AMNESIA: A Technical Solution towards GDPR-compliant Machine
Christoph Stach
, Corinna Giebler
, Manuela Wagner
, Christian Weber
and Bernhard Mitschang
Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems, University of Stuttgart, Universitätsstraße 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, Haid-und-Neu-Straße 10–14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Graduate School advanced Manufacturing Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Nobelstraße 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Machine Learning, Data Protection, Privacy Zones, Access Control, Model Management, Provenance, GDPR.
Machine Learning (ML) applications are becoming increasingly valuable due to the rise of IoT technologies.
That is, sensors continuously gather data from different domains and make them available to ML for learning
its models. This provides profound insights into the data and enables predictions about future trends. While ML
has many advantages, it also represents an immense privacy risk. Data protection regulations such as the GDPR
address such privacy concerns, but practical solutions for the technical enforcement of these laws are also
required. Therefore, we introduce AMNESIA, a priv
achine learni
g mod
l provi
ng pl
AMNESIA is a holistic approach covering all stages from data acquisition to model provisioning. This enables
to control which application may use which data for ML as well as to make models “forget” certain knowledge.
Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
systems are on the rise. IDC predicts that the world-
wide spending on such systems almost doubles in 2019
(that is $ 35.8 billion). This trend is expected to con-
tinue until 2022, with the result of a compound annual
growth rate of 38.0 % (Shirer and D’Aquila, 2019).
This is due to the fact that ML is no longer a labo-
ratory curiosity, but a practical technology ready for
commercial use. The capability of ML applications is
virtually unlimited. Application areas in which ML is
successfully used today include Smart Health (e. g., for
autonomous and assistive diagnostic support), Smart
Traffic (e. g., autonomous vehicle control and guid-
ance systems), and Computer Vision (e. g., for object
These ML applications benefit from the increasing
popularity of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT-enabled
devices are able to gather various context data and
have Internet connectivity to share these data with ML
systems. With these, the data of all devices can be
analyzed and combined. This way, a comprehensive
knowledge base is created covering various aspects.
Supervised learning algorithms use this knowledge
base to train their models. To this end, the data are an-
alyzed to identify how certain attribute combinations
affect a particular feature. For instance, with classifi-
cation algorithms, electronic medical records can be
analyzed to determine which symptoms most likely
result in which diagnosis. These models can then be
applied to new data to make predictions about the in-
vestigated feature. For instance, if a patient monitors
his or her health via medical IoT meters, an ML sys-
tem is able to provide a diagnosis based on these data.
However, particularly in Deep Learning, it is almost
impossible to explain, why a decision was made and
on what data it is based (LeCun et al., 2015).
While ML offers numerous benefits to users, it also
causes a variety of problems, in particular concerning
privacy and trust. Although it does not seem so at
first glance, this is an inherent contradiction. A patient
only trusts in privacy measures if s/he has total control
over his or her data. This includes that s/he can decide
which data contribute to an ML model and that s/he
can mask the data. Yet, s/he lacks the insight into the
effects this has on the utility of the data and thus on the
ML model. This impairs prediction quality whereby
the trust in the ML application is weakened (Holzinger
et al., 2018). Therefore, so-called usable security is
required, which takes into account both, security and
utility issues (Garfinkel and Lipford, 2014).
This need for novel privacy approaches is also
evident in the increasing number of privacy laws
such as the General Data Protection Regulation (EU)
2016/679 (GDPR). The GDPR addresses many of the
Stach, C., Giebler, C., Wagner, M., Weber, C. and Mitschang, B.
AMNESIA: A Technical Solution towards GDPR-compliant Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0008916700210032
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 21-32
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
privacy risks caused by ML. To this end, it creates gov-
erning principles for the processing of private data by
establishing privacy standards, e. g., informed consent,
notification duties, and transparency (Wachter, 2018).
To meet this request for a Privacy by De-
sign solution, we introduce AMNESIA, a priv
achine learni
g mod
l provi
ng pl
AMNESIA “forgets” certain data when learning a
model, i. e., these data are subsequently not used, when
applying the model (e. g., to make an automatic deci-
sion). For this, we organize data in different zones,
similar to information in a brain. In each zone, dif-
ferent privacy techniques are applied to hide certain
private data. AMNESIA not only considers privacy
requirements of users, but also utility requirements
towards the ML model. In addition, users are able
to track which data have been used in an ML model
and whether an applied ML model complies with their
privacy requirements.
To this end, we make five contributions:
present our privacy-aware machine learning model
provisioning platform called AMNESIA. It enables
a GDPR-compliant learning and application of ML
We introduce a privacy zone model in
AMNESIA. Each zone masks private data differently.
As a result, ML models can be learned that comply
with users’ privacy requirements and yet have a high
We outline an implementation strategy for
AMNESIA. This strategy adopts a Privacy by De-
sign approach.
We describe a model management
concept in AMNESIA to find appropriate ML models
in terms of privacy and utility.
We depict a prove-
nance analysis in AMNESIA to verify which data were
used to learn an applied ML model and whether the
model complies with the privacy requirements. The
remainder of this paper is as follows: In Section 2, we
discuss both, technical and legal state of the art regard-
ing privacy in an ML environment. On this basis, we
derive requirements towards an ML privacy approach
in Section 3. Related work is reviewed in Section 4
with regard to these requirements. Then, we introduce
AMNESIA in Section 5 and evaluate our approach in
Section 6. Section 7 concludes this paper.
Vayena et al. (Vayena et al., 2018) investigate the atti-
tude of data subjects and data consumers towards ML.
Although the benefits of ML are widely perceived,
nearly two-thirds of the data subjects are concerned
if their health data are used to learn and train a ML
model. This concern is exacerbated by the fact that
many models lack transparency, i. e., data subjects do
Data Producers
(e.g., Sensors, Users,
and Smart Devices)
(e.g., Cloud
Data Consumers
(e.g., Services, Analyst,
and Actuators)
Raw Data
Masked Data
(a) Local Privacy.
Data Producers
(e.g., Sensors, Users,
and Smart Devices)
Data Consumers
(e.g., Services, Analyst,
and Actuators)
Trusted Curator
Raw Data
(b) Global Privacy.
Figure 1: Comparison of Privacy Strategies for Machine
Learning Systems (cf. (Kairouz et al., 2016)).
not know how their data are reflected in the model and
whether their privacy requirements are respected.
To address these concerns, privacy concepts have
to cover all ML stages, starting with the handling of
data sources, followed by the implementation of ML
systems and the creation of models up to the provision-
ing and application of the models. Yet, legal standards
such as the GDPR are not sufficient, in order to elim-
inate all ethical and regulatory concerns. In addition,
Privacy by Design approaches are required, i. e., ML
systems in which privacy options are integrated that
give data subjects full control over their personal data
and thus ensure these standards.
Next, we therefore discuss technical solutions en-
suring privacy in ML systems and study the legal situ-
ation with regard to privacy in the ML context.
Technical Perspective.
Basically, there are two strate-
gies to ensure privacy in ML systems: Local Privacy
and Global Privacy. Figure 1 shows these strategies.
The key difference is which components are trusted
(green box) and which are not (red box).
In Local Privacy (see Figure 1a), the user only
trusts his or her own devices since s/he does not know
which data protection measures are taken by an ML
system nor which data consumers have access to his
or her data. Before s/he submits any data to an ML
system, s/he masks them (e. g., by adding noise). Thus,
the ML system has only distorted data for learning its
models. Yet, if each user masks his or her data individ-
ually, the utility of the models decreases significantly.
Moreover, a user does not know which data sources
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
are available to an ML system nor what knowledge
can be derived from them (Chamikara et al., 2018).
In Global Privacy (see Figure 1b), the user entrusts
his or her raw data to a Trusted Curator which provides
various privacy techniques for masking user data. By
managing all users’ data, the Trusted Curator is able
to apply more comprehensive privacy techniques than
an individual user could do (e. g., differential privacy).
Data consumers can only access data via defined inter-
faces, e. g., the Trusted Curator can learn ML models
on the masked data and provide them to a service in-
stead of the actual data. However, blind trust in the
Trusted Curator is required. Moreover, global masking
policies are applied to all users’ data, whereas privacy
is an individual perception (Li et al., 2017).
Legal Perspective.
Since ML processes personal data
on a large scale, the GDPR must be adhered to. Thus,
a legal basis is required to process personal data. This
can be consent of the data subject (informed consent
or explicit consent in case of health data
). Further legal basis can provide a con-
tract with the data subject, a legal obligation, the pro-
tection of vital interests, a task carried out in the public
interest, or the pursuit of legitimate interests, provided
these are not overridden by the data subject’s con-
cerns (Art.
( f )
). Important to note is, that
health data belong to a special category of personal
data. Processing of those data is forbidden in the first
step, yet Art.
provides specific exemptions. Gen-
erally, prior to processing a purpose must be deter-
mined and any further processing is limited to that pur-
pose (Art.
). Moreover, it has to be ensured that
only a minimum amount of data is processed and stored
no longer than necessary (Art.
5(1)(c), (e)
). Neverthe-
less, these data must be sufficiently accurate to ensure
that the data subject is correctly represented in the
data (Art.
). Also, fair and transparent data
processing must be ensured (Art. 5(1)(a)).
Kamarinou et al. (Kamarinou et al., 2016) identify
transparency regarding data handling and to whom the
data are made available (Art.
) as key issues in
an ML context. Especially when ML is used for auto-
mated individual decision-making, full transparency
is crucial (Art.
). Also, the right to erasure (Art.
can be challenging in an ML context if data must be
forgotten which are part of an ML model.
All in all, the GDPR is well suited for the privacy
challenges that ML poses. Nevertheless, technical
tools are required to ensure the integrity and confiden-
tiality of the data (Art.
5(1)( f )
) and to verify that data
are processed in compliance with the GDPR (Kuner
et al., 2017). Such technical measures should be inte-
grated into ML systems (Art. 25) (Burri, 2016).
Based on this state-of-the-art review, we derive ten
requirements towards a privacy mechanism for ML.
] Control:
Probably the most important fea-
ture of a privacy mechanism in general is to give data
subjects full control over their data. That is, it has to en-
able users to specify who is permitted to access which
of their data. In the context of ML, however, this is not
sufficient. Besides raw data on which ML learns its
models, the models themselves have to be considered
as well. If a data consumer is not allowed to access cer-
tain datasets, this must also apply to all models which
were heavily influenced by these datasets.
] Context:
It is not sufficient to control who
gets access to the data, but also for what purpose s/he
does so. That is, it depends on the context in which
data are requested whether a consent or other legal
basis is valid. Therefore, a privacy mechanism has to
be able to identify not only data consumers but also the
circumstances regarding their request for data access.
] Necessity:
Even if a data subject has granted
data access for a specified purpose, a privacy mecha-
nism must still become active as it has to be ensured
that only a necessary minimum amount of data is
shared with the data consumers. This also applies
to the ML models. More specifically, the amount of
data used to learn the models must also be restricted.
] Acceptability:
Even though a privacy mech-
anism must ensure data protection matters of data sub-
jects, it also has to respect the rights of data consumers.
If, e. g., the processing of certain data is in the public in-
terest or obliged by law, these data must be accessible
even without the explicit consent of the data subject.
] Fair Data Processing:
Closely related to le-
gal compliance is that the processing of data must be
fair towards all parties involved. Therefore, a data
subject must not be able to use the privacy mechanism
to manipulate data in order to gain an advantage over
other users or the data consumer.
] Utility:
It is also important that a privacy
mechanism ensures that the utility of the data (and thus
of the models) is always preserved. An arbitrary data
manipulation by data subjects might impair the quality
of ML models to the point that they make inaccurate
predictions. A preferably high accuracy must therefore
be ensured by the privacy mechanism.
] Transparency:
To inform data subjects who
accessed which data when and for why, and to verify
that these accesses were legal, a corresponding logging
function must be supported by a privacy-mechanism.
In an ML context, this must also be applied to the
models, i. e., full transparency must be achieved with
regard to the data (sources) on which a model is based.
AMNESIA: A Technical Solution towards GDPR-compliant Machine Learning
] Erasure:
According to the right to be forgot-
ten, a privacy mechanism must also ensure that certain
data can be erased. For ML models, however, this
also means that they must be able to “forget” certain
aspects if they were learned on these erased data.
] Security:
In addition to privacy issues, a pri-
vacy mechanism must also cover security issues, i. e.,
data must be protected against unauthorized access.
To this end, raw data have to be isolated from data
consumers and any communication between these two
parties has to be secured. In addition, raw data must
be protected against manipulation.
] Data Protection by Design:
In order to min-
imize the organizational burden on users and still guar-
antee full data protection, a privacy mechanism should
adopt a Privacy by Design approach, i. e., it has to be
integrated seamlessly into the ML system.
It is evident that both, Global Privacy (a global view
on all available data sources is required for, e. g.,
, and
) and Local Privacy (individual privacy
rules defined by the user are required for, e. g.,
and [R
]), are necessary to meet these requirements.
In ML systems, three task domains can be identified
that are relevant regarding privacy. In the following,
we discuss selected representatives for these domains.
Data Preparation.
The earliest stage in which an
ML privacy mechanism can be applied is during data
preparation. That is, similar to Local Privacy, data are
masked before being actually processed, in the case
of ML, the learning of models. AVARE (Alpers et al.,
2018) is a privacy system for smart devices. Various
privacy filters are applied to available data sources.
These filters enable users to specify which data are
available to an application. The filters are adapted to
the respective kind of data. For instance, the accuracy
of location data can be reduced, or certain details of
contact data can be hidden. However, AVARE consid-
ers each smart device separately. As a result, its privacy
settings are unnecessarily restrictive for ML, similar
to Local Privacy. PSSST! (Stach et al., 2019) there-
fore introduces a central control instance that knows
all available data sources and applies privacy mea-
sures according to the privacy requirements of the user.
PSSST! conceals privacy-relevant patterns, i. e., se-
quences in the data from which confidential knowledge
can be derived. This pattern-based approach signifi-
cantly reduces the amount of data masking. To this
end, PSSST! needs to know the intended use of the
data. In the ML context, however, it cannot be assumed
that the usage of the models is known in advance.
Model Management.
A privacy mechanism can also
come into play when dealing with the ML models
(i. e., during learning or provisioning). As in most use
cases where statistical information is shared with third
parties, differential privacy (Dwork, 2006) is often ap-
plied in ML. Abadi et al. (Abadi et al., 2016) apply
differential privacy to the ML database to ensure that
the models do not reveal any sensitive information.
As this excludes users, Shokri and Shmatikov (Shokri
and Shmatikov, 2015) enable users to select a subset
of data to be made available for learning. Data re-
main on the user’s system until they are needed for
learning. Bonawitz et al. (Bonawitz et al., 2017) ex-
tend this approach by enabling users to provide only
aggregated submodels to update a deep neural net-
work. This ensures that the ML system never has full
data access. However, the result can be biased if each
user provides only data that are best for him or her,
whereby certain aspects can be completely lost. More-
over, the models are then available to any application.
Hüffmeyer et al. (Hüffmeyer et al., 2018) introduce an
attribute-based authorization method for querying data
from a service platform. This way, applications can be
granted access to models only, if they have currently
the appropriate attributes (e. g., if they are hosted in
the right execution environment).
Explain Models.
Also, the explicability of models is
relevant for privacy. Alzantot et al. (Alzantot et al.,
2019) introduce a technique to explain ML models
for image recognition. They define masks to cover
image areas that are irrelevant for decision-making.
This enables users to comprehend why a decision
is made. Yet, this approach is restricted to image
recognition. Ribeiro et al. (Ribeiro et al., 2016)
introduce a framework which contains various
description techniques. Yet, for each ML algorithm a
dedicated plugin is required. Thus, it cannot be used
universally. Rudin (Rudin, 2019) therefore suggests
that instead of trying to describe ML models, rather
explainable types of models should be used. However,
users cannot choose the types of models freely as
they are restricted to the types supported by an ML
system. Powell et al. (Powell et al., 2019) propose to
combine ex ante (i. e., explain the model) with ex post
approaches (i. e., explain the decision). They only con-
sider the logic of a model, but not the input data that
lead to a particular decision when the model is applied.
In addition to all the identified shortcomings in related
work, there is also no holistic approach providing all
required privacy features. Therefore, we introduce our
own ML privacy approach called AMNESIA, next.
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Sensors Central Data Storage
Machine Learning Model Store Applications
Raw Data
Figure 2: Overall Concept of AMNESIA Introducing its Main Components and Key Functionality.
AMNESIA is a privacy-aware machine learning model
provisioning platform. In AMNESIA, certain data can
be “forgotten” both, temporarily (i. e., for learning or
provisioning a model) as well as permanently (i. e., in
the ML database and in all models). For this purpose,
we organize the data stock of an ML system in privacy
zones. Each zone masks its data in different ways
whereby different facets are concealed or revealed re-
spectively. Furthermore, AMNESIA enables users to
identify which data were used to learn an ML model
and to verify whether their privacy requirements have
been met when applying a certain model. AMNESIA
adopts a Privacy by Design approach in order to pro-
vide a technical implementation of the GDPR for ML
systems. It adheres to both, the privacy rights as well
as the data provision obligations of data subjects.
In the following, we describe the overall concept
of AMNESIA in Section 5.1. Then, in Section 5.2,
we discuss its privacy zones. Section 5.3 outlines an
implementation strategy for AMNESIA. The essential
model management concept is detailed in Section 5.4.
Finally, in Section 5.5, we describe how AMNESIA
verifies which personal data have been processed.
5.1 Overall Concept
The overall concept of AMNESIA is shown in Fig-
ure 2. Here, we use a highly abstracted representation
in order to illustrate the basic functionalities in a very
accessible way first. Technical details on these func-
tionalities follow in the subsequent subsections.
The data sources—in an IoT context these are
predominantly sensors (depicted as sensory organs)—
are highly heterogeneous. This heterogeneity affects,
among other things, data types, data formats, data
accuracy, and sample rate. Also, the value of the data
from these sources differs very much in terms of their
privacy relevance as well as their utility for ML mod-
els. Therefore, a privacy mechanism not only has to
be able to deal with this data heterogeneity, but also
has to reflect this in its data protection techniques.
The gathered data are forwarded to a central data
storage. For this transmission, the data are annotated
with metadata. These metadata include, for instance,
from which source the data originate, when the data
were gathered, the “owner” of the data, and the data
subject. These data and metadata have to be stored as
raw data for verification purposes.
The central data storage resembles AMNESIAs
“brain”. An ML system can only learn from data stored
there. We organize our central data storage into zones
that are dedicated to different privacy levels. In ad-
dition to the Raw Data Zone, in which the original
data are stored, AMNESIA offers four special privacy
zones. AMNESIA applies different privacy filters to
incoming data, which filter out certain privacy-relevant
information without compromising certain data quality
aspects, and stores the masked data in the respective
zone. In this way, a proper zone can be selected for
each use case (i. e., for given privacy requirements and
utility requirements). More details on these zones are
given in Section 5.2.
The central data storage is secured against unau-
thorized access. Only the ML component has access
to it. In it, any supervised learning algorithm can be
deployed. The learned ML models are then stored in
the model store. However, instead of learning a single
model, AMNESIA learns a model for each of the five
zones. These models are annotated with metadata. In
addition to information required for the management
and provisioning of the models (e. g., the applied ML
algorithm), also privacy-relevant information is stored
(e. g., from which zone the model stems).
Applications can then query these models. For this
purpose, however, they have to authenticate towards
the store first. AMNESIA not only identifies appli-
cations, but also their current attributes. That way,
AMNESIA is able to distinguish, for instance, whether
an application is hosted in Europe or in the USA. This
affects the applicable data protection laws. If an appli-
cation has been authenticated, the model store checks
AMNESIA: A Technical Solution towards GDPR-compliant Machine Learning
Data Stores
Social Data
Central Data Store
Storage of
Source Data
Raw Data
Source Data
Storage of
Filter Zone
Filter Zone
Privacy Zone
Filter Zone
Entire Tuples are Filtered Out
Certain Attributes are Filtered Out
Data-dependent Filter Techniques
Data Accuracy is Reduced
Data Aggregation
Dierential Privacy is Ensured
Figure 3: The AMNESIA Privacy Zone Model (cf. (Sharma, 2018)).
which user-defined privacy requirements apply to that
application and which utility requirements that applica-
tion imposes on a model. Based on these two metrics,
the model store then selects a matching model and
forwards it to the application. More details about the
store can be found in Section 5.4.
5.2 Privacy Zones
The central data store of AMNESIA has the same basic
premises as a big data system: Large amounts of het-
erogeneous data have to be stored efficiently and pre-
pared for various purposes. For this, big data systems
use data lakes. They often organize data into several
areas. For instance, there are areas in which incoming
data are stored fully unprocessed as raw data, whereas
in others only cleansed data or data tailored to a spe-
cific use case are stored. In the zone model, datasets are
maintained in different aggregation and pre-processing
stages concurrently in the zones (Giebler et al., 2019).
In AMNESIA, we adopt the zone model introduced
by Sharma (Sharma, 2018) and adapt it to our privacy
use case (see Figure 3). The model consists of two
vertical zones, which are the foundation for all other
zones. Additionally, there are four horizontal zones
that tailor the data to specific privacy requirements.
The data processed by AMNESIA are partly
volatile, e. g., sensor data. That is, they are sent as
a data stream to the central data store and must be
processed immediately. Therefore, AMNESIA needs
a temporary data buffer to be able to store such data
for a short time before forwarding it to all correspond-
ing zones. This is handled by the
Transient Landing
. This zone also annotates the data in order to be
able to retrace their origins as well as their chronolog-
ical order. All data arriving in the Transient Landing
Zone are forwarded to the
Raw Data Zone
. In this
zone, the data are kept in their original state in terms of
quality, accuracy, and completeness. It can thus also be
used as a backup if a user reduces his or her privacy re-
quirements, i. e., if more private data should be shared
in order to learn more sophisticated ML models. The
Transient Landing Zone also forwards the data to four
privacy plug-ins, which mask the data and then stores
them in the corresponding privacy zone. These privacy
zones are described in more detail in the following.
Horizontal Filter Zone.
Horizontal filtering is equiva-
lent to a selection operator (
) as defined in relational
algebra. A binary predicate expression determines
which data tuples of the Transient Landing Zone are
included in the Horizontal Filter Zone. That is, data
from a certain sensor or data within a given time frame
can be filtered out. The included tuples are not masked.
Vertical Filter Zone.
Vertical filtering is equivalent to
a projection operator (
) as defined in relational alge-
bra. Selected attributes are removed from the original
set of attributes of the data in the Transient Landing
Zone when including them in the Vertical Filter Zone.
That is, certain metrics of a sensor (e. g., the blood glu-
cose level) can be filtered out. Apart from that, the data
are not masked, and no tuples are entirely concealed.
Accuracy Filter Zone.
In the Accuracy Filter Zone,
the most versatile filter operators are applied. Depend-
ing on the kind of data and the privacy requirements
of the users, different filter operators are available to
reduce the accuracy of the Transient Landing Zone’s
data. This can be illustrated by a few simple examples.
Aggregation operators (e. g., mean or median) can
be applied to any kind of numerical data. Noise can
be added to time series data, such as data from a con-
tinuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensor. This way,
the accuracy of the individual measurement values can
be arbitrarily reduced. Yet, characteristics in the value
progression can still be recognized. Outliers can also
be identified in time series data, i. e., data points with a
presumably higher information value, as they indicate
deviant behaviors. These data points can be deleted,
and the resulting gaps can then be filled by interpola-
tion to veil any signs of tampering. Discrete wavelet
transforms can be applied to time series data as well.
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
(a) Original Raw Time Series Data.
(b) Using DWT as a High-pass Filter (Details).
(c) Using DWT as a Low-pass Filter (Progression).
Figure 4: Application of a Discrete Wavelet Transform
(DWT) in AMNESIA as a High-pass and Low-pass Filter.
They operate as high-pass or low-pass filters. Thereby
specific frequencies can be damped to conceal either
characteristics in the value progression or details in
the measurement values. Figure 4 illustrates how these
high-pass and low-pass filters work as well as their
impact on the data. In addition, the high-pass and low-
pass filters reduce the number of data points, which
additionally decreases the accuracy of the data.
Lastly, here is an example of a filter for a specific
kind of data, namely location data. For location data
we initially choose a random angle
and a random
. The target accuracy sets the maximum
value for
. The captured position is then shifted by
in the direction of
. For each subsequent position,
either a new angle is chosen and the distance is calcu-
lated so that the traveled distance is preserved, or a
new distance is chosen and the angle is calculated so
that the direction of movement is preserved.
Differential Privacy Zone.
While the aforemen-
tioned privacy zones are primarily tailored to the pri-
vacy requirements of individual users, the Differential
Privacy Zone exploits the fact that the central data store
contains data of many users. Noise, in terms of dummy
entries, is added to the database until the differential
privacy property is fulfilled. That is, the statistical
accuracy of the data in this zone is maintained without
being able to identify individual users.
There can be several instances of each privacy zone.
As a result, users are enabled to define distinct privacy
requirements for each application.
5.3 Implementation
For the implementation of AMNESIA, we use the
BRAID architecture (Giebler et al., 2018). BRAID is a
refinement of the classic Lambda architecture (Marz
and Warren, 2015). The Lambda architecture en-
ables real-time processing and long-term storage of
large amounts of data. To this end, both batch and
stream processing engines are required. Contrary to
the Lambda architecture however, in BRAID these two
engines are not operated decoupled. That means in
particular that both, data and (intermediate) results can
be mutually exchanged between the engines. This is
crucial for AMNESIA as the ML models learned in a
batch processing system have to be applied to live data
in a stream processing system. The applied models
must be exchangeable at runtime if privacy or utility
requirements are changed. This is possible in BRAID.
Figure 5 shows our implementation strategy for
AMNESIA. The Transient Landing Zone is realized
by two components: Kafka
assigns incoming data to
a topic depending on their origin. Apache Hadoop
receives the data and executes the actual extract, trans-
form, load (ETL) process. That is, data are annotated
based on their topics, prepared for the AMNESIA
privacy zones, and forwarded to the respective zone.
The instances of the zones are implemented using the
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
Moreover, the data in each instance (i. e., the Raw
Data Zone and the four privacy zones) are encrypted.
Only AMNESIA has access to the keys. This pre-
vents unauthorized access on the one hand and enables
secure deletion on the other hand. By deleting the re-
spective key, the data are no longer readable and thus
“forgotten”. Waizenegger et al. (Waizenegger et al.,
2017) introduce a hierarchical key management sys-
tem that can be used for this purpose. In this way,
fine-grained secure data deletion is achieved.
For the batch processing of these data, we use
. The Spark instance gets the required keys
from AMNESIA for this purpose. MLlib
can be used
AMNESIA: A Technical Solution towards GDPR-compliant Machine Learning
Health Record
Speech Data
Raw Data
Model Store
Data Marts
1 2 3 4 4
CGM Data
Health App
Figure 5: Implementation Strategy for and Operational Flow of AMNESIA.
to learn the ML models. The learned models are then
added to our model store. The model store provides
data management and provisioning services (see Sec-
tion 5.4). To this end, the store annotates the models.
Via this annotation it is also possible to retrace on
which data a model was learned. If the underlying
data are deleted, the associated models can also be
deleted and re-learned on the remaining data stock.
In order to be compatible to every ML algorithm and
model type, a direct modification of the models is not
possible. This is due to the fact that the modification of
existing models would solely target models that origin
from incremental or transfer learning (Losing et al.,
2018). Instead, the models are encrypted, and we use
the abovementioned secure deletion method.
Spark Streaming
is used to apply a model. The
model that is provided to this component is selected
according to the privacy and utility requirements. It
receives only the key for this single model from
AMNESIA. This model is applied to real-time data.
The results are provided to authorized application.
Attribute-based approaches are very effective for
the fine-grained identification of applications. Thereby,
also the context in which an application wants to use
a model can be reflected. In addition to the purpose
for which the model can be accessed, the context also
includes, e. g., the actual location where the applica-
tion is hosted. However, this approach has two crucial
problems: On the one hand this requires a lot of compu-
tational power and on the other hand the disclosure of
these attributes also poses a privacy threat to the users
and providers of the application (Gritti et al., 2018).
However, Gritti et al. (Gritti et al., 2019) introduce a
lightweight and privacy-preserving attribute-based au-
thentication method that we can apply in AMNESIA.
The interaction of these components as well as the
operational flow of AMNESIA can be illustrated by
means of a Smart Health example. For the treatment
of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, autonomous di-
agnostic support is particularly useful as a continuous
monitoring of health values (e. g., via a CGM sensor)
is required (Tamada et al., 2002). While such health
data should not be masked, there are other data which
are useful for diagnosis but also reveal a lot of private
insights. For instance, the location (e. g., via a GPS
sensor) affects the stress level of a patient (Knöll et al.,
2015) and his or her mood can be determined via a
speech analysis (e. g., via the microphone of a smart-
phone) (Mehta et al., 2012). Such data should not be
provided unfiltered to an ML system.
Kafka pools and buffers these data
and forwards
them to Hadoop
. In addition to storing the raw data,
our privacy filters are applied here
. In order to re-
duce the accuracy of the location data, the aforemen-
tioned technique can be used, since the stress level can
also be determined via a coarse location. Yet, simply
adding noise to the speech data is not sufficient, as
speech recognition is even possible on noisy data (Kr-
ishna et al., 2019). Our privacy filters are, however,
able to analyze the data. Thus, AMNESIA can deter-
mine the mood and store only the mood level and not
the captured audio data in the Accuracy Filter Zone.
Using Spark and MLlib, models are learned for each
zone and then stored in the model store Ã.
If a Smart Health application needs diagnostic sup-
port, it queries the Spark Streaming component
This request is signed with the attributes of the applica-
tion. Depending on these attributes, the users’ privacy
requirements and the request’ utility requirements, an
appropriate model is selected
(see Section 5.4).
Kafka provides the streaming component with real-
time data
. Depending on the privacy requirements
these data can also be filtered. MLlib makes a predic-
which leads to a treatment recommendation
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Dene Privacy
Dene Utility
Deploy Model
Use Model
Monitor Model
Create Result
Changed Permissions
Privacy or Utility
not Achievable
Privacy and Utility not Compatible
Figure 6: AMNESIAs Process Model for the Management and Provisioning of ML Models (cf. (Weber et al., 2019)).
5.4 Model Management
To realize the AMNESIA model store, two key features
have to be considered in particular, namely model
management and provisioning. With this in mind, we
adapt and extend the process model for maintaining
ML models by Weber et al. (Weber et al., 2019).
There are basically two strategies to ensure that
a model store is compatible with as many ML tools
and algorithms as possible. To this end, the store can
operate with an interchangeable model format that
is supported by most ML systems. The Predictive
Model Markup Language (PMML)
is such an open
standard. PMML is supported by many ML systems
such as KNIME
. That is, the ML models learned in
KNIME can be exported to the PMML format and
PMML models created by other systems can be im-
ported in KNIME to visualize, analyze, and apply
them. A big advantage for AMNESIA is that PMML
models are already annotated with a lot of metadata
(e. g., which data are covered by the model) (Guazzelli
et al., 2009). We can extract this information from
the PMML file and use it in the model store (e. g., for
model selection or provenance analysis).
However, there is a large number of ML systems
that support exclusively a proprietary model format.
This is where the other strategy comes into play to
compensate this disadvantage. ML libraries such as
provide converters for model formats of vari-
ous ML libraries and tools. That is, the models learned
in their native environments can be translated to a
multitude of other ML libraries and programming lan-
guages. In this way, we achieve independence from
proprietary model formats. However, each model for-
mat must first be determined and an appropriate con-
verter selected from the JPMML library.
In AMNESIA, we therefore combine these strate-
gies, i. e., we provide converters for ML model formats
to a generic interchange format. We use PMML for
this interchange format due to its metadata support.
The model selection and provisioning process in-
troduced in AMNESIA is shown in Figure 6. When
AMNESIA receives a query from an application (given
that it has been successfully authenticated), the model
store first looks up the relevant privacy requirements
depending on the attributes of the application
. Via
these privacy requirements, a user can specify which
application can access which data for which attributes
(e. g., for which purpose or in which context). To this
end, s/he describes which information (in terms of pri-
vate patterns, i. e., data sequences or combinations)
must not be included in the model.
To make the specification of privacy requirements
as simple as possible for users, an approach such as
EPICUREAN (Stach and Steimle, 2019) can be ap-
plied. Experts identify which knowledge can be de-
rived from which data sources and map these coher-
ences to private patterns. Expressive keywords are as-
signed to these patterns. All this information is stored
in a knowledge base. Users query the knowledge base
in natural language, i. e., the natural language descrip-
tion of their privacy requirements are analyzed using
. Afterwards, private patterns with keywords
matching to these requirements are recommended to
the user. In addition, collaborative filtering is used
to find further relevant private patterns, i. e., patterns
applied by other users who have a similar behavior
and sense of privacy. The selected patterns are mapped
to appropriate models, i. e., to models learned on data
concealing the private patterns in question.
Similarly, application developers define utility re-
quirements, i. e., the quality of the requested model
(e. g., in terms of precision and recall)
. Developers
are legally obligated to such considerations anyway,
as they must ensure data minimization when process-
ing private data. This leads to public patterns, i. e.,
information that has to be reflected in a model.
Subsequently, it must be checked whether the pri-
vate and public patterns are compatible. In addition, it
is necessary to verify whether the private patterns and
the public patterns are legit from a legal point of view,
AMNESIA: A Technical Solution towards GDPR-compliant Machine Learning
Data Stores
Model Store
Privacy? Why?
Timestamp & Query
via Metadata
Source Data
Figure 7: Provenance Information Flow in AMNESIA.
based on the involved kinds of data and the nature of
the request
. If the patterns are not compatible (i. e.,
the user wants to hide a fact that the request explicitly
requires) or if there is no model that meets these re-
quirements, the requirements must be re-adjusted
. If
still no model can be found, the application is informed
that its request did not lead to a result Ñ.
If, however, a fitting model is found, it is de-
. A deployed model can then be applied to
real-time data
. Concurrently, AMNESIA monitors
the model, i. e., it checks whether the users’ permis-
sions have changed in the meantime
. For instance,
a permission change occurs when a user enhances his
or her privacy requirements or adds new requirements.
Also, if a user exercises his right to erasure, this results
in a permission change and a different model has to
be selected (or a new model has to be learned based
on a different database)
. In this way, in
AMNESIA even already learned knowledge is imme-
diately “forgotten”. However, if the permissions have
not changed, AMNESIA provides the results to the
querying application Ñ.
5.5 Provenance Analysis
Lastly, we also describe the provenance analysis op-
tions, provided by AMNESIA. When an ML system,
for instance, makes a prediction or a recommendation,
two questions often arise for its users. On the one
hand, users need to know whether all of their privacy
requirements were respected when applying an ML
model. On the other hand, users want to know why the
decision was made that way. In accordance with the
GDPR, providers of ML applications should be able
to provide answers to both of these questions.
Figure 7 outlines how AMNESIA addresses these
issues. Users can request an explanation regarding an
automatic decision from AMNESIA. Based on the
timestamp of the query that led to the decision of the
ML application, AMNESIA checks which model was
applied at that point in time.
For this purpose, the AMNESIA model store has
a history management of the models. Over time, the
stored models can undergo changes. For instance, if a
data subject deletes some of his or her data between
the time a decision is made and the time a user requests
an explanation for that decision, then all models that
include these data have to be re-learned. Therefore, no
stored models are permanently deleted. From a data se-
curity point of view, this is not critical, since the store
is fully encrypted. Due to the attribute-based authenti-
cation and access control it is ensured that applications
only have access to the latest model versions. Only for
AMNESIAs internal provenance analysis, the histo-
ries of the models are visible.
Once the right version of the model has been found,
i. e., the model the decision is based on, the stored
metadata is used to identify the data stock used for
learning. Some of these metadata are already embed-
ded in the model itself. PMML provides, e.g., infor-
mation about the model version, a timestamp, when
the model was created, and information about the data
used for learning. However, the descriptions given
in the PMML Data Dictionary
are only intended to
give an overview of the used data features in order to
remain independent of specific data sets.
Therefore, we have an additional metadata reposi-
tory for our model store. These metadata include links
between models and the privacy zone instances on
whose data they are based on. By combining these
links with the information about the features from the
PMML Data Dictionary, a comprehensive representa-
tion of the data covered by a model—and thus, respon-
sible for automatic ML decisions—is obtained. By
means of the privacy zone it can be verified whether the
privacy requirements of the user have been respected.
If a provenance analysis is carried out for a model
that has already been deleted, AMNESIA has also
deleted the keys for the underlying data. As a result,
these data have been irretrievably “forgotten”, i. e.,
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
they are no longer readable. Nevertheless, AMNESIA
can still identify which privacy filters have been ap-
plied to the data, based on the privacy zone in which
the data were stored. This information is sufficient to
verify that no privacy requirements have been violated.
For further analyses, the primary keys of the data
can be used to identify the underlying source data in
the Raw Data Zone. The Raw Data Zone’s metadata
also allow to trace the origin of the data.
In the following, we evaluate whether AMNESIA ful-
fills the requirements towards a privacy mechanism for
ML and if it complies with applicable data protection
regulations, i. e., whether it is an appropriate technical
solution towards GDPR-compliant ML.
Due to the privacy requirements formulated as pri-
vate patterns, users have full control which ML models
are available for which applications. AMNESIA cre-
ates several versions of every model, each based on
a different state of the data stock. For this purpose,
various privacy filters are applied to the data. More-
over, a data subject can withdraw his or her consent
permanently via AMNESIAs secure deletion. This
complies with [R
] and Art. 7(3) GDPR.
The attribute-based authentication enables to differ-
entiate application on a fine-grained level. Besides gen-
eral information about the application, the attributes
used here also include information about the execution
context and the purpose of use. In this way, AMNESIA
can dynamically control which data an application may
receive for the given purpose. This complies with
and the principle of purpose limitation.
In public patterns, applications define which utility
requirements they pose towards a model (and thus
towards the underlying data stock). By harmonizing
the private patterns and public patterns, AMNESIA is
able to select a model that provides the least insights
into private data. This complies with
and supports
the principle of data minimization.
Since AMNESIA has a comprehensive overview
regarding which application has which utility require-
ments for what purpose as well as which privacy
requirements are defined by a user, legal compliance
can be improved. If the request of an application is,
e. g., in the public interest, AMNESIA can therefore
reduce or ignore the privacy requirements. Fair
data processing can also be enhanced as AMNESIA
can prevent data concealing or obfuscation that
would wrongly benefit a certain user. This complies
with [R
] & [R
Due to the privacy zones, AMNESIA is able to
select a filtering technique that results in an ML model
with the highest utility. This complies with [R
AMNESIAs provenance analysis enables to verify
that the users’ privacy requirements and rights have
been respected. They also create transparency regard-
ing the data on which a model (and thus indirectly a
decision) is based on. This complies with [R
Due to the secure deletion, AMNESIA can enforce
the right to be forgotten. Since all data of the data
stock is encrypted hierarchically, deleting the corre-
sponding keys ensures that selected data are no longer
readable. By means of AMNESIAs hierarchical key
management system, data can be deleted on a fine-
grained level. As soon as data are deleted from the
data stock, AMNESIA marks all models based on this
data as invalid. The model management and provi-
sioning process applied in AMNESIA ensures that no
invalid model is available to any application. The full
encryption of the data stock and the model store also
ensures integrity and confidentiality of the data. This
complies with [R
] & [R
AMNESIA combines Local and Global Privacy
to meet
. Due to our implementation strat-
egy, which seamlessly embeds AMNESIA into an ML
system, Privacy by Design is achieved [R
were dominantly derived from le-
gal considerations, mainly the general data protection
principles (Art.
GDPR), AMNESIA significantly im-
proves compliance with GDPR and enables innovative
ML models at the same time. In order to enforce pur-
pose control for the ML models as well, these models
can be tagged with their intended purpose to enable au-
dit trails about their usage (see (Petkovi
c et al., 2011)).
ML can be applied in many domains. This is lever-
aged by IoT devices permanently recording a large
amount of data about the users. With this comprehen-
sive data stock, ML systems are able to learn mod-
els. These models enable, e. g., autonomous decision-
making. Besides the undeniable benefits of ML, there
are also severe privacy issues if personal data is used to
learn the models. While the GDPR provides a distinct
legal framework, there is a lack of effective technical
solutions towards GDPR-compliant ML.
To this end, we introduce AMNESIA, a privacy-
aware machine learning model provisioning platform.
With AMNESIA it is possible to “forget” private data.
This applies not only to the ML data stock, but also to
already learned models. Furthermore, it is possible to
verify to the user that his or her privacy requirements
AMNESIA: A Technical Solution towards GDPR-compliant Machine Learning
have been respected and which data have been used
for decision-making. To achieve this, we make five
We introduce AMNESIA, enabling
GDPR-compliant ML.
We introduce a privacy
zone model for organizing AMNESIAs data stock.
We introduce a Privacy by Design implementation
strategy for AMNESIA.
We introduce a novel
model management concept in AMNESIA.
introduce a data provenance analysis in AMNESIA.
Evaluation results prove that AMNESIA is a suitable
technical solution towards GDPR-compliant ML.
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