are same, the robot with lower identifier will become
the initiator.
We considered a type of multiple team formation
problem in a dynamic multi-agent setting, where
agents have limited information about an environment
(e.g., total number of agents present in the environ-
ment, skill, state and location of other robots) and they
should coordinate among themselves by exchanging
messages to accomplish a given mission composed of
multi-robot tasks. We presented a distributed algo-
rithm DMTF that can form multiple teams simultane-
ously, which to the best of our knowledge, is the first
Implementing a distributed algorithm is nontriv-
ial. A prototype model of the proposed algorithm is
developed in ARGoS; a multi-robot simulation envi-
ronment, and it was tested through intensive simula-
tions. The simulation results are quite encouraging,
exhibit the expected behavior of the algorithm, and
illustrate how multiple teams are formed. Our algo-
rithm could be useful in real-world applications where
control is distributed, and no central entity is respon-
sible for controlling the activities of other robots, and
the roles of robots are not decided in advance. As part
of our future work, we wish to implement the proto-
type model on real robots and test the efficiency of the
The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their
valuable comments that were helpful for improving
the paper. The third author was in part supported by a
research grant from Google.
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DMTF: A Distributed Algorithm for Multi-team Formation