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cally dealing with huge vulnerability lists that may re-
sult from security analyses. Therefore, our approach
defines both a methodology and a technical approach.
While the methodology specifies how to execute a
code cleansing project, the technical approach pro-
vides support in mitigating the vulnerabilities beyond
code or at least with minimal manual effort. The ap-
proach has been applied to an industrial field study
for evaluation. Therefore, the technical approach has
been implemented prototypically.
Currently, we conduct additional field studies for a
more reliable evaluation of our approach. We intend
to iteratively optimize our tool-supported mitigation
through code injection based on the field studies. One
issue we want to improve is the adaptation to individ-
ual development guidelines such as naming conven-
tions. Therefore, we need to provide a possibility to
edit the code to inject for mitigation.
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy