most suitable pattern design based on their require-
ments. Moreover, a set of guidelines is provided
to effectively migrate SWFA from other computa-
tion paradigms to cloud computing. The pattern de-
sign for SWFA in cloud computing can certainly de-
crease development and maintenance cost and time.
In the future, other types of workflow applications
(e.g., business workflows) would be considered in a
cloud computing environment. An extensive evalu-
ation about the performance of proposed framework
using a real-world scientific workflow application in
a cloud platform would be conducted. Furthermore,
we plan to make a connection between our concep-
tual framework and a WFMS by identifying the tradi-
tional architecture of a WFMS and which conceptual
elements are exploited by which WFMS components
such showcase can be exploited across the whole sci-
entific workflow (management) lifecycle.
This work has been sponsored partially by the
NWO/TTW project Multi-scale integrated Traffic Ob-
servatory for Large Road Networks (MiRRORS) un-
der grant number 16270. This work is related to the
PhD research by Dr. Ehab Al-Khannaq, sponsored by
RG114-12ICT, supervised by Prof. Dr. Sai Peck Lee,
and supported by Ministry of Education, Malaysia.
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