Towards Analysing the Sentiments in the Field of Automobile with
Specific Focus on Arabic Language Text
Ayman Yafoz and Malek Mouhoub
Department of Computer Science, University of Regina, 3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, Canada
Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis, Arabic Language, Automobile.
Abstract: Performing natural language processing on a text document is an active research area. Social media includes
valuable information resources in various languages. These information resources include reviews, comments,
tweets, posts, opinions, articles and other text resources which could be analysed to explore people’s opinions,
attitudes, emotions and sentiments towards various subjects and commodities. However, there is lack of
contributions addressing sentiment analysis on automobile reviews in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
dialects and in the Arabic language in general. Moreover, the lack of available annotated datasets in the Arabic
language, which are targeting specific domains (such as automobiles), and the limited focus on analysing the
sentiments in Arabic regional dialects created a gap. These factors motivated us to conduct the research that
we report in this paper. Furthermore, the limited adoption of techniques and algorithms related to natural
language processing and machine learning is noticed in the current efforts that are targeting sentiment analysis
in the Arabic language, which once adopted could provide the opportunity of enhancing the performance of
sentiment analysers. Therefore, this research attempts to cover these gaps to a certain extent.
The purpose of sentiment analysis (aka opinion
mining) is to analyse the opinions of people towards
evaluations, attitudes, sentiments, opinions, emotions
and appraisals towards objects such as individuals,
topics, issues, services, organizations, services,
products, events and their features, which constitute a
large research area. Several terms can be used to refer
to sentiment analysis such as opinion extraction,
subjectivity analysis, emotion analysis, opinion
mining, sentiment mining, review mining and affect
the analysis. However, all the previous terms are
either under the sentiment analysis umbrella or the
term opinion mining (Liu, 2012).
Moreover, the area of sentiment analysis is a key
research area in the field of applied linguistics. The
importance of performing sentiment analysis is
noticed in fields such as politics, education and
marketing. Furthermore, opinion mining or sentiment
analysis extracts information through determining the
data that indicate neutral, negative or positive texts in
given documents (Zaidan et al,2014). This extraction
could be accomplished through the fields of machine
learning, NLP and statistics that assist in determining
the polarity of a given record (Zaidan et al, 2014). The
extracted critique, feedback or comment might
contain sentiments that could provide a valuable
indicator for several purposes.
There are three sentiment classes to which the
extracted sentiment is classified: negative
, positive
or neutral; or it could be classified using an n-point
scale such as very bad, bad, satisfactory, good or very
good. Each of the previous classes forms a sentiment.
This process provides means to the corporations to
evaluate the acceptance rate of their products in the
market and assist
them in creating plans to enhance
the quality of their products.
Sentiment analysis could also assist politicians or
policymakers in evaluating the sentiments related to
political matters, public services or policies (Prabowo
et al, 2014). This process is also currently important
due to the proliferation of social media where the
analysis of the feelings and emotions of social media
users is crucial for many marketers, other parties in
the social media industry and external agencies.
Due to the importance of analysing and
understanding reviewers’ feedback and comments to
fulfil their needs and understand the situation in the
market, this contribution comes to address these
issues through analysing the sentiments of online
reviews in the Arabic language, which are exclusively
related to automobiles. The novelty of this research
lies in filling the gap of lacking a specific sentiment
Yafoz, A. and Mouhoub, M.
Towards Analysing the Sentiments in the Field of Automobile with Specific Focus on Arabic Language Text.
DOI: 10.5220/0008916904030412
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 2, pages 403-412
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
analyser that works on a dataset related to automobiles
and in both modern standard Arabic and GCC dialect.
Moreover, the expressions that convey sentiments in
the automobile domain are rarely found in other
domains, for instance, the expression “high fuel
consumption” reflects a negative sentiment, while the
expression “ice-cold AC” reflects a positive sentiment.
Therefore, the research aims to perform sentiment
analysis processes on a dataset that is exclusively
related to the automobile industry.
The novelty extends to cover the methodology
proposed by this research to address that problem being
considered, which is reflected in the accuracy
outcomes of the proposed system (nearly 84% as
shown in the experiment evaluation results we report
in this paper). The system is composed of seven main
stages, which are described briefly below:
1- Data Gathering: in this stage, the data related to
automobiles is gathered from the websites “Haraj” and
then filtered to leave data containing sentiments
(positive, negative or mixed) in the dataset. For this
task, a dedicated web scrapper is developed using the
Beautiful Soup, which is a Python library.
2- Data Annotation: in this stage, the data is annotated
by three annotators and following that the inter-rater
agreement is computed to show the consistency and
agreement level between annotators.
3- Data Pre-processing: in this stage, the data undergo
a cleansing process to ensure it does not contain
irrelevant data and is suitable for classification.
4- Feature Selection: the purpose of feature selection is
to find the most informative and compact group of
features of a particular task to enhance processing, data
storage or efficiency which is important for
classification, regression and clustering in both
unsupervised or supervised approaches. In feature
selection, the initial features are decreased and a
subgroup retaining sufficient information for acquiring
satisfactory or better performance outcomes is chosen
(Bolón-Canedo et al, 2015).
5- Splitting the Dataset: in this phase, the dataset is
divided into training and testing datasets. The
unbalanced dataset is treated to avoid inadequate
representation of minority classes in the training
6- Data Processing: in this stage, a group of machine
learning classifiers will perform the classification
7- Data Visualization: in this stage, the word cloud will
visually depict the most frequent words and sentiment
words in the dataset.
Moreover, the dataset is sourced from the famous
GCC forum website called “Haraj”, which contains
reviews related to different aspects of automobiles.
Haraj is one of the most common websites in Saudi
Arabia that encompasses topics related to automobiles
in Saudi Arabia specifically. A GCC dialect was
mostly used by the reviewers to write the topics. The
dataset gathered from “Haraj” contains around 6,585
comments divided into three categories (positive,
negative and mixed opinions). The dataset focuses on
almost 29 topics related to automobiles, which are
illustrated in Table 1:
Table 1: Covered Topics in Automobile Dataset.
The following example in Table 2 illustrates the
predicted results of a sentiment analysis process on
comments extracted from the dataset:
Table 2: The Predicted Results of a Sentiment Analysis
Sentence Translation Sentiment
ﻭ ﺔﻠﻴﻤﺟ ﺓﺭﺎﻴﺳ
ﻦﻣ ﺺﺧﺭﺃ
Mustang is a beautiful
car that works for
everyday use, and its
parts are cheaper than
its competitors.
ﺐﺒﺴﺑ ﺓﺪﻌﺒﺘﺴﻣ
ﻎﻟﺎﺒﻤﻟﺍ ﺎﻫﺮﻌﺳ
ﻰﻠﻋ ﻪﻴﻓ4
ﺮﻴﻗ ﻭ ﺭﺪﻨﻠﺳ
The Accord is
excluded due to its
exaggerated price on 4
cylinders and due to
ﺓﺭﺎﻴﺳ ﺱﺭﻮﺘﻟﺍ
ﺍﺪﺟ ﺔﺑﻮﻏﺮﻣ
ﺎﻬﺘﻠﻜﺸﻣ ﻦﻜﻟ
ﻰﻟﺇ ﺔﻘﻴﺿ ﺎﻬﻧﺇ
ﻦﻣ ﺎﻣ ﺪﺣ
The Taurus is a very
desirable car, but its
problem is that it is
somewhat tight inside.
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
In this contribution, Python is selected to write the
program codes due to its popularity, libraries (such as
NLTK, Sklearn, Pandas and so forth), easiness and
the framework it provides to write codes for
sentiment analysis tasks. On the other hand, to save
the dataset, MySQL Community Server is selected
because it is compatible with Windows operating
system and can be connected with Python projects.
The rest of the paper describes each of the system
stages we listed before. It then reports on the
experimental evaluation that we have conducted to
assess the performance, in terms of accuracy, of the
proposed system. Finally, concluding remarks are
then presented in the last section.
2.1 Data Gathering and Annotation
Annotation is the process of adding labels to pictures,
audios, videos, text, records or documents as notes,
external remarks, comments or explanations without
modifying the labelled item (Dingli, 2011). In this
contribution, the annotation referred to the sentiment
labels of the record in the dataset (positive, negative
or mixed).
Moreover, after creating the annotation guidelines
and distributing them with the dataset to three
annotators who performed the annotation and
returned a completely labelled dataset. We gathered
the dataset from each annotator and computed the
interrater agreement scores using Fleiss Kappa
The formula part
𝑃 −𝑃
denotes the actually
obtained agreement degree above chance, where
denotes the agreement degree that is achievable
above chance. The case where
𝑘≤0 reflects the
lack of agreement among assessors, and the situation
where 𝑘=1 reflects a total agreement among
assessors (Nichols et al, 2010). Moreover, in this
project, the Fleiss Kappa degree = 82.7% which
reflects a substantial agreement among interrater.
2.2 Cleaning the Data
Cleaning the data referred to the operation of
adjusting anomalies in the dataset, such as correcting
typographical mistakes, duplicated or missing words
or letters and formatting variances, which is
important for data mining and natural language
processing tasks (Manolescu et al, 2007) as it
facilitates and accelerates processing the data by
machine learning algorithms (Squire, 2015).
In this research, the eastern Arabic numerals were
converted to Arabic numerals to enhance the text
consistency, and the stretched words were shortened
and vice versa to achieve the most optimal words’
form. Furthermore, grammar mistakes were
corrected, and some punctuations were either deleted,
added or replaced with the correct punctuations.
Moreover, some clauses were rearranged to obtain
the correct words’ order. Additionally, cases of
missing, redundant or incorrect mixing of female and
male pronouns were resolved as well as redundant
and missing words were addressed. Furthermore, the
issue of the wrongly used form of singular or plural
words was handled to achieve the correct form of a
word. Furthermore, the numbers in the numbered list
were deleted and the remaining text was merged.
Moreover, incorrectly separated words were
merged, and mistakenly joint words were detached.
Furthermore, the spaces between the words and the
letters were either added or removed based on each
situation to achieve the correct form. Moreover,
extremely racist, personal insults, offensive and
aggressive reviews were excluded from the dataset.
Furthermore, the cases of superfluous and lost
prepositions, conjunctions and the Arabic article ( ﻝﺍ)
were handled, and exclamation and question marks
were removed from the text. Moreover, the records
containing similar reviews were deleted to ensure the
In addition to that, numeric ratings (such as 10/10)
were converted to alphabetic rating. Furthermore,
diacritics were deleted from the text, and some
punctuations were converted to prepositions.
Moreover, the plus sign+ was converted to
conjunction. In addition to that, emojis, hashtags,
links, ellipsis, hyphens, guillemets and asterisks.
Semicolons and slashes were removed to attain a
clean dataset.
2.3 Regular Expression
As part of the normalization process, an automatic
regular expression process is adopted to ensure
further cleansing of the data and make the data files
Towards Analysing the Sentiments in the Field of Automobile with Specific Focus on Arabic Language Text
only contain Arabic letters in the correct form. The
benefits of using regular expression technique in NLP
projects is to validate the text in the records, filter the
data, and find and replace operations on the data
(Kaur, 2014) .
In this research, the regular expression process
starts with finding the English alphabets in the dataset
records and replacing them with spaces. Moreover,
the regular expression process replaces all the forms
of the Arabic letters and with the letters
and “ﻯ” to reduce ambiguate situations that could
arise in the classification processes. Furthermore, all
the numbers in the text are excluded as they do not
convey sentiments, and all the diacritics are
automatically removed again as they arguably not
affecting the sentiment category of the text.
