OvenMotorControl: OvenMotorControl(turn,DoorOpenSensor, OvenTimerControl.IsThereTimeLeft);
OvenLightControl: OvenLightControl(turn,DoorOpenSensor, OvenTimerControl.IsThereTimeLeft);
OvenBellControl: OvenBellControl(turn,OvenTimerControl.IsThereTimeLeft, TimerOvenBellControlRingingBellState.finished);
OvenTimerControl: OvenTimerControl(turn DoorOpenSensor, ButtonPushedSensor, TimerOvenTimerControlDecideIncrementDecrementState.finished);
TimerOvenBellControlRingingBellState: Timer(turn, 4,2, 1,OvenBellControl.OvenBellControl RingingBellState active);
TimerOvenTimerControlDecideIncrementDecrementState: Timer(turn, 5,1, 1,OvenTimerControl.OvenTimerControl DecideIncrementDecrementState active);
Figure 8: The instantiation of modules in main for the SMV model of the executable model of Figure 5.
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MODELSWARD 2020 - 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development