In this paper we presented a decision-making mod-
ule able to control autonomous vehicles during round-
about insertions. The system was trained inside a
synthetic representation of a real roundabout with a
novel implementation of A3C which we called De-
layed A3C; this representation was chosen so that
it can be easily reproduced with both simulated and
real data. The developed module permits to execute
the maneuver interpreting the intention of the other
drivers and implicitly negotiating with them, since
their simulated behavior was trained in a cooperative
multi-agent fashion.
We proved that D-A3C is able to achieve better learn-
ing performances compared to A3C and A2C by in-
creasing the exploration in the agent policies; more-
over, we demonstrated that negotiation and interac-
tion capabilities are essential in this scenario since a
rule-based approach leads to superfluous waits.
It also emerged that the decision-making module fea-
tures light generalization capabilities both for unseen
scenarios and for real data, tested by introducing noise
in the obstacles perception and in the trajectory of
agents. However, these capabilities should be en-
forced in future works for making the system usable
both in real-world and unseen scenarios.
Finally, we tested our module on real video sequences
to compare the output of our module with the actions
of 10 users and we observed that our system has a
good match with human decisions.
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