terpolation merely re-samples the pixel values from
the original pixel value set, so that no smoothing or
ringing artifacts are produced. Nearest neighbor in-
terpolation demonstrably preserves the distribution of
augmentation images within the original image distri-
bution, which is apparent in preserved feature separa-
tion quality and classification capability.
It is not surprising news that one has to be very
thorough compiling and maintaining a training data
set for a deep learning system. But, since CNNs
are very powerful approximators of high-dimensional
data distributions, one has also to be wary when
choosing an interpolation method for image augmen-
tation. We showed that the wrong choice leads to de-
viations w.r.t. the original image distributions, caus-
ing distortions of the feature distributions, which di-
rectly affect classification performance and system re-
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ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods