Forests, the precision & recall rates did
not vary significantly when changing the algorithm’s
parameters. Decreasing the Gamma value in SVM
however proved to have great significance on its re-
sults, indicating that even the furthest points from the
hyperplane were of great importance. The evaluation
of Tests 1.1 & 1.2 should yield better results than the
other tests due to the reduced number of entries.
The full dataset containing 70,000 entries was
used in Tests 2.1 & 2.2 as the benign entries were
already validated (Sahingoz et al., 2019). Test 2.1
hit its peak performance without any tweaking, while
Test 2.2 required a less straight hyperplane to do so.
The evaluation results of SVM and Random Forests
were not ideal for an automated filtration system but
are still usable in our experiment. This time Random
Forests was the predominant algorithm with a signifi-
cant difference in precision & recall. Overall both al-
gorithms achieved lower rates, the sudden drop in ac-
curacy of SVM indicates that Random Forests could
be more ideal for a large-scale application.
Using the Phishstorm dataset (Marchal et al.,
2014), of 90,000 entries in Tests 3.1 & 3.2 achieved
very similar but slightly better results than Tests 2.1
& 2.2. This means that the selected feature set is not
dataset-biased and is robust when handling new data.
Even though the achieved rates are not perfect, the
model can still be used in the passive detection of ma-
licious URLs.
While SVM performed better than Random
Forests in Test 1, Tests 2 & 3 showed that Random
Forests does not perform much differently when us-
ing a larger dataset, contrary to SVM’s performance
drop. Finally, Random Forests was selected for the fi-
nal model simply because of the stability in the out-
come it provides by utilising results from multiple de-
cision trees.
After the model was created, it could be used as
a standard search parameter in the original search
and reporting app by Splunk and not just in the ML
toolkit. This allowed for the easy creation of cus-
tomised periodic checks for new malicious entries in
the original dataset. In combination with a pDNS col-
lector, this finalises the automated phishing URL de-
tector. The feature for scheduled training could also
be very easily implemented.
4.2.1 Feature Comparison
After the publishing of the model, the summary com-
mand in Splunk was used to evaluate the individ-
ual importance of the features used using the Ran-
dom Forests algorithm. Test 1 indicates that longer
URLs (with more unique characters) tend to be ma-
licious. These however may also be the differences
between popular-expensive domains and unpopular-
cheaper ones. The results derived from Test 2 were
much more close, with the number of symbols in a
domain name being the most important one. For the
Test 3, the most important features are related with
the total length, the number of the symbols and the
character continuity rate in a domain name. An inter-
esting observation can be made about the similarity
in feature importance in Tests 2 & 3 and their extreme
contrast in performance with some features with Test
1 such as the number of symbols or character conti-
nuity rate. Another interesting observation is that the
character continuity rate feature presented by Lin et
al. (2013), had the third least importance of all the
other features in Test 1, while in their experiment it
ranked first. The count of numbers in the domain suf-
fix was of no importance as there were no numbers in
any of our URL suffixes (Lin et al., 2013).
Phishing URL Detection Through Top-level Domain Analysis: A Descriptive Approach
The precision and recall rates achieved here are good
enough to indicate that the approach may be useful
in real-life scenarios. They may not be ideal for an
automated filtration system but can still provide a list
of possibly malicious URLs, narrowing the list down
and reducing the human input required to spot them.
The sole use of descriptive features in a single clas-
sification may not be the correct approach if the goal
is to achieve the efficiency levels required for an au-
tomated detection system to work. If the system had
reached higher efficiency levels, then that would mean
that the multi-lingual domain classification difficul-
ties mentioned by Nikiforakis et al. (2014), would be
avoided. The purpose of selecting this specific ap-
proach was to further the trend of separate classifi-
cation of features seen in the literature by not con-
sidering lexical features. It is an essential step to-
wards understanding which groups of features work
best together so that future developed multi-classifier
systems are built knowing those relationships (Niki-
forakis et al., 2014).
The detection of phishing URLs is more challeng-
ing than the detection of botnet C&C URLs as by
their nature, phishing domain names attempt to mir-
ror the appearance of benign domains. In retrospect,
this model could have been a better fit for detecting
randomly generated C&C domains as their randomi-
sation would lead to higher entropy values, longer
URLs and would have used a multitude of unique
characters and symbols. This would yield higher pre-
cision and recall rates which would, in turn, produce
more accurate alerts once the model was published in
the Splunk search and reporting app. For the detection
of phishing domains, more focus should have been
given towards features explicitly targeting the detec-
tion of squatting domains (Moubayed et al., 2018).
This difference in feature importance between the
three tests as well as from other approaches in the lit-
erature suggests that the quality of the datasets used
can entirely change which features will be more crit-
ical for the classification. It is concerning how a fea-
ture such as the character continuity Rate, had so little
importance in the first experiment while in Tests 2 &
3 and in the literature (Mamun et al., 2016), it was one
of the most important. In the second approach taken
by (da Luz, 2014), their Shannon entropy features are
of similar importance to Shannon entropy of the do-
main and suffix strings in Test 1; high in the third level
domain and low in the second level domain. However,
in their first approach, which used a different dataset,
they differed completely, with both features holding
no importance. The positive evaluation of the Unique
Characters features by (Moubayed et al., 2018), mir-
rored their performance in the first test. The do-
mains’ length and symbol count features proved to
be the most important in Tests 2 & 3 but not the
count of unique characters; homograph spoofed and
typosquatted domains are the likely culprits responsi-
ble for this.
As demonstrated, it is possible to use the trained
model to make predictions against new data within the
Splunk Search and Reporting app. Though with the
current model, it would be ill-advised to do so as the
surge of false positive and false negative alerts gener-
ated would cause more harm than good. It would be
best, however, if a classifier with higher accuracy was
5.1 Attacks against Machine Learning
The best method of evading detection from a ML al-
gorithm is to just use an expensive domain name,
meaning that a wealthy assailant can operate rela-
tively unhindered. For this reason, a lexical analysis
system should never be relied upon exclusively, but
should be incorporated into a larger system.
The ML system is at its most vulnerable during
training (Pitropakis et al., 2019), as that is where hu-
man error can thrive. If a malicious entry is included
in the benign training dataset then not only will that
particular entry not be detected later, but other mali-
cious URLs with similar characteristics may also es-
cape detection. A malicious entry in a allowlist (poi-
soning) has much more potential to cause damage
than a benign entry in a blocklist.
A creative adversarial approach to invalidate a ML
system and avoid detection would be to buy a swarm
of malicious names with similar features and asso-
ciate them with malicious activity. In time, after they
are included in blocklists because their similarities are
known to the adversary, it would be easier to select
domain names which would bypass detection as they
would have a hand in the training. Although in a
smaller scale, this method would not have much ac-
curacy, it is always a possibility in a grandiose cyber-
warfare scenario. However, with so many resources,
it would be much easier to simply buy an expensive
As adversaries keep inventing different means of
abusing the DNS, the only certainty is that Machine
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Learning will continue to play a vital role in the fu-
ture of malicious URL filtering. In this work, the de-
scriptive features derived from benign and malicious
domain name datasets were used to make predictions
on their nature using the Random Forests and SVM
algorithms. The final precision and recall rates pro-
duced when only using descriptive features and not
considering host-based features were up to 85% and
87% for Random Forests and up to 90% and 88% for
SVM respectively. Those results play a vital role in
the understanding of the operational relationship be-
tween features and thus contribute knowledge into the
correct grouping of features and the creation of multi-
model classifiers. The features were found to have
significantly different impact factors than some other
cases in the literature, proving the importance of plac-
ing great care in the selection of training datasets. Af-
ter the model was finalised and fine-tuned, it was pub-
lished in the Splunk Search and Reporting app where
it was used against new data to generate alerts. This
was the final step towards the automation of the detec-
tion process. Scheduled training was also configured
using Splunk, furthering the system’s autonomy.
There are several research pathways which can be
undertaken to improve the performance of this sys-
tem, some being parallel to and some being stem-
ming from the existing literature. A great addition to
our methodology would be the use of a dataset com-
posed of real-world passive DNS data for the training
phase that would allow for the generation of more fea-
tures, thus leading towards the elimination of noise.
As we have a passive DNS infrastructure under devel-
opment, we plan in the near future to make use of a
higher volume of real-world data as training datasets,
which would lead to the further improvement of our
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