nature of the time sequences well, while at the same
time enabling separation of targets. Classifying
targets based on noisy radar data using these features
can suppress the effect the noise, in comparison with
classification based on the raw RCS data.
The first and second features, minimum and
maximum values, are used as a measure of the range
of values that the time-series can take. The next
feature is the number of zero-crossings, which can
represent the oscillatory nature of the signal. The next
four features; the mean, variance, skewness and
kurtosis of the time-series are the 1
moments, where the sample mean is the average of
the time-series values, variance indicates the spread
of data from the mean, skewness is a measure of the
asymmetry of the data around the mean, and kurtosis
is a measure of how outlier-prone the distribution of
values is. The next feature is the energy of the signal,
which is the squared
norm. The last two features
are Hjorth mobility and complexity (Hjorth, 1970).
Mobility represents the mean frequency, or the
portion of standard deviation of the power spectrum.
Hjorth complexity represents the change in frequency
of a signal.
The RCS and IMF features for each time-series in
the dynamic bank
are concatenated into the tensor:
, where
is number of elements in
each feature vector, and
is the number of
training examples. is the number of possible aspect
angles, and is the number of targets in the database.
Each component in the feature vector is standardized
using the z-score normalization. The feature-tensor
has a corresponding label tensor:
. We denote
as the , element in
the matrix, where 0,1,…,1 , and
0,1, … , 1.
1 if training example
belongs to class , and 0 otherwise. The same feature
extraction process is applied to the signal ,
corresponding to the observed target, with
the corresponding feature vector, which will be
used to test the network.
In this section, we will describe the proposed neural
network-based classifier, and how it uses the features
to classify the aerial targets. Artificial neural
networks are mathematical models for solving
complex problems, originally inspired by the way in
which the brain processes information (Theodoridis
& Koutroumbas, 2003). The network is composed of
several layers of neurons, where the first layer is the
input layer, and the last layer is the network decision,
or solution to the problem. Neurons are nodes in the
network that take in a weighted sum of values and
produce a single output value, which is then
processed by more neurons in the next layer.
In order to identify the observed target as one of
the targets in the database, we use a 2-layer fully-
connected neural network. The network has one
hidden layer, and a softmax output layer that
normalizes the outputs into probabilities for each
target. The neurons in the hidden layer are defined by
a hyperbolic tangent activation function, which take
in a weighted sum of the values from the input layer,
and map the results to [-1,1]. We have found that the
network performs best when using one hidden layer,
with 20 neurons. Using fewer neurons led to poor
results, by being a too general solution, and using
more neurons, or more hidden layers, caused
overfitting the data.
In figure 2, the neural network architecture is
presented. The input layer has
corresponding to the number of features in each
feature-vector. The hidden layer’s neurons are
denoted by:
. The output layer has
neurons, denoted by
, which are
normalized in the softmax layer to obtain the final
Figure 2: The proposed neural network architecture.
The neural network is trained on the feature
vectors in
and the corresponding labels in
, as denoted in section 2. Training a neural
network consists of two stages, feedforward, and
backpropagation. Feedforward is the stage at which
outputs at each layer are fed towards the final output
layer. During backpropagation, we minimize a cross-
entropy loss function defining the error between the
desired values in
, and the network outputs at
the final layer. During the training process, the
weights are adjusted accordingly to give a better
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods