A Comparison of Blockchain-based PKI Implementations
Clemens Brunner, Fabian Knirsch, Andreas Unterweger and Dominik Engel
Center for Secure Energy Informatics, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Urstein S
ud 1, Puch bei Hallein, Austria
Blockchain, PKI, Web of Trust, X.509.
Blockchain technology has recently been proposed by many authors for decentralized key management in
the context of Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs). Instead of relying on trusted key servers centralized or
decentralized –, the confirmation and revocation of keys is distributed over a multitude of participants. A
pletheora of implementations exist, all of which rely on different properties of blockchains. In this paper, we
motivate the most relevant properties of blockchains as well as PKI and how they are linked. Furthermore, we
provide an overview of state-of-the-art blockchain-based PKI implementations and compare them with respect
to these properties. While all analyzed implementations fullfil the basic requirements of PKIs, we find that (i)
privacy is very often neglected; and (ii) only a small subset is evaluated with respect to both, complexity and
cost. In order to provide a guideline for future blockchain-based PKI implementations, we conclude with a set
of recommendations based on our findings.
A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is the fundamental
building block of many applications that rely on se-
cure and reliable authentication, such as digital signa-
tures and encryption for email, smart cards and net-
work connections. A PKI ensures that a certain en-
tity is bound to its public key, usually by relying on
trusted key servers maintained by Certificate Author-
ities (CA) (Gutmann, 2002). These authorities issue a
certificate for a domain or a person that publicly and
verifiably binds this entity to a certain key. A com-
mon format for such certificates is X.509 (Housley
et al., 2008), which is used for, e.g., TLS (Rescorla,
2018; Dierks and Rescorla, 2008). Traditional PKI
setups are mostly centralized and despite being well
established face some problems, such as malicious
certificates that can remain undetected and allow at-
tackers to act as a man in the middle (Yu and Ryan,
2017). Similarly, the revocation of keys relies on a
centralized list maintained by a few entities only. This
implies a significant amount of trust that is put into a
relatively small number of CAs. In recent years, the
misuse of trust has lead to distrusting certificates from
certain CAs altogether (Kumar et al., 2018).
One approach towards more transparency in the
process of managing certificates has been proposed
by (Laurie et al., 2013) and is referred to as log-based
PKIs. The proposed public log allows to audit CA
activity for the process of issuing, managing and re-
voking certificates, but does not provide a fully de-
centralized approach. The concept of such a public
log has been advanced by the advent of blockchain
technology in recent years. Blockchain technology
provides a means for a public, decentralized, tamper-
proof, complete and available list of records. A large
number of blockchain-based, decentralized theoreti-
cal approaches, e.g., (Axon, 2015; Alexopoulos et al.,
2017; Longo et al., 2017; Karaarslan and Adiguzel,
2018; Orman, 2018), have been discussed. They aim
at tackling the challenges of traditional PKIs. Imple-
mentations of proposed approaches come with differ-
ent storage types, permission models and support for
certificate formats.
In this paper, we introduce and combine the most
relevant properties of both, blockchain and PKI. This
paper furthermore provides a comparison of state-of-
the-art blockchain-based PKI implementations with
respect to the identified properties. It is found that
some of these aspects are not sufficiently covered by
currently available implementations. Some related
recommendations are given as guidelines for future
blockchain-based PKI implementations.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows:
In Section 2, we briefly introduce the relevant fea-
tures of blockchains as well as properties of PKI with
respect to different trust models. From these fea-
tures and properties, we derive a list of criteria which
serves as the basis for a comparison of state-of-the-art
blockchain-based PKI implementations in Section 3.
Brunner, C., Knirsch, F., Unterweger, A. and Engel, D.
A Comparison of Blockchain-based PKI Implementations.
DOI: 10.5220/0008914503330340
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 333-340
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Three storage types are differentiated when build-
ing applications based on blockchain: (a) the full data (cer-
tificate icon) is stored on-chain; (b) only a hash reference
(fingerprint icon) is stored on-chain, whereas the raw data
is stored on a private server (database icon); (c) for the raw
data, e.g., a DHT (cloud icon) is used.
In Section 4, we provide a summary and give recom-
mendations before concluding the paper in Section 5.
In this section, we introduce both, blockchain and
PKI, as well as their relevant properties. We further
show how these properties are linked together.
2.1 Blockchain
Blockchains, which have been introduced in
(Nakamoto, 2008), are decentralized, append-only
databases of signed transactions and/or operations
that yield a new globally consistent state (Tschorsch
and Scheuermann, 2016). Numerous variations exist,
both at the conceptual and the implementation level.
The distinguishing properties of these variations that
are relevant in the context of this work are (W
ust and
Gervais, 2017):
Permission Type: While all data is accessi-
ble to all participants in public (permissionless)
blockchains, e.g., (Nakamoto, 2008; Wood, 2017),
data is only selectively accessible in (private) permis-
sioned blockchains, e.g., (Karlsson et al., 2018)
, at
participant (group) level.
Blockchain Type: Blockchain implementations
can either build on established and well investigated
technologies, e.g., (Nakamoto, 2008; Wood, 2017),
or start from scratch. In the former case, an exist-
ing public blockchain can be used, e.g., Ethereum,
or a fork of an existing code base can be used to
set up a new blockchain. In the latter case, security
and end-user acceptance may be impacted negatively
(Eyal and Sirer, 2014).
Storage Type: Data in blockchains can either be
stored in full, e.g., (Nakamoto, 2008; Wood, 2017), or
only through its hash, e.g., (Karaarslan and Adiguzel,
2018; Brunner et al., 2019). In the latter case, the ac-
tual data is stored off-chain, e.g., on a private server
or in a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) like IPFS
. The
different ways to store data on a blockchain are illus-
trated in Figure 1. The following storage categories
On-chain: Data relevant for the use case is stored
directly on the blockchain, i.e., within blocks
and/or transactions. Full on-chain storage means
that all data is stored on the block-chain. Some
implementations store the hash only, with the ac-
tual data being stored elsewhere.
Off-chain: When data is not stored on the
blockchain, it can either be stored publicly or pri-
vately. Public storage is when everyone has ac-
cess to the data without restrictions, e.g., through
a publicly accessible Web server. Private storage
allows only limited access and the data is kept un-
der the control of a limited number of entities.
DHT: A special form of off-chain storage is a
DHT, where the stored data is distributed among
multiple participants. A hash can be used to ac-
cess the data. If a cryptographically secure hash
function (Barker et al., 2012) is used within the
DHT to address the stored data then the data can
be timestamped, integrity and tramperproof pro-
tected by sealing the hashes in the blockchain
(Brunner et al., 2019).
Privacy: Storing only references to data instead
of the full data allows for privacy, if hashes or
salted hashes (Delmolino et al., 2016; Brunner et al.,
2019) are used. While permissioned blockchains
can control access to data, for making them ef-
fectively private, additional privacy-enhancing tech-
nologies (PETs) need to be used in permissionless
blockchains, see e.g., (Unterweger et al., 2018). Stor-
ing unsalted hashes without PETs is not considered
privacy-preserving in the context of this paper.
Evaluation: Operations, transmissions and stor-
age on blockchains can be evaluated in terms of
time/space complexity and in terms of (monetary)
cost, e.g., (Hammi et al., 2018; Unterweger et al.,
2018; Yakubov et al., 2018b):
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Complexity: The computational complexity in-
dicates how much computing power or memory is
needed with a changing number of users, objects
or other dependent variables.
Cost: Different blockchain implementations
charge different fees for transactions and/or the
data volume contained within. For practical im-
plementations, it is important to consider these
costs per user, per object or per any other depen-
dent variable.
If both aspects are evaluated, the practicality of an im-
plementation and its suitability for a certain use case,
e.g., PKIs, can be judged more thoroughly.
2.2 PKI
PKIs are protocols for binding a public key to a name,
email address or identity of an individual for authenti-
cation, establishing a secure communication channel
and for verifying the creator of signatures. PKIs are
used in, e.g., TLS (Rescorla, 2018), and to encrypt
and sign emails (Garfinkel, 1994). The types of PKIs
can be distinguished through the design of the trust
In hierarchically structured trust models, CAs are
allowed to issue certificates to participants. The CAs
issue other CAs’ certificates, building a chain of trust
starting from so-called root CAs. Conversely, in a
Web of Trust (WoT), all participants are equal and are
allowed to issue certificates and thus confirm all other
participants’ public keys.
Log-based PKIs, e.g., (Laurie et al., 2013), are an
extension to both, hierarchical and WoT-based PKIs.
They need a public append-only database where cer-
tificates are registered before they are considered
valid. In this concept, all certificates are publicized
so that misbehavior can be detected quickly and de-
nounced publicly.
