5.3 Special Electrical Requirements
Machines that are operated with three-phase current
were not considered in our implementation. The
switching of such machines cannot be done by the
switchable sockets we use.
With our prototypical implementation we showed that
by incorporating Open Source tools, it is possible
to implement a highly flexible system. Compared
to a well-established system like Fabman, we could
achieve a high cost advantage. On the contrary, our
system is still more expensive then any of the pre-
sented self build solutions in section 2. This, how-
ever, could be tackled by a different authentication
method. A way to achieve this would be the incorpo-
ration of a user smartphone and a separate app. A user
then could authenticate oneself with this app and cre-
dentials. Selecting and booking a machine could be
achieved by scanning a QR-Code attached to a ma-
chine. The FabAccess-API could be relatively eas-
ily extended to implement this functionality. Besides
that, other kinds of access devices could be used, as
the API is agnostic regarding the interfacing hard-
For machines that require ongoing supervision,
one could implement a deadman’s switch to the mo-
bile app.
During the project, we tested Z-Wave plugs in rel-
atively low amounts and frequency of use. A broader
and longer-lasting test is being performed. Despite
that, we did not test the use of other automation plat-
forms than Z-Wave. As most of the switchable plugs
can measure the amount of power that is currently
used, we would like to keep book about that too. For
ease of use, we are currently implementing an admin-
istration interface. Our system currently only sup-
ports odoo ass ERP system. One goal would be to
build an abstraction that enables other ERP systems
to be used with our system.
Besides the points discussed in section 5, one next
step could be to implement the remote sensing and
logging of the power consumption during an active
booking of a machine. On the data retrieval side, this
could be abstract by openHAB. Besides bookkeeping,
continuous sensing of the power consumption could
enable automatic detection of a finished process, for
example, a finished print job of a 3D printer, as the
power consumption presumably would be lower dur-
ing idle.
The source code of the FabAccess server compo-
nent and mobile application is available on GitHub
. With the emergence of this paper, a group dis-
tributed over Germany has come together intending
to develop an operational access system. The system
developed by us will merge into this newly emerg-
ing system. All future developments will also be pub-
lished on GitHub
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Building an Open Source Access Control System for Fablabs based on odoo and openHAB