ogy and associated tools in the context of cyber threat
analysis. The proposed modeling language satisfies
the intention of highlighting the attack surfaces in a
system model. The framework includes a methodol-
ogy for the development of Pimca models. The asso-
ciated tools in the framework allow developing Pimca
models and integrating then with other security analy-
sis artifacts for the development of a security solu-
tion. The approach was evaluated using two use cases,
which emphasized the system modeling along with
the attack surface deduction and refinement enabled
by the Pimca DSL and workbench. In future, we plan
to extend the Pimca DSL with behavioral primitives
which will enable dynamic attack scenario enactment
based on vulnerability databases and realistic system
We thank the French ministry of the armed forces and
the DGA for funding this research.
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy