Quantifying the Significance of Cybersecurity Text through Semantic
Similarity and Named Entity Recognition
Otgonpurev Mendsaikhan
, Hirokazu Hasegawa
, Yamaguchi Yukiko
and Hajime Shimada
Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Japan
Information Strategy Office, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Japan
Information Technology Center, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Japan
Cyber Threat, Semantic Similarity, NER, Text Analysis.
In order to proactively mitigate the risks of cybersecurity, security analysts have to continuously monitor
threat information sources. However, the sheer amount of textual information that needs to be processed
is overwhelming and requires a great deal of mundane labor. We propose a novel approach to automate
this process by analyzing the text document using semantic similarity and Named Entity Recognition (NER)
methods. The semantic representation of the given text has been compared with pre-defined “significant” text
and, by using a NER model, the assets relevant to the organization are identified. The analysis results then act
as features of the linear classifier to generate the significance score. The experimental result shows that the
overall system could determine the significance of the text with 78% accuracy.
The digital age has enabled various opportunities in
society and for business in general. However, these
opportunities also impose different kinds of risks such
as cyber attacks, data breach, loss of intellectual prop-
erty, financial fraud, etc. One approach to mitigate
those risks is the sharing of threat information via
platforms such as the closed and open information-
sharing communities as well as the threat feed gener-
ating vendors. The idea of sharing threat information
stems from the assumption that an adversary that at-
tacks a certain target is also likely to attack similar
targets in the near future. While information shar-
ing platforms have grown in popularity, the amount
of shared threat information has grown tremendously,
overwhelming human analysts and undermining the
efforts to share threat information. In order to identify
the significance of the shared information and rele-
vance to their organizations, the analysts have to pro-
cess considerable amounts of information and sepa-
rate the actionable threat information from the noise.
Even though there are approaches that automat-
ically share information between machines through
structured information sharing such as Structured
Threat Information Expression (STIX)
and its cor-
responding protocol Trusted Automated Exchange of
Intelligence Information (TAXII), the need to pro-
cess unstructured text reports that might be shared via
email or forums still exists. For example, dark web fo-
rums provide valuable threat information, if the noise
can be segregated, with less effort.
In our previous work we proposed a system to
identify the threat information from publicly avail-
able information sources (Mendsaikhan et al., 2018).
As a follow-up, in this paper we propose a novel ap-
proach to quantify the significance and relevance of
the threat information in unstructured text by compar-
ing the semantic representation of the text with known
important text and identifying the IT assets through
the Named Entity Recognition method. We consid-
ered the semantic similarity of the text and the num-
ber of entities as features of the threat information and
fed them through a linear classifier to generate a confi-
dence score that quantifies the significance of the text.
The main objective of this research is to seek
a way to quantify the significance of a text docu-
ment that can be customized to meet organizational
needs using existing Natural Language Processing
techniques and tools.
The specific contributions of the paper are as fol-
1. To propose a novel approach to analyze the text
Mendsaikhan, O., Hasegawa, H., Yukiko, Y. and Shimada, H.
Quantifying the Significance of Cybersecurity Text through Semantic Similarity and Named Entity Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0008913003250332
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 325-332
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
documents to identify its significance
2. To prove the viability of the method through ex-
3. Custom train the Named Entity Recognition
(NER) model to recognize IT related products
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 will review the related research and
how this paper differs in its approach. In Section 3
we will briefly review our previous work on an au-
tonomous system to generate cyber-threat related in-
formation. In Section 4 the implementation and eval-
uation of the Analyzer module of the proposed system
and the corresponding experiment will be discussed.
Finally, we will conclude by discussing future work
to extend this research in Section 5.
There have been a number of attempts to automati-
cally identify or extract cyber-threat related informa-
tion from the dark web or any other publicly available
information sources. Mulwad et al. described a pro-
totype system to extract information about security
vulnerabilities from web text using an SVM classifier
before extracting the entities and concepts of interest
from it (Mulwad et al., 2011). They tried to spot cy-
bersecurity risks using knowledge from Wikitology,
an ontology based on Wikipedia. Our approach dif-
fers in that we use common algorithms of Named En-
tity Recognition trained on a bigger dataset. Joshi
et al. proposed a cybersecurity entity and concept
spotter that uses the Stanford Named Entity Rec-
ognizer (NER), a Conditional Random Field (CRF)
algorithm-based NER framework (Joshi et al., 2013).
They focused on developing a more comprehensive
data structure, whereas our approach is to identify a
single label that is associated with a known IT asset.
More et al. proposed a knowledge-based approach
to intrusion detection modeling in which the intru-
sion detection system automatically fetches threat-
related information from web-based text information
and proactively monitors the network to establish sit-
uational awareness. Their approach focused mainly
on developing a cybersecurity ontology that could
be understood by intrusion-detecting machines (More
et al., 2012). Our research focused on building an au-
tonomous system that assists the human operators by
raising situational awareness.
Bridges et al. did the automatic labeling for an en-
tity extraction from a cybersecurity corpus consisting
of 850,000 tokens (Bridges et al., 2013). Their dataset
was the inspiration for preparing a similar dataset
from the whole archive of CVE descriptions. Jones
et al. attempted to extract cybersecurity concepts us-
ing Brin’s Dual Iterative Pattern Relation Expansion
(DIPRE) algorithm, which uses a cyclic process to it-
eratively build known relation instances and heuristics
for finding those instances (Jones et al., 2015). Our
approach differs by deploying an off-the-shelf soft-
ware solution instead of creating a new method.
ısio et al. developed a system to detect
cyber-threats from Twitter using deep neural net-
works (Dion
ısio et al., 2019). Their work has many
similarities with our work, e.g. collecting relevant
threats from Twitter feeds and identifying the assets
through Named Entity Recognition. Our approach
differs by extracting cybersecurity-related documents
and then prioritizing the relevance of each document.
Since this paper continues from our previous research,
the background of the research and proposed system
architecture will be briefly introduced in the subse-
quent sections.
3.1 Proposed System Overview
In our previous work we proposed a system to iden-
tify threat information from publicly available infor-
mation sources (Mendsaikhan et al., 2018). The pro-
posed system architecture is depicted in Figure 1.
Language Filter
Publicly Available
Information Source
Figure 1: Overview of proposed system.
The proposed system would scan the publicly
available information sources on the Internet to create
situational awareness and to assist the security analyst
in identifying risks and threats posed to his organiza-
tion. This method utilizes the Natural Language Filter
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
module to identify and filter the security-related text
documents. The organization specific textual data is
collected as initial training data and fed to the Train-
ing Document Generator module to prepare the train-
ing documents. The Natural Language Filter module
is trained by these documents and filters the security-
related documents. The collected and filtered docu-
ments are analyzed using the Analyzer module to gen-
erate meaningful threat information for the human op-
erators. The documents that have been marked as true
positive by the Analyzer module are fed back to the
Training Document Generator to improve the perfor-
mance of the Natural Language Filter.
3.2 Previous Work
In our previous work we implemented the Natu-
ral Language Filter module of the proposed system
(Mendsaikhan et al., 2019). We proposed to utilize
a neural embedding method called Doc2Vec (Le and
Mikolov, 2014) as a natural language filter for the pro-
posed system. With the cybersecurity-specific train-
ing data and custom preprocessing, we were able to
train a Doc2Vec model and evaluate its performance.
According to our evaluation, the Natural Language
Filter was able to identify cybersecurity-specific nat-
ural language text with 83% accuracy.
As a continuation of our previous work, this paper
focuses on the implementation of the Analyzer mod-
ule as described in the subsequent sections.
3.3 Analyzer Module
We believe the similarity score of a text document
with different types of documents at a semantic
level, along with the relevant named entities men-
tioned, could determine the potential significance of
the threat information in the text format. The theory
is, if a given text document is semantically similar to
a certain class of documents and also mentions spe-
cific IT assets in the form of named entities, the text
might be relevant and significant to the organization.
In order to prove whether our approach is valid, we
designed a system that consists of the following com-
1. Semantic Analyzer
2. Named Entity Analyzer
3. Significance Score Calculator
The high level overview of the Analyzer module is
depicted in Figure 2.
The collected threat information is analyzed con-
currently by a Semantic Analyzer and Named Entity
Conversion to
NER extraction
Text document
NER model
Named Entities
Sentiment Analyzer
NER Analyzer
Vector representation
of pre-defined text
Product names
relevant to
Similarity score
Figure 2: Overview of Analyzer module.
Analyzer. The Semantic Analyzer converts the docu-
ment into vector representations and compares it with
different types of document. The highest similarity
score for each type of document is fed into a Signif-
icance Score Calculator. Meanwhile, the Named En-
tity Analyzer extracts the entities that are relevant to
the organization and pass them into the Significance
Score Calculator. Finally, the Significance Score Cal-
culator computes the score that the human analyst can
judge to decide whether to consider it for further anal-
Each component of the Analyzer module is dis-
cussed in detail in the subsequent sections.
3.3.1 Semantic Analyzer
The semantic analysis of the text document refers to
extracting the lexical meaning of a text independent
of its written language. Since computers can work
only with numbers, computational linguistics achieve
semantic analysis by representing text in vector space
and assigns different meanings of the text in differ-
ent dimensions of the vector. For example, the word
“bank” could mean a financial institution as well as
geographical terrain adjacent to a river (as in river
bank). When the word “bank” is represented in vector
space, each meaning would be represented by differ-
ent components of a same vector depending upon the
context. Once the text is represented in vector space,
one way of performing the semantic analysis on the
text document is to compare the vector representation
of it with another vector which represents pre-defined
“significant” text. Comparing the vector representa-
tions of different texts is called semantic similarity
and the distance between the vectors would represent
the closeness of the semantic meaning between them.
We believe semantic similarity could be used to
define the significance of the text by comparing vector
representations of the given text with a pre-defined
“significant” text.
Quantifying the Significance of Cybersecurity Text through Semantic Similarity and Named Entity Recognition
3.3.2 Named Entity Analyzer
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is part of the infor-
mation extraction task in Natural Language Process-
ing. NER models are trained to identify real world
entities such as people, locations, organizations, etc.
Commonly known approaches to implement the NER
model consist of rule or pattern based approaches
such as identifying the patterns of entities with regular
expression or statistics or machine learning based al-
gorithms such as Conditional Random Fields (CRF).
Since every organization has different priorities
and are exposed to different cyber risks, we believe
the Named Entity Analyzer would help to personal-
ize the significance of the textual document. In other
words, by specifying a list of their IT assets in the
Named Entity Analyzer, the organization would be
able to customize the significance of incoming text;
thus, they receive the threat information that fits their
requirements. Conceptually, the organization speci-
fies the IT products that are relevant to them and the
NER model is trained to find similar IT assets in the
given text, as shown in Figure 2.
3.3.3 Significance Score Calculator
The Significance Score Calculator (SSC) is a func-
tion that outputs a fixed range of numbers based on
the given inputs. The inputs consist of the following
Highest similarity score with the pre-defined sig-
nificant text
Number of named entities found in the document
that are of interest to the organization
These inputs would serve as features to be extracted
from the threat information document to classify
whether the document is significant or not. Ideally,
SSC would be a linear classification system that pro-
duces quantitative numbers which represent the confi-
dence of specific item belonging to a significant class.
To verify the viability of the proposed system, the
experiment has been conducted by implementing the
proposed components using common open source li-
4.1 Implementation of Semantic
In order to perform semantic analysis through tex-
tual similarity, the given text is converted into numer-
ical vectors, also known as embeddings. Convention-
ally, vector embeddings were achieved through shal-
low algorithms such as Bag of Words (BoW) or Term
Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF).
These approaches have been preceded by predictive
representation models such as Word2Vec (Mikolov
et al., 2013), GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014) etc.
Since the utilization of deep neural networks has been
proven to be superior in different fields, various stud-
ies have adopted deep neural models to embed the
text into vector space, such as Facebook’s InferSent
and Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) from Google
Research. Perone et al. evaluated different sentence
embeddings and Universal Sentence Encoder outper-
formed InferSent in terms of semantic relatedness and
textual similarity tasks (Perone et al., 2018). There-
fore, for the purpose of this research, Universal Sen-
tence Encoder has been implemented as the Semantic
4.1.1 Dataset
Phandi et al. proposed a shared task to classify
relevant sentences, predict token labels, relation la-
bels and attribute labels of malware-related text at
the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
2018 (Phandi et al., 2018). In the task proposal they
have compiled the largest publicly available dataset
of annotated malware reports, which is called Mal-
wareTextDB and consists of 85 Advanced Persistent
Threat (APT) reports that contain 12,918 annotated
sentences. The focus of their work was on marking
the words and phrases in malware reports that de-
scribe the behavior and capabilities of the malware.
For this purpose, the authors utilized Mitre’s Malware
Attribute Enumeration and Characterization (MAEC)
MAEC is a structured language for encoding
and sharing high-fidelity information about malware
based upon various attributes
. Kirillov et al. pro-
posed MAEC in their paper (Kirillov et al., 2010) as
an effort to characterize malware based on their be-
haviors, artifacts, and attack patterns. MAEC authors
developed a vocabulary that enumerates and describes
the common terminologies used in malware reports.
Using MAEC vocabulary, Phandi et al. con-
structed four different classes that could describe
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
the actions and capabilities of the malware, specif-
ically ActionName, Capability, StrategicObjectives,
and TacticalObjectives. Each token from the sen-
tences of the APT reports have been annotated and
labeled as either Action, Subject, Object or Modifier.
Each Action token that expresses the malware action
or capability has been assigned to one or more classes
of ActionName, Capability, StrategicObjectives and
Each class represents the different actions and ca-
pabilities of the malware. For example, if the words
“prevent sandbox analysis” are present in the sentence
in the context of the malware’s anti-sandbox tech-
nique, then the sentence is annotated with the label
AntiBehavioralAnalysis and considered in the Strate-
gicObjectives class, whereas if the word “exfiltrate”
is present, then the sentence is annotated with the
DataExfiltration label and assigned to the TacticalOb-
jectives class.
We believe the actions and capabilities of the mal-
ware are of utmost importance to the human an-
alysts; therefore, if the given text is semantically
similar to pre-defined text describing malware ac-
tions and capabilities, the significance of that text
should be considered high. MalwareTextDB2.0 has
been utilized as pre-defined “significant” text and
extracted four different classes of text as described
above. For each APT report file contained in Mal-
wareTextDB2.0, starting from the beginning of a sen-
tence annotated as malware action or capability, 512
characters have been extracted to preserve the context.
Even though it is claimed that USE can work on vary-
ing lengths of text, we observed that better semantic
similarity is obtained when texts of the same length
are compared. Hence, in order to fix the length of
the text, we have arbitrarily chosen 512 characters. If
the same sentence is annotated with multiple classes,
the least frequent class assignment are considered to
evenly distribute. After removing the duplicates, in
total 1,927 sentences have been extracted into four
different classes, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Class distribution.
Class Sentences extracted
ActionName (AN) 275
StrategicObjectives (SO) 394
TacticalObjectives (TO) 231
Capability (Cap) 1027
Total 1927
From each class, 100 mutually exclusive sen-
tences have been randomly selected to act as pre-
defined Reference text. The sentences of each
class have been compared with sentences from other
classes in the Reference text and maximum cosine
similarity between the classes are generated, as shown
in Table 2.
Table 2: Similarity comparison between classes.
AN 1.0 0.9626 0.9672 0.9747
SO 1.0 0.9901 0.9275
TO 1.0 0.8757
Cap 1.0
From Table 2, it can be seen that the classes of
Reference text are semantically very similar to each
other. This is because all the extracted sentences came
from similar types of documents, i.e. malware re-
ports, contained in MalwareTextDB2.0.
The remaining 1,527 sentences have been kept in
order to train and evaluate the overall system, as will
be discussed in Section 4.3.1.
4.1.2 Universal Sentence Encoder
In the paper by Cer et al. transformer-based and deep
averaging network (DAN)-based models for encod-
ing sentences into embedding vectors have been intro-
duced (Cer et al., 2018). The USE models take vari-
able length English sentences as input and produce
512 fixed dimensional vector representations of the
sentences as output. Both the models have been pre-
trained using Wikipedia, web news, web question-
answer pages and discussion forums
Since the sentence embeddings from USE produce
good task performance with little task-specific train-
ing data, a DAN-based sentence encoder has been uti-
lized for this research in order to find textual similar-
ity between the texts in vector space, thus perform-
ing a semantic analysis. The DAN-based sentence en-
coder model makes use of a deep averaging network
whereby input embeddings for words and bi-grams
are first averaged together and then passed through
a feedforward deep neural network to produce sen-
tence embeddings with minimal computing resource
Prior to the semantic analysis process, vector rep-
resentations of every entry in the Reference text are
pre-generated using USE and stored in separate repos-
itories. Similar to the Reference text, 512 charac-
ters from the start of the input text have been ex-
tracted and converted into a vector representation us-
ing USE. Consequently, cosine similarity is computed
with each entry in the Reference text and the highest
similarity score for each class is considered as input
into the Significance Score Calculator.
Quantifying the Significance of Cybersecurity Text through Semantic Similarity and Named Entity Recognition
4.2 Implementation of Named Entity
We believe by identifying the relevant named entities
mentioned in the text document, it is possible to pri-
oritize a variety of threat information as per the orga-
nizational need. To implement the Named Entity An-
alyzer, a NER model is required that could be easily
retrained with low computing resources. Therefore,
off-the-shelf open source library spaCy has been con-
sidered for this research. The spaCy NER model has
85% accuracy, which is slightly lower than the state-
of-the-art model but more efficient on generic CPU
The spaCy NER model has been trained to identify
the organization specific IT assets under the label “IT-
4.2.1 Dataset
Training a domain-specific NER model is difficult
due to the lack of annotated training data in the spe-
cific domain. Fortunately, the National Vulnerability
Database (NVD)
of the National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology (NIST) provides the Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) in a structured
format that can be used to train the NER model.
Also, the Common Product Enumeration (CPE) of
the NVD provides structured naming conventions for
commonly used software and hardware products. The
CPE dictionary contains vendor name, product name,
product version, environment etc., in a Uniform Re-
source Identifier (URI) format, which can be ex-
tracted from the CVE description to be used as train-
ing data for the NER model.
By utilizing the CVE descriptions and CPE dictio-
nary from the NVD, a total of 109,635 CVE descrip-
tions, as of 8th July 2019, have been retrieved. For
the purpose of this paper, we did not specify any spe-
cific product, and all the products and companies in
the CPE dictionary have been used to train the model.
Ninety percent of the total collected data has been
used to train the spaCy NER model and the remaining
10% of documents has been used to test the trained
4.2.2 NER Model
spaCy’s Named Entity Recognition system features
a sophisticated word-embedding strategy using sub-
word features and “Bloom” embeddings, a deep con-
volutional neural network with residual connections,
and a novel transition-based approach to named-entity
parsing. spaCy’s en-core-web-lg model, which have
been trained on OntoNotes in English and also con-
tains GloVe vectors trained on Common Crawl
, has
been utilized as a pre-trained model. Named Entity
Analysis is achieved through further training of the
en-core-web-lg model with the training data obtained
from the NVD and adding a label of “ITProduct” to
identify the IT assets.
After custom training the model, its performance
is evaluated with a test dataset of 10,962 documents
that contains a total of 19,452 entities with the label
“ITProduct”. The trained model identified 13,713 en-
tities correctly (True Positive) and missed 5,739 en-
tities (False Negative) and misidentified 3,446 enti-
ties (False Positive). Using those numbers the per-
formance was compared with default en-core-web-lg
model, as shown in Table 2.
Table 3: Performance Comparison of NER models.
Model Precision Recall F1 Score
Default model 87.03 86.20 86.62
Custom model 79.91 70.49 74.91
The custom-trained model shows poor perfor-
mance compared to the default model. By fine-tuning
the parameters, it would be possible to achieve better
result in future studies.
4.3 Implementation of Significance
Score Calculator
The evaluation of the overall system could be de-
termined by the classification results of the pre-
determined significant and non-significant texts. Each
output of the Semantic Analyzer and Named Entity
Analyzer is inputted into the Significance Score Cal-
culator (SSC) to generate classification result that can
be used to evaluate the overall performance of the sys-
tem. The Support Vector Machine is chosen as linear
classifier for the SSC due to its efficiency with low
amounts of training data and the confidence score out-
4.3.1 Dataset
Since the main application of the SVM algorithm is
binary classification, the best result is obtained when
a balanced dataset of positive and negative examples
is used. Hence, the remaining 1,527 extracted sen-
tences of MalwareTextDB2.0 are considered as posi-
tive, i.e. “significant”, examples. For the negative, i.e.
“insignificant” examples, the same number of docu-
ments from the StackExchange discussion forum has
https://spacy.io/models/en#en core web lg
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
been utilized. StackExchange
is a network of ques-
tion and answer websites on various topics. As part of
our previous work, a total of 841,311 security-related
text documents were collected and from them 1,527
randomly selected documents have been considered
as negative examples. Both the positive and negative
examples are from security-related text, though the
positive examples consist of sentences contained in
official malware reports, whereas the negative exam-
ples consist of casual conversations around any secu-
rity topic on informal discussion forums. The overall
dataset construction process is shown in Figure 3.
Test dataset for overall
Positive examples
Negative examples
Reference text
dataset of 841,311
1,927 extracted
Figure 3: Dataset construction process.
Both the positive and negative examples have been
passed through the Semantic Analyzer and Named
Entity Analyzer, respectively, to extract their features.
Each entry in the dataset has the following five fea-
tures extracted:
Number of named entities labeled as “ITProduct”
that have been found in the document
Highest similarity score with the ActionName
class from the Reference text
Highest similarity score with the StrategicObjec-
tives class from the Reference text
Highest similarity score with the TacticalObjec-
tives class from the Reference text
Highest similarity score with the Capability class
from the Reference text
Once all the features have been extracted per en-
try, the positive and negative examples are randomly
mixed and fed to the SVM-based Significance Score
4.3.2 Support Vector Machine
The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a popular su-
pervised machine learning algorithm mostly used for
classification and regression problems. SVM classi-
fiers separate the datasets by finding a line or hyper-
plane by computing the closest points to both classes
of data. These points are called Support Vectors and
the distance between the line to dataset is called the
margin. The SVM algorithm maximizes the mar-
gin, thus giving the optimal classification between
The features mentioned in Section 4.3.1 have been
fed to sklearn
s implementation of the SVM classi-
fier. The sklearn’s SVM classifier can have different
kernels in form of functions depending upon the shape
of the hyperplane. Preliminary experiments revealed
that the Radial Basis Function (RBF) has the best per-
formance in our dataset; therefore, the RBF mode of
the SVM kernel was chosen and every other hyperpa-
rameter were kept as default. sklearn’s SVM classifier
can have three modes of output such as
Binary classification into two classes
Probability of item belonging to either classes
Confidence score of the item to belong either class
Since the objective of the research is to generate quan-
titative numbers that represent the significance of the
text, this implementation suits our needs. However, in
order to evaluate the viability of the proposed method,
an experiment with the test dataset was conducted to
generate the performance indicators, such as Accu-
racy and F1 score.
4.4 Evaluation Results
As mentioned in Section 4.3.1, a balanced dataset of
3,054 documents was used to train and test the SVM
model using a 10-fold cross validation method. The
maximum, minimum and average performances of
the 10-fold cross validation in terms of Accuracy are
shown in Table 4.
Table 4: Evaluation result.
Prec. Rec. F1 Score Accuracy
Max 81.54 84.56 83.03 81.69
Min 70.70 78.72 74.49 75.16
Average 76.51 81.53 78.92 78.28
The averages of the evaluation metrics show that
the confidence score generated by the SVM classifier
could be used as the significance score for this setup
with 78% accuracy.
Quantifying the Significance of Cybersecurity Text through Semantic Similarity and Named Entity Recognition
To justify the choice of SVM classifier for the
SSC, the same data is used to train and classify the
Decision tree-based classifier. The average results of
the 10-fold cross validation for SVM-based and Deci-
sion tree-based classification experiments are shown
in Table 5.
Table 5: Performance comparison of SVM and Decision
tree based classifier.
Prec. Rec. F1 Score Accuracy
SVM 76.51 81.53 78.92 78.28
Dec. tree 73.69 74.40 74.03 73.96
The comparison result shows that the SVM classi-
fier performs better than the Decision tree-based clas-
sifier, which confirms the choice of SSC.
Overall, the experiment result seems to be com-
pelling evidence that the significance score of the
cyber-threat information could be calculated by an
SVM classifier using the features generated by se-
mantic textual similarity and a custom-trained NER
In this paper we proposed a novel approach to quan-
tify the relevance and significance of cyber-threat in-
formation in text format by extracting the features
such as maximum similarity scores with a pre-defined
“significant” text and a number of relevant named en-
tities. The experiment result shows the potential of
our approach with 78% accuracy.
As sentences used in classes of Reference text
have come from the same source and are homoge-
neous in nature, the semantic similarities of the differ-
ent classes of Reference text are too close, as shown
in Table 2. This drawback affects the features of the
input text, thus reducing the overall performance. By
selectively using various sources and assigning dif-
ferent weight scores depending upon the relevance
to the classes of Reference text, this problem could
be solved. Also, the Named Entity Analyzer con-
tributes only one feature to the overall model predic-
tion; therefore, changing the design of the experiment
to generate more features from named entities could
improve the operation of the Named Entity Analyzer.
Regarding future work, we would improve our
experiment’s design by accommodating the changes
mentioned and also using a new NER model by uti-
lizing different algorithms and extending the scope of
the entities further than the single label of “ITProd-
Bridges, R. A., Jones, C. L., Iannacone, M. D., and Goodall,
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy