it possible to easily recognize variations of existing
sequences and determine which features are respon-
sible for the divergences. However, the placement
is almost certainly not ideal to visualize syscall se-
quences in chains, i.e., to reduce the arrow lengths
between nodes. While it is possible to display the ac-
tive nodes of a SOM and their transitions as a graph
and reorder the nodes to avoid edges crossing over
or running across the plot, this would undermine the
topological node placement of the SOM.
We especially recommend our approach for sys-
tems with predictable behavior, otherwise the amount
of false positives may easily become overwhelming.
In this paper, we introduced an approach to visu-
alize high-dimensional syscall log lines using self-
organizing maps. Other than most existing ap-
proaches, our solution incorporates parameters as
context information, which is necessary to identify at-
tacks that do not manifest themselves as anomalous
sequences of syscall types, but rather involve unusual
combinations of parameter values. Our visualizations
involve hit histograms that show the number of input
vectors mapped to each node, as well as transitions
that display hit sequences. We used a sliding window
approach to analyze consecutively generated SOMs
and computed an anomaly score based on their pair-
wise changes. In addition, we proposed to aggregate
the syscalls within time windows and also visualized
their occurrence counts. We generated syscalls on a
real system to validate our approach. All attacks in-
jected in the system were identified as changes of the
SOMs. We therefore conclude that SOMs are suitable
to be applied for semi-automatic anomaly detection
in fixed data sets by supporting exploratory analyses
with visual cues.
This work was partly funded by the FFG projects IN-
DICAETING (868306) and DECEPT (873980), and
the EU H2020 project GUARD (833456).
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy