Learning will continue to play a vital role in the fu-
ture of malicious URL filtering. In this work, the de-
scriptive features derived from benign and malicious
domain name datasets were used to make predictions
on their nature using the Random Forests and SVM
algorithms. The final precision and recall rates pro-
duced when only using descriptive features and not
considering host-based features were up to 85% and
87% for Random Forests and up to 90% and 88% for
SVM respectively. Those results play a vital role in
the understanding of the operational relationship be-
tween features and thus contribute knowledge into the
correct grouping of features and the creation of multi-
model classifiers. The features were found to have
significantly different impact factors than some other
cases in the literature, proving the importance of plac-
ing great care in the selection of training datasets. Af-
ter the model was finalised and fine-tuned, it was pub-
lished in the Splunk Search and Reporting app where
it was used against new data to generate alerts. This
was the final step towards the automation of the detec-
tion process. Scheduled training was also configured
using Splunk, furthering the system’s autonomy.
There are several research pathways which can be
undertaken to improve the performance of this sys-
tem, some being parallel to and some being stem-
ming from the existing literature. A great addition to
our methodology would be the use of a dataset com-
posed of real-world passive DNS data for the training
phase that would allow for the generation of more fea-
tures, thus leading towards the elimination of noise.
As we have a passive DNS infrastructure under devel-
opment, we plan in the near future to make use of a
higher volume of real-world data as training datasets,
which would lead to the further improvement of our
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