In this paper, only blockchain-based PKI imple-
mentations are considered, all of which follow the
principles of log-based PKIs (due to the nature of the
blockchain), which are:
Revocation: A revocation invalidates a formerly
valid issued certificate and is typically stored in a re-
vocation list (Rivest, 1998) or managed by the Online
Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) (Galperin et al.,
2000). Both approaches rely on trusted third parties
in order to provide the complete and unmodified sta-
tus of all certificates for checking whether or not a
certificate is revoked.
Certificate Format: X.509 (Housley et al., 2008)
is an established format for hierarchical certificates,
whereas PGP (Zimmermann, 1995) is commonly
used for certificates in a WoT (Menezes et al., 1996).
X.509 standardizes the structure of both, intermedi-
ate certificates belonging to a CA and entity certifi-
cates. The standard additionally allows for custom
extensions. However, this limits interoperability with
existing applications.
PKI Type: As mentioned above, the two main
PKI types are Hierarchical and WoT. In the hierar-
chical approach, a path from a valid certificate to a
root CA always exists. Conversely, in a WoT, mul-
tiple paths of confirmations need to be checked and
potentially rated for reliability (Caronni, 2000).
Incentives: Either rewards exist to incentivize
honest behavior of CAs or penalties exist to discour-
age dishonest behavior (Matsumoto and Reischuk,
Updateable Key: When an issuer changes its key
and revokes its previous key, issued certificates be-
come invalid. If an update mechanism for the key ex-
ists, certificates may remain valid (Fromknecht et al.,
2.3 Summary
The main properties of blockchain and PKI are
largely independent of one another and complement
each other for establishing a log-based PKI. A pub-
lic and permanent log is maintained by means of
a blockchain, removing the need for single trusted
servers, e.g., for the purpose of maintaining revoca-
tion lists. State-of-the-art implementations based on
this premise are evaluated in the next section.
The properties from Section 2 for both, blockchain
and PKI are combined to serve as the basis for the
comparison of state-of-the-art implementations which
are available at the time of writing (September 2019).
Proposals which do not provide a full implementation
or a proof of concept, e.g., (Fromknecht et al., 2014;
Axon and Goldsmith, 2017), are explicitly excluded
in this paper to limit the scope. Furthermore, only
peer-reviewed publications are taken into considera-
Table 1 summarizes the properties of state-of-
the-art blockchain-based PKI implementations. Tem-
plated approaches which require concrete blockchains
instantiations, such as Hyperledger Fabric CA
, are
explicitly excluded. A short discussion of the general
observations property by property follows.
A Comparison of Blockchain-based PKI Implementations
Permission Type: The majority of implementa-
tions is permissionless, but nearly as many permis-
sioned implementations exist. No clear trend can be
observed. While permissionless implementations are
to be preferred for Internet-scale applications such as
domain name holder verification, permissioned ap-
proaches are better suited for small-scale use cases
with a small number of participants.
Revocation: Revocation is explicitly built in by
all but one implementation. However, the design of
this implementation would allow for revocation logic
despite not being mentioned in the paper. Revoca-
tion is one of the key security properties of PKIs and
traditionally relies on trusted third parties to manage
and distribute the revocation lists or the OCSP, respec-
tively. The use of blockchains spreads this trust over
all entities. Thus, it is positive that practically all ap-
proaches implement this property.
Blockchain Type: Most implementations are
based on Ethereum. Some of these use the pub-
lic Ethereum blockchain, while others set up a
blockchain based on this technology. Other tech-
nology bases are used as well, including custom
blockchains. One implementation (Ali et al., 2016)
is built on Namecoin which itself is based on Bit-
coin. One approach (Lei et al., 2019) only simulates
the creation of blocks. Using an established public
blockchain is beneficial in terms of reliability, tamper-
proofness and availability. Conversely, when setting
up a custom public blockchain, gathering support of
participants is crucial for long-term stability and se-
Certificate Format: X.509 and custom,
implementation-specific formats are the most
common certificate formats. One implementation
(Wilson and Ateniese, 2015), however, uses the PGP
format (Zimmermann, 1995). The adherance to
standards is desirable and simplifies interoperability
with existing systems. While some implementations
rely on extensions to X.509 as specified in X.509 v3,
others use custom extensions to X.509 which do not
facilitate interoperability.
PKI Type: The majority of implementations is hi-
erarchical, but a considerable number of implementa-
tions is based on WoT. It should be noted that hierar-
chical PKIs imply the existence for root CAs which
centralize trust. The properties of permissionless
blockchains, however, allow for decentralizing trust.
Using WoT instead of a hierarchical structured PKI is
capable of eliminating these remaining trusted central
Storage Type: Full data storage on-chain as well
as the storage of hashes are equally common. Only
one implementation (Yakubov et al., 2018a) stores
certificate data entirely off-chain.
The majority of implementations provide the cer-
tificate data (both, on- or off-chain) publicly. Only
one implementation (Al-Bassam, 2017) uses a DHT
to store the data off-chain. An exception is (Mat-
sumoto and Reischuk, 2016), where only parts of the
data are stored on-chain.
In (Ali et al., 2016), hashes are stored on-chain
and the protocol allows for storing the corresponding
certificate data either (i) privately; (ii) publicly with-
out a DHT; or (iii) publicly with a DHT. Keeping the
choice of data storage location flexible enables a mul-
titude of applications on top of this work.
Updateable Key: Fewer than half of all imple-
mentations allow for updateable issuer keys. Some
implementations would most likely support this fea-
ture with corresponding design changes. The ability
to update keys is crucial for long-term applications.
One approach to enable this is proposed in theoretical
work (Fromknecht et al., 2014) and relies on two keys
– an online key and an offline key. The former is used
for all interactions until it is updated by the latter. It
would be desirable that this feature be supported by
all of the available implementations.
Privacy: No implementation explicitly takes pri-
vacy into consideration. While classical PKIs in gen-
eral are not necessarily required to consider privacy,
-based PKIs pose additional challenges, e.g., fully
disclosing all certificate data, penalties (if applica-
ble) etc. Permissioned blockchains limit read access,
but do not provide privacy to a full extent. It would
be desirable if any of the available implementations
would make use of the large number of existing PETs,
e.g., (Ben-Sasson et al., 2014; Delmolino et al., 2016;
Knirsch et al., 2017).
Incentives: Only four implementations provide
either incentives or penalties for (dis-)honest behav-
ior. Most implementations, however, do not cover this
aspect. Many implementations provide incentives for
participants via built-in tokens. These tokens can be
used to additionally incentivize good behavior in the
context of PKIs. Blockchain-based approaches allow
for a transparent and decentralized tracking of such
reputation values. Such an automatic and trust-less
mechanism for managing the reputation among par-
ticipants would be desirable.
Evaluation: Only three implementations perform
an evaluation of both, complexity and cost. Two im-
plementations perform no evaluation. The rest eval-
uate only one of the two. Evaluating complexity
and cost is highly relevant for blockchain-based PKIs.
Thus, it would of great value if all implementations
perform both evaluations to show their practicability
and to make comparing them easier.
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
In summary, a large variety of implementations
exist. They differ in practically all of the relevant as-
pects with no clear trend towards a unified standard
being observable.
The analysis in Section 3 revealed that no state-of-the-
art implementation covers all relevant aspects. We
recommend that any blockchain-based PKI imple-
mentation supports at least the following aspects:
Permission Type: Both, public and permissioned
blockchains can be used, depending on the use case
and the number of participants (Knirsch et al., 2019).
However, for most applications that implement large-
scale generally accessible PKIs, public blockchains
are desirable to to enhanced stability, security and
end-user acceptance.
Revocation: Support for revoking certificates in a
PKI is a must. Revocation is a key feature of PKIs as
this is the only way to ensure the long-term validity
of a certain certificate.
Blockchain Type: A public, existing, broadly
backed and well-studied blockchains should be pre-
ferred over custom implementations due to stability
and transparency.
Certificate Format: Support for an established
and standardized certificate format with a minimum
number of custom extensions is highly recommended.
PKI Type: For decentralized use cases, WoT is
recommended, while domain-specific use cases may
benefit from hierarchical PKIs. The former is a
more decentralized and better reflecting the essence
of blockchain-based approaches.
Storage Type: Only a minimum amount of data
should be stored on the blockchain due to costs and
performance reasons. If hashes are stored on the
blockchain, a DHT is recommended for distributed
off-chain storage.
Updatable Key: Support for updating issuer keys
in a PKI is a must for long-term applications. Oth-
erwise, certificates may prematurely become invalid
due to a key update from the issuer.
Privacy: The need and use of privacy-enhancing
technologies depends on the use case. For exam-
ple, if the PKI links individuals to personal identi-
fiable data (European Parliament and Council of the
European Union, 2016) it is a legal requirement to
apply appropriate privacy measures, e.g., (Brunner
et al., 2019). In other cases, however, where certifi-
cate transparency, e.g., (Laurie et al., 2013) is desired,
privacy by design is not necessarily required. In all
other cases, privacy by design must be considered and
appropriate privacy-enhancing technologies must be
Incentives: On custom blockchains, incentives
for participants are necessary to establish a stable in-
frastructure. Conversely, the support for PKIs based
on public blockchains is beneficial, but not manda-
Evaluation: Conducting a thorough analysis of
both, the time and space complexity as well as the
monetary cost, is a must for reproducability and com-
parability. Having a common methodology would
greatly benefit the comparison of different PKI im-
In summary, the two most relevant shortcomings
identified in the literature review are a lack of privacy
and a lack of evaluation. As stated above, privacy is
essential due to legal requirements in use cases in-
volving individuals covered by data protection legis-
lature. Similarly, a common evaluation methodology
for both, cost and complexity is essential for compar-
ing different approaches.
Furthermore, it would be highly desirable to have
a common standard for blockchain-based PKI imple-
mentations, as it is currently drafted for blockchain
identity management systems (Lesavre et al., 2019).
Using blockchains for PKIs is promising. A num-
ber of implementations exist already, most of which
cover important aspects, such as certificate revoca-
tion. However, there are two main shortcomings to
be observed in current implementations: First, no im-
plementation explicitly considers privacy-enhancing
technologies. Existing solutions are based on permis-
sions and the storage of hashes instead of full certifi-
cate data. Second, only two implementations analyze
both, complexity and cost. To evaluate and compare
implementations, it is highly desirable that more pa-
pers analyze these aspects and do so in a standardized
In summary, it is possible to remove central
trusted third parties with state-of-the-art blockchain-
based PKIs. Some directions for future research and
potential solutions have been hinted, but implemen-
tations solving all of these open issues remain future
A Comparison of Blockchain-based PKI Implementations
Table 1: Comparison of blockchain-based PKIs based on the criteria from Section 2. * denotes a standardized certificate
format with a custom extension.
Storage Type Evaluation
Permission Type
(is Permissionless)
Blockchain Type
PKI Type
Updatable Key
(Khieu and Moh, 2019) 3 3 Ethereum X.509 Hierarchical
Private 7 7 7 7 3 3
(Viriyasitavat et al., 2019) 7 3 Custom Custom Hierarchical Full Private 7 7 7 7 3 7
(Lei et al., 2019) 7 3 N/A X.509* Hierarchical Full Private 7 3 7 7 3 7
(Kubilay et al., 2019) 7 3
X.509 Hierarchical
Private 7 7 7 3 3 7
(Ahmed and Aura, 2018) 3 3 Ethereum X.509 v3 Hierarchical Full Public 7 7 7 7 7 3
(Hammi et al., 2018) 7 N/A
Custom WoT Full Public 7 7 7 7 3 3
(Chen et al., 2018) 7 3 Ethereum Custom WoT
Private 7 3 7 3 3 7
(Yakubov et al., 2018a) 7 3 Ethereum X.509* WoT None Public 7 3 7 7 7 7
(Yakubov et al., 2018b) 3 3 Ethereum X.509 v3 Hierarchical Full Public 7 7 7 7 3 3
(Wang et al., 2018b) 3 3 Custom X.509 Hierarchical Full Public 7 3 7 7 3 7
(Wang et al., 2018a) 7 3 Custom X.509* Hierarchical
Private 7 3 7 7 3 7
(Al-Bassam, 2017) 3 3 Ethereum Custom WoT
Public 3 7 7 7 7 3
(Matsumoto and Reischuk,
3 3
X.509 Hierarchical Partial Public 7 3 7 3 7 3
(Ali et al., 2016) 3 3 Namecoin Custom WoT
Multiple options 7 7 7 3 7
(Wilson and Ateniese,
3 3 Bitcoin PGP* WoT Full Public 7 7 7 3 7 7
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The financial support by the Federal State of Salzburg
is gratefully acknowledged. Funding by the Austrian
Research Promotion Agency (FFG) under project
number 865082 (ProChain) is gratefully acknowl-
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy