order was sorted by the duration. The average du-
ration of all keywords was 0.51. ”i-vector (3utter-
ances)” shows i-vector results using three enrollment
utterances. ”GMM(0)1st+4th (3utterances)” and
”GMM(10)1st+4th (3utterances)” show the result of
GMM(0) and the result of GMM(10) using three en-
rollment utterances, respectively. ”GMM(0)1st+4th
(2utterances)” and ”GMM(10)1st+4th (2utterances)”
show the result of GMM(0) and the result of
GMM(10) using two enrollment utterances, respec-
Table 4 shows the values of the results. Basically,
the performance increased as the duration was longer.
The performances of GMM(10) using two and three
enrollment utterances were almost over 90% for more
than 0.5 [sec] duration, and they were higher than that
of i-vector using three enrollment utterances even if
GMM(10) used two enrollment utterances.
Figure 6 and Tab. 4 also show that the aug-
mentation was effective for most of evaluation key-
words. The performance of the proposed method im-
proved in comparison with the i-vector method. Fur-
thermore, the augmentation method increased perfor-
mance. The results show that our proposed method
was effective for speaker identification using short
This paper proposed a speaker identification method
for even a very short duration of keywords recog-
nized by a NN-based detector. Because the feature
of speaker identification is keyword independent, the
proposed method can be used for various applica-
tions using flexible keywords. Moreover, computa-
tion cost for speaker identification is very small be-
cause the feature is derived from the NN of the de-
tector without any additional NNs. The identifica-
tion rate when using a conventional i-vector method
was 71.22%. In contrast, the performance of the pro-
posed method was 89.29% while maintaining low-
resource-cost computation. Performance of the pro-
posed method was clearly better than that of the con-
ventional i-vector method for speaker identification
using short keywords and few enrollment data values
with a low-resource computation cost.
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