Table 5: Results obtained for load classification using LSTM and CNN.
Network Heater Drain Pump Electrovalves
F1 class ON 99.82% 97.44% 37.61%
F1 class OFF 99.68% 99.54% 87.81%
F1 class ON 99.72% 98.57% 98.39%
F1 class OFF 99.95% 99.75% 99.87%
obtained for the drain pump. This load is quite easy
to detect and hence both the deep learning approaches
provide good results. The same cannot be said for
electrovalves. Regarding this load, it is clear that
CNNs outperform LSTMs.
In this work two different problems have been faced:
the drum speed estimation of a washing machine and
the activation status classification of different loads of
the same appliance. The first has been solved training
an LSTM network that estimates the speed at each
time instant. Results on the test set prove that good
performances can be achieved using this network, es-
pecially if the state dimension of the network is set
solving an optimization problem.
As for the second problem, two different ap-
proaches have been tested. The first consisted in
training an LSTM network (with an optimal number
of hidden units) whereas the second makes use of
CNNs. Good results have been achieved using both
the networks for two out of three loads (heater and
drain pump). Conversely, it is clear that using only
a weighted classification layer in the electrovalves-
status classification, is not enough to cope with class
unbalance, thus using CNNs leads to much better re-
sults. Hence, even though LSTMs are easier to train
and test (since the only preprocessing operation re-
quired is the normalization), CNNs will be preferred
since perform better in classifying all the loads.
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ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods