The measurement reproducibility was tested
measuring 50 ppm of ammonia in three continuous
exposure-purge cycles, during which a similar
frequency shift was obtained (Fig. 6).
Figure 6: Real time response and recovery of a LW sensor
with senstive layer based on combination of iron oxide
and Au nanoparticles for a concentration of 50 ppm of
ammonia (three exposures and purgue process).
According to the theory (Raj, 2017, Fragoso-
Mora, 2018), the fact that the frequency increased
with gas interaction implied that the velocity of the
wave was highly affected by the elastic properties of
nanoparticle layer, resulting high sensitive to the gas
Table 1 shows the stadistic of the response,
sensitivity, standard deviation and limit of detection
(LOD) of the triplicates exposures of the sensors to
50 ppm of ammonia.
Table 1: Sensor Array.
Sensor S1 S2 S3 S4
Metal NP
--- Au Pt Pd
0 359 314 203
0 7.19 6.28 4.06
0 18.5 26 16
--- 4.17 4.77 7.37
The combination of the iron oxide nanoparticles
with noble metal nanoparticles induced an elastic
sensitivity for ammonia.
The results showed that the sensor array was
highly effective in detecting ammonia with high
sensitivity (50 ppm). The nanostructured sensors of
the array showed different sensitivities at room
temperature, good repeatability, fast response and
reversibility, and therefore they are good candidates
to get a wireless sensor network for environmental
This work has been supported by the Fundación
General CSIC via Program ComFuturo and the
Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and
Universities under the projects RTI2018-095856-B-
C22 (AEI/FEDER) and TEC2016-79898-C6
(AEI/FEDER). This research has used the Spanish
ICTS Network MICRONANOFABS (partially
funded by MINECO).
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