ing step, which takes into account the orientation of
the source and destination sections of the pipe. Also,
the techniques proposed make pipe routing possible
for pipes that have a non symmetrical section such as
a rectangular one.
Both presented approaches are sensitive to the in-
crease in the number of bends, even if the MILP ap-
proach seems more robust for delivering an optimal
solution. The MILP resolution might also be boosted
by using column generation techniques with a master
problem considering bend variables. The Combined
Graph-LP solver could also be accelerated by im-
proving the combination enumeration procedure with,
for example, a bidirectional A* enumeration starting
from the source and destination orientations.
As a result, the new methods introduced in this
paper can be efficiently used as a first routing algo-
rithm. If the optimal pipe route obtained by solving
the 3D-OFPRP problem collides with obstacles of the
3D-PRP problem, Branch-and-Cut techniques can be
integrated to the MILP approach by (a) analyzing the
solution generated, (b) adding new integer variables
and new linear constraints to enforce that pipe sec-
tions must not traverse the obstacle sides for which
collisions are detected, (c) solving the problem again,
and so on until a valid pipe routing is found. One dif-
ficulty though will concern the management of colli-
sions with the pipe itself, since the pipe sections can-
not be considered as fixed obstacles from one resolu-
tion to the next.
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Optimal Pipe Routing Techniques in an Obstacle-Free 3D Space