Figure 1: Interaction outcomes of Type 1 asymmetric qui-
escent solitons for m = 0.2, λ = 0.1, ∆x = 10.0. (a) Merger
into a quiescent soliton for ω = 0.3, η = 0.2, ∆φ = 0.0, (b)
generation of three solitons (one quiescent and two moving
solitons) for ω = 0.81, η = 0.77, ∆φ = 0.0, (c) symmetric
separation for ω = 0.2, η = 0.14, ∆φ = 0.0, and (d) asym-
metric separation after multiple collision for ω = 0.45, η =
0.21, ∆φ = 0.0. In this and other figures, only u
is shown.
Figure 2: Examples of interaction of Type 1 asymmetric
quiescent solitons for m = 0.4, λ = 0.1, ω = 0.40, η = 0.2;
(a) Repulsion of both solitons for ∆x = 7.0, ∆φ = 0; (b)
multiple collisions followed by formation of two separating
solitons for ∆φ = π and ∆x = 8.35.
lead to a variety of outcomes, namely formation of
a quiescent soliton Fig. 1(a), generation of three soli-
tons (one quiescent and two moving ones) (Fig. 1(b)),
generation of two symmetrically separating solitons
(Fig. 1(c)), two separating solitons with different ve-
locities (Fig. 1(d)) and repulsion of solitons.
For larger values of dispersive reflectivity
(i.e., 0.3 < m ≤ 0.5), the outcomes of the interac-
tions become dependent on the initial separation. As
is shown in Fig. 2(a), when ∆x = 7.0 the in-phase
asymmetric Type 1 solitons repel each other. How-
ever, when the phase difference between the solitons
is π, and ∆x = 7.75, the solitons undergo multiple
collisions and eventually two separating solitons are
generated. Similar behavior has also been observed
in the case of Type 2 solitons.
Interaction properties of stable quiescent Gap solitons
in a coupled Fiber Bragg gratings have been investi-
gated, where both cores have cubic-quintic nonlinear-
ity with dispersive reflectivity. A noteworthy result
is that for low to moderate dispersive reflectivity the
interactions have similar charactersitics of NLS soli-
tons, namely the in-phase solitons attract and π-out-
of-phase solitons repel. On the other hand, for strong
dispersive reflectivity, the outcomes are affected by
the initial separation of the solitons.
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