A recommendation to architects of mobile ad-hoc
networks based on our results is that users should be
allowed to control the routing done by their devices,
because there are non-selfish stable strategies. This
is also reasonable from both ethical and marketing
perspectives. Reporting the effectiveness of different
strategies to the users can easily be done and would
likely improve the overall effectiveness. Since strate-
gies such as our hybrid approach limit the effectiveness
of selfish users, selfishness would be naturally discour-
aged. More control over the use of the network would
lead to more users, which in turn allows for more
routing opportunities, larger range of the network and
overall robustness. Moreover, the network providers
would be able to build trust int the users by not enforc-
ing a global behaviour on all devices, thus recognising
different needs and abilities of different users.
5.3 Future Work
A natural next step to continue our research would be
to run simulations beyond 10 days. Another potential
extension is to consider other routing algorithms, in
particular taking into account the battery levels of the
users. Ideas to extend the battery life in mesh networks
have been discussed by Sangwan and Pooja (2016) and
Anastasi, Conti, Di Francesco, and Passarella (2009).
Another idea to make our model more realistic
would be to replace the square grid with a map of an
actual city and to use a realistic model of human mobil-
ity patterns (Serok & Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, 2015).
An improvement that we already hinted at could
be to test the BB and hybrid strategies against a larger
number of alternative strategies, in order to test their
potential evolutionary stability. Moreover, it seems
interesting to consider the dynamics of different strate-
gies and their evolution in mesh networks. It would
also be interesting to investigate how dynamic changes
of agents’ strategies, from day to day or maybe even
within one day, would work out in a mesh network.
Other researchers consider the importance of so-
cial learning, cooperation and individual reputation in
game theory considerations (Sigmund, 2016). While
those ideas have been taken into account in our study,
we think that our approach is still lacking realism. It
is difficult to predict the behaviour of groups of in-
dividuals in a reliable manner. Studies into crowd
psychology and the evolution of collective behaviour
could shed more light on the matter (Gordon, 2014).
Finally, models and simulations are great to design
and test new strategies, but should then also be tested
in real-life experiments. Running a study on actual
smartphones as done by Schejbal (2014), but then with
the additional strategy choice given to each user, could
provide us with more realistic data. Such experiments
can also take into account physical intricacies of ad-
hoc networks that we ignored in this study.
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ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence