label (with binary values 1 and 2) is used for iden-
tifying which camera that an image is coming from,
we found it hard to extract the exact camera IDs from
CUHK03. Thus we only test our model without en-
abling the view-specific learning on this dataset. In
table 3, we show the results of our proposed method
on CUHK03. Remarkably, although the MRFA mod-
ule is not guided by camera ID, our model still out-
performs all other methods by a large margin.
In this work, we introduce a novel multi-receptive
field attention module which brings a considerable
performance boost to a strip-based person re-ID net-
work. Besides, we propose a horizontal data augmen-
tation strategy which is shown to be particularly help-
ful against misalignment issues. Combined with the
idea of injecting view information through the atten-
tion module, our proposed model achieves superior
performance comparing to current state-of-the-art on
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