Moreover, another preparing process is adopted to
enhance the filtration process on the data, which is to
stop word removal. A list containing around 760 stop
words was prepared for this process. These stop
words will be excluded from the data records in both
the dataset and the dictionary as these words are
considered redundant words lacking valuable
semantics that should be eliminated to reduce the data
volume, accelerate the processing and enhance the
accuracy of the classification (Raulji, 2016).
Therefore, each word in both the dataset and the
dictionary is tokenized to filter out every stop word.
Following that, the tokenized words are joint together
again as filtered whole sentences.
2.4 Stemming
A stemming approach is applied on the data.
Stemming of the words is a crucial part in both
information retrieval and NLP systems. The current
search systems and indexing support stemming
feature. The purpose of stemming is to enhance
recalling by treating word endings by returning the
words to their roots. The recall process should be
enhanced by performing stemming while considering
that the accuracy of fetching the records is not
deteriorated (Jivani, 2011).
Moreover, typical stemming includes the
exclusion of prefixes and suffixes that are attached to
the index words prior to assigning the word to the
target index. This stemmed word reflects a wider
notion in comparison with the original word, and the
number of retrieved records by the information
retrieval system will increase as a result of
performing the stemming operation. Moreover, this
stemming process is important for summarization,
categorization and text clustering as it is a component
of pre-processing operation required before
performing any classification algorithm (Jivani,
2011). Table 3 shows an example of using the
stemmers Light 10 and P-Stemmer (Kanan, 2016).
Therefore, this contribution adopted The
Information Science Research Institute’s (ISRI)
Arabic stemmer. This stemmer h as several mutual
features with Khoja stemmer (Kanan, 2016).
Nevertheless, ISRI stemmer is lacking a root
dictionary as its developers claim that it does not
enhance the retrieval of documents only containing a
monolingual Arabic language. The ISRI stemmer
performed better than both light and Khoja stemmers
on the queries having shorter titles (Elkhoury, 2005).
Table 3: Using the Stemmers Light 10 andP-Stemmer on
Arabic Text (Kanan, 2016).
Word Light 10 P-Semmer
As the Imports
And the Units
The Libraries
The Librar
Many researchers argue that adopting a feature
selection approach in natural language processing
projects would enhance the accuracy and efficiency
of the classification process (Mohod, 2014). Feature
selection reduces the dimensionality of the dataset to
reduce processing costs, reduce memory load and
extract more beneficial information through
summarizing the dataset by finding finer matrices of
narrower attributes and samples in the original dataset
matrix, which could be more beneficial for the
classification purpose than the original dataset
(Bolón-Canedo, 2015).
3.1 The Part-Of-Speech Tagger (POS
The part of speech (POS) tagging process is defined
as the computational identification of which part of
speech is triggered by using a word in a specific text.
The POS tagging process plays a vital role in the pre-
processing phase in numerous NLP projects, such as
named entity recognition, speech processing, and
sentiment analysis as it affects the results of the
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
consequent data processing phases. The POS tagger
allocates a specific part of speech to each word in a
given sentence, which could enhance the performance
(Jivani, 2011) of certain sentiment analysis
approaches. Moreover, Table 4 shows an example of
performing part of speech tagging on Arabic text.
Table 4: An example of Applying Part of Speech Tagger on
Arabic Text.
Word Translation POS
ﺓﺭﺎﻴﺳ Car Noun
ﺔﻌﻳﺮﺳ Fast Adjective
ﻒﺳﻸﻟ Sadly Adverb
ﻞﻤﻌﺗ Works Verb
Therefore, a POS tagger is applied in this
contribution to assist the classifier in distinguishing
each word type and focus on analysing the word types
with shared POS tags that hold sentiments and are
most important in the classification process. This
reduces the load of processing and enhances the
accuracy of processing data in sentiment analysis
tasks not only in the Arabic language but in other
languages (Gusev, 2018).
3.2 Term Frequency-Inverse Document
One of the most used feature selection approaches in
sentiment analysis is TFIDF (Term Frequency-
Inverse Document Frequency). TFIDF is a statistical
approach that indexes the terms. In term frequency of
the TFIDF, all the records are defined as vectors that
include words such as (Deshmukh, 2016):
R = <Word1, Word2, Word3,……., Wordn> (2)
𝑅 refers to the record and word is the term
in that record and n reflects the count of words in that
record (Deshmukh, 2016).
TFIDF depends on term vectors and documents
representing both term presence and term frequency.
The term frequency is used to calculate the terms in
TFIDF. The most common terms in a specific
document have higher term frequency values. Any
term that excessively appears in numerous documents
would be ignored (Deshmukh, 2016). Therefore, the
purpose of calculating TFIDF is to determine each
word's importance in the sentence through
normalizing the term frequency in a record as for the
whole dataset (Ojeda, 2018). This gives an advantage
of TFIDF over other statistical approaches, such as
bag of words (BOW) that treats all terms in the
document equally regardless (Ojeda, 2018) of their
importance to the sentiment classification process
(such as articles and conjunctions).
The value of TFIDF as stated above is the result
of multiplying the term frequency (TF) related to a
particular term in a document with the inverse
document frequency related to this term in the whole
dataset. The mathematical representation of TFIDF is
(Ghosh, 2018):
TF. IDF = 𝑡𝑓
* 𝑙𝑜𝑔
In the above equation, 𝑡𝑓
refers to the count of
times that a given term of
𝑖 appeared in document 𝑑.
represents the total count of documents in a
dataset, and
is the count of documents that the
𝑖 appears in. Moreover, 𝑇𝐹 represents the
term’s importance in a given document; the higher the
value of
𝑇𝐹 the more frequently the term occurs in
the document.
𝐼𝐷𝐹 denotes the extent to which a
specified term is informative in the dataset (Ghosh,
In this contribution, a TFIDF vectorizer is applied
to the dataset with three thresholds. The first
threshold “min_df” excludes too infrequent terms. It
excludes all the terms that occur in less than ten
records. The second threshold “max_df” excludes too
frequent terms. It excludes all the terms that occur in
more than 75% of the records (which in this case
could be articles, stop words or terms unimportant to
sentiment classification). The third threshold is
“ngram_range”, which sets the upper (which is 3) and
lower (which is 1) boundaries of the n-values range
for various n-grams that will be extracted
3.3 N Gram Feature
N gram reflects a group of words appearing in a
dataset. The main purpose of N gram is to create
features that are going to be used by supervised
machine learning algorithms (Kshirsagar et al, 2016)
(Bhayani et al, 2009). Moreover, research conducted
by (Bhayani et al, 2009) state that using bigrams
assisted the classifier to a large extent in detecting
negated expressions as explicit features (such as “not
powerful”) more than unigrams.
However, the same research claims that using
bigrams only is not efficient and should be combined
with unigrams as features, as the feature spaces of
bigrams is highly sparse (sparsity is defined as not
finding sufficient data in a dataset to comprise a
language correctly (Allison et al, 2006)). Therefore,
the higher the number of n-grams (for instance, five
Towards Analysing the Sentiments in the Field of Automobile with Specific Focus on Arabic Language Text
or four grams) could arguably generate more sparsity
and incorrect results (Allison et al, 2006). However,
including bigrams and trigrams to select features
would arguably enhance the process of capturing
sentiments in corpus (Narayanan et al, 2013).
Based on the above, the n-grams of unigrams,
bigrams and trigrams were adopted in this
contribution to enlarge the scope of feature selection
with the purpose to capture more sentiments in the
The large volume of the dataset induced the adoption
of machine learning models to both extract the data
and predict the model. For these two aims, it became
widespread to partition the dataset into training and
testing combinations of data. Moreover, the training
set is created to learn the machine learning model,
while the testing set is employed later to assess the
function of the model trained on the training set.
Many present projects in machine learning divide the
dataset into roughly 70% for training set and the rest
30% for testing set (Cocea et al, 2017), and therefore,
the dataset in this contribution is partitioned into 70%
for training set and 30% for the testing set to ensure
attaining an adequate training and testing
4.1 Cross Validation
This validation approach randomly splits the training
dataset into k subsections and 1 of the k–1 subsections
will be allocated for testing purposes while the rest
will be trained on. The favourite value for k is 10- fold
cross-validation that is adopted by many validations
in machine learning. This reflects that the nine
subsections will be allocated for training the classifier
and the rest 1 is specified for testing processes. In this
contribution, cross-validation is adopted to prevent
overfitting from occurring in the training set, which is
common in small datasets and abundant attributes
(Bazazeh et al, 2016).
4.2 Synthetic Minority Over-sampling
Technique Nominal Continues
The synthetic minority over-sampling technique
(SMOTE) is one of the important and powerful
techniques to perform oversampling on the minority
classes (Xu et al, 2006). SMOTE could arguably
enhance the performance of the classifier without
losing valuable data as it produces extra samples of
minority classes which enable the classifier to
enhance the learning process and broaden the
coverage and decision areas. Therefore, SMOTE is
widely used by the researchers in the software field
due to its outstanding outcomes (Pears et al, 2014)
and its capability of providing better performance
than the ordinary oversampling approach (Blagus et
al, 2012).
Moreover, because SMOTE technique can not
work with datasets that are mainly composed of
nominal “categorical” features (Kalajdziski et al,
2015), a generalization of SMOTE technique is
developed to work with datasets containing a mix of
nominal and continuous numeric
(Precision_Recall_Fscore_Support) features, this
generalized technique is named SMOTE-NC
“Synthetic Minority Over Sampling Technique
Nominal and Continuous”. In this contribution,
SMOTE-NC is adopted to perform the synthetic
oversampling process for the minority classes in the
training dataset.
In this experiment, twenty-two machine learning
algorithms were adopted to perform the classification
task. The results of the classification processes are
illustrated in Table 5 (see Table 5 for the list of the
classifiers used in these experiments). A classification
report is generated after every classification process.
The classification report presents the computations of
precession, recall, f1-score and support. The precision
is the ratio of:
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
True Positive
True Positive + False Positive
True Positive
Total Predicted Positive
The precision refers to measuring the extent to
which it is affirmed that the classifier will not label a
positive sample as a negative one
(Precision_Recall_Fscore_Support). The optimal
precision value is 1 and the poorest is 0.
The recall is:
𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 =
True Positive
True Positive + False Negative
True Positive
The recall refers to measuring the extent to which
the classifier is capable of detecting all incidents of
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
positive (negative or mixed) samples
(Precision_Recall_Fscore_Support). The optimal
recall value is 1 and the poorest is 0. Furthermore, the
F1-score, which is also called F measure or F-score has
the ratio of:
𝐹1 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 = 2 ∗
Precision ∗ Recall
Precision + Recall
The F1-score in the previous equation can be
regarded as the weighted average of both precision and
recall. The optimal F1-score value is 1 and the poorest
is 0 (Precision_Recall_Fscore_Support). Moreover,
the score of the criterion support is resulted from
counting how many times each class “label” in y_true
“the training” has occurred (the number of positive,
negative and mixed incidents supported the classifier
that occurred in the training dataset)
Furthermore, the field of weighted average
computes metrics for every label along with finding the
average weighted based on support for every label “the
count of true cases for every label.” The average
weighted adjust macro to consider imbalance label and
could produce F-score, which is not between recall and
precision (Precision_Recall_Fscore_Support). Hence,
the support-weighted mean is averaged for each label
(The Classification Report). Furthermore, the
following is the mathematical equation (Barendregt et
al, 1986) (Weighted Averaging) of the weighted
𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 =
Where 𝐻
reflects the support for a sentiment
polarity 𝑝 (positive, negative and mixed), and 𝑇
denotes the precision for a sentiment polarity 𝑝. The
result of summing this value is divided by the overall
sum of all sentiment polarities support
The accuracy of a machine learning algorithm
refers to the probability ratio of predicting the category
of unlabeled records. Hence, the generalization ability
of a classifier can be reflected through the index of its
high accuracy rates on unseen records that were tested
in the testing dataset (Tagliaferri et al, 2018).
Moreover, the following equation illustrates the
computation of the accuracy metric (Grus, 2015):
𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 =
  
    
Furthermore, in this contribution, the accuracy is
computed for the ten folds created by the cross-
validation approach, then the average of these accuracy
calculations is computed as shown in the following
of the Classifier =
         
   
Based on the results in Table 5, in terms of the
average of accuracy results, the Ensemble Hard Vote
classifier outperformed all other adopted classifiers by
scoring approximately 84%. Moreover, in terms of the
precision and recall weighted averages, the Ensemble
Hard Vote, the Ridge, and the Ensemble Soft Vote
classifiers outperformed all other adopted classifiers by
scoring 84% each. Furthermore, in terms of the F1-
score weighted averages, the Ensemble Hard Vote, the
Ridge, the Ensemble Soft Vote, the Linear Support
Vector and the Logistic Regression CV classifiers
outperformed all other adopted classifiers by scoring
83% each. Hence, the results reflect that the Ensemble
Hard Vote classifier should be adopted to analyse the
sentiments in Arabic automobile datasets due to its
performance in four measured scales.
Moreover, a calculating statistical evaluator called
a confusion matrix, which is composed of false
positive, true positive, false Negative and True
Negative is adopted to evaluate the correctness of the
conducted classifications. More precisely, in this
contribution, the confusion matrix is calculated with
and without normalization. The purpose of
normalizing the confusion matrix is to make the sum
of the values in every sentimental field of positive,
negative and neutral equal to one (Nkambou et al,
2012). Therefore, the values in each of the three
sentimental categories fields (positive, negative and
neutral) will be ranging between 0 and 1 as shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Confusion Matrix, with Normalization.
Towards Analysing the Sentiments in the Field of Automobile with Specific Focus on Arabic Language Text
Table 5: A Comparison Between the Machine Learning Algorithms in terms of the Average of Accuracy, Precision Weighted
and Recall Weighted Results.
5.1 Data Visualization
To graphically depict the most frequent words and
sentiment terms in the text, a technique named word
cloud is adopted in this contribution. The expression
word cloud reflects creating a file summary through
mining the most recurrent terms in a given file
(Franconeri et al, 2018).
Moreover, the word cloud could be defined as a
weighted list created to depict text data, and recently it
attracted many researchers in big data field that adopt
them to graphically represent the data in an attractive
and easy to understand manner.
However, the use of the word cloud to represent
non-English words is arguably limited (Jin, 2017),
which justifies the adoption of the word cloud in this
contribution. Consequently, Figure 2 shows a word
cloud presenting the most frequent sentiment words
in the dataset.
Figure 2: A Word Cloud Illustrating the Most Frequent
Sentiment Words in the Dataset.
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
This paper presents a framework for analysing the
sentiments in the Arabic language that is related to the
automobile field. The paper also explained the details
of the project phases, data collection, annotation
procedures, how the data is cleaned, the feature
selection process, the way of splitting the data, how
the data is graphically depicted and the classification
process with the results of the twenty-two machine
learning classifiers adopted in this contribution. The
highest obtained result for accuracy is 83.79% by the
Ensemble Hard Vote classifier. Hence, the results
reflect that the Ensemble Hard Vote classifier should
be adopted to analyse the sentiment in Arabic
automobile datasets due to its high results in the four
measured scales.
In future work, more experiments and studies will
be conducted on how to enhance the accuracy results
through improving the cleaning process, including
dictionary as a hybrid approach and adopting
advanced deep learning algorithms.
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