Agents and Multi-agent Systems as Actor-networks
Yury Iskanderov
and Mikhail Pautov
The St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS,
39, 14-th Line, St. Petersburg, Russia
Foscote Group, 23A Spetson St., 102A, Mesa Geitonia, 4000 Limassol, Cyprus
Keywords: Actor-network Theory, Agents, Multi-agent Systems, Translation.
Abstract: Agents and multi-agent systems are looked at through the lens of actor-network theory which plays a promi-
nent role in the avant-garde of postmodern studies on socio-technological systems. The authors use the ele-
ments of applied semiotics and logics of action to formalize the basic actor-network concepts; they discuss
prospective intercourses between the actor-network paradigm and the agent based approaches, potential syn-
thesis of the two methods and the new semantics of certain MAS concepts suggested by actor-network theory.
The core principle of the actor-network theory (ANT)
is based on the idea that the actions of any human or
nonhuman agent (or “actor” in terms of ANT) are me-
diated by the actions of a set of other heterogeneous
actors. This set is informally defined as “actor-net-
work”. The origins of any actor-network are consid-
ered a “rhizome” in Deleuze-Guattarian understand-
ing of this term, i.e. a self-organizing multiplicity
with totally decentralized structure and no hierar-
chical relations between its heterogeneous elements
having only an initial affinity with each other. It can
hardly be identified as a system since it lacks order
and never inherits any order from its predecessors or
constituents, however the initial affinity between its
heterogeneous members helps establish functional
links between them (Deleuze et al., 1993). Heteroge-
neity of actors traditionally understood in the actor-
network theory as their belonging to one of the two
opposite worlds (human/social or nonhuman/natu-
ral/technological) and ability to form steady networks
of human-nonhuman (socio-technological) hybrids
(or quasi-objects) needs to be redefined with the re-
cent advent and coming out of the blue of the artificial
intelligence. The pendulum of the actor-network the-
ory which was earlier oscillating in the two-dimen-
sional field between the two opposite poles (human
and nonhuman) leaving after every sway the two-
dimensional hybrids, now acquires the third pole and
the third dimension: nonhuman intelligent objects-
subjects in their interactions with humans and non-
intelligent nonhuman actors. Hence the emerging de-
mand for integration of the actor-network paradigm
with the intelligent systems research, multi-agent sys-
tems studies, knowledge engineering, ergonomics
and other related fields of research and applications.
We foresee the trajectory of evolution of the actor-
network approach from the descriptive theory created
(and further revised) by Latour, Callon, Law and
other ANT protagonists, through its formalization and
integration with other relevant methods of AI and
agent-based research, toward its eventual conversion
into a full-fledged applied tool for modelling and sim-
ulation of socio-technological systems. Starting pav-
ing this way we have demonstrated that the actor-net-
work theory provides new semantics for some core
concepts of the multi-agent systems theory (Iskan-
derov et al., 2020), and suggested to use the elements
of applied semiotics and logics of action (TI, SAL) to
formalize some basic concepts of the actor-network
Semiotics is considered the ideological nucleus of
ANT, the whole theory being viewed as the newest
phase of evolution of semiotics toward its object-ori-
entedness. Therefore, in our move to assemble basic
formal definitions here we follow the semiotic route
of conceptualization: sign – actor – actor-network.
Iskanderov, Y. and Pautov, M.
Agents and Multi-agent Systems as Actor-networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0008935601790184
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 1, pages 179-184
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Sign s can be formally defined as a set of the four
components (Kiselev et al., 2018): <n, p, m, a>, where
n is the name of sign s; p is the portrait (image) of sign
s corresponding to node w
(s) of the causal network
on the portraits (W
); m is the meaning or “sign sig-
nificance” (Kiselev et al., 2017) of sign s correspond-
ing to node w
(s) of the causal network of meanings
); a is the ascription synonymous with attribution,
individual sense or “personal meaning” (Kiselev et
al., 2017) of sign s corresponding to node w
(s) of the
causal network on the ascriptions (W
). R
defines the
relations on the set of signs; Θ defines the operations
on the set of signs based on the fragments of the
causal networks where belong relevant sign compo-
nents. Tuple of the five elements <W
, W
, W
, R
, Θ>
represents the semiotic model of actor A
(Kiselev et
al., 2018). We assume that actor A
has a predeter-
mined goal G
) not achievable by his own efforts
due to the existing obstacle(s). In this situation actor
can either abandon the goal or try to achieve it by
taking an alternative route (detour) through mediation
of other actor(s): A
(human or nonhuman, in-
telligent or non-intelligent) (Shirokov, 2019). To-
gether they can either strive to achieve the initial goal
) or choose alternative goals (G
…). Return to
the initial goal G
is only one virtual scenario in the
set of alternative scenarios (Figure 1) (Latour, 1994;
Shirokov, 2019).
Figure 1: Translation (Latour, 1994).
Thus actor A
together with the mediating actors
accepted by A
after negotiation and trans-
formation form a network which, in turn, is trans-
formed by A
(Callon, 1991). Such network of heter-
ogeneous actors is called actor-network (AN). For-
mally speaking, all actions in an actor-network are
distributed on a set uniting actors with human intelli-
gence (humans), nonhuman actors with artificial in-
telligence (AI actors), and nonhuman actors without
intelligence (other artificial/technological and/or nat-
ural objects), i.e. AN
, where AN
is the set of human actors, AN
is the set of AI actors,
is the set of other natural and artificial (techno-
logical) actors (Iskanderov et al., 2020). Any actor A
can be involved (and in the majority of cases is
involved) in multiple actor-networks {AN
}, or:
. The following core concepts were formu-
lated in ANT:
Generalized Ontological Symmetry: Heterogene-
ous actors share the same capacity for agency (Bal-
zacq, 2016). Equivalence of heterogeneous actors in
their interplay within actor-network AN should mean
that the same criteria and terms are equally applied to
the technological and natural actors on the one hand,
and the socio-cultural actors on the other hand
(Bencherki, 2017). This vision represents a revolu-
tionary paradigm shift from differentiation between
the agency of intelligent (human and AI) actors and
that of non-intelligent actors. The latter were totally
deprived of agency in older paradigms.
Actor-Network Dualism: ANT rejects the dualism
that tends to separate the social (human) from the ma-
terial (nonhuman). Every individual actor of an actor-
network is considered a network acting together with
this actor. ANT is the theory of actors as networks.
As Latour’s famous maxim goes: “faire c’est faire
faire” when one acts, others proceed to action
(Bencherki, 2017). Network is a work done by actors,
i.e. by entities who act or undergo an action (Latour,
Nebular oppositions revised: ANT reconsiders
some fundamental relations and metrics on the net-
works, e.g. (Latour, 1996):
- Far/Close. Physically close elements (when dis-
connected) may appear extremely distant from each
other if we analyze their connections, and vice versa
(cf. Latourian metaphor: “an Alaskan reindeer might
be ten meters away from another one and they might
be nevertheless cut off by a pipeline of 800 miles that
make their mating forever impossible”) (Latour,
- Large/Small. A network is never “larger” than
any other one. It can only have a more complex to-
- Inside/Outside. A network is its own border. A
network in ANT has virtually nothing external.
Operation of translation in actor-networks is defined
as a delegation of powers of representation from a set
of actors (actor-networks) to any particular (black-
boxed) actor or actor-network in a particular pro-
gramme of actions: A=T(A
), where Т is the
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
translation of actors A
to А. In other words,
actions of actors A
(translants) are brought
into being or expressed through representative A act-
ing on behalf of the entire actor-network. “A trans-
lates B” means A defines B. It does not matter
whether B is human or nonhuman, a collectivity or an
individual (Callon, 1991). Operation of translation
equalizes actor-network actions in various space-time
areas and various meta-levels of presentation (e.g.
when behavior of an actor-network is translated
through textual intermediaries: graphs, diagrams, al-
gorithms, formulae etc.).
It appears convenient to use the formalism of TI-
logic of action (Blinov et al., 1991; Von Wright,
1967) to describe the status shift of an actor-network
in the process of translation in the following standard
[A]T([B]I[C]), (1)
where [A] is the initial status of actor(s), [B] is the
next status when translation of the actor(s) is success-
ful, [C] is the next status when translation fails. If we
suppose that all network situations are limited to two
fundamental actor statuses [A] and [B], then the for-
[~A]&[B]T([A]&[B]I[~A]&[B]), (2)
(like any other of the 64 formulae of this type) reflects
one of the possible “complete” translations. The fol-
lowing two formulae are derivable from (2):
[~A]T([A]I[~A]) (3)
[B]T([B]I[B]), (4)
meaning that the translation: (a) has resulted in situa-
tion [A] and (b) has not “destroyed” situation [B] (i.e.
network situation [B] was allowed to persist). Modal
operator M was introduced in (Von Wright, 1967) as
M([A]&[B]T([A]&[~B]I[~A]&[B])) (5)
This formula in terms of actor-networks states that the
translation from the initial situation can prevent “de-
struction” of [A] and “destroy” [B], but if the transla-
tion fails the shift from the initial situation of [A] and
[B] may end up in “destruction” of [A] and conserva-
tion of [B]. A successful translation generates a
shared space, equivalence and commensurability. It
aligns. A failed translation means that the players are
no longer able to communicate (Callon, 1991). An ac-
tor-network starts to form as soon as at least three ac-
tors A,B,C are joined together by intermediaries.
There are two possible elementary translation config-
urations (Figure 2) (Callon, 1991):
(a) A B C
(b) C
Figure 2: Elementary translation configurations in actor-
networks: (a) complementarity and (b) substitutability (Cal-
lon, 1991).
The first is the transitive configuration of comple-
mentarity: if B=T(A) and C=T(B) then C=T(A). The
second is the binary configuration of substitutability:
C=T(A,B). These two elementary configurations join
together to form longer chains of translations. All
complex networks are built out of these two basic
building blocks (Callon, 1991).
Potential of successful translation or “translatabil-
ity” of an actor is determined by its prescription. Pre-
scription index P(A)[0,1] of actor A is a fuzzy esti-
mate of possible actions of actor A from the view-
point of other actors in actor-network AN. More for-
mally, the more complete and determined knowledge
actors AN\A of actor-network AN have in regard to
actor A the higher the value of index P
(A). The
less prescribed actors are more easily translatable in
the interest of others, than more rigidly prescribed
ones (Cordella et al., 2003). For any actors A
and A
) => τ(A
), where τ(A
)[0,1] is the
“translatability” of actor A
: a quantitative metric to
measure ability of A
to be translated.
Any translation is in principle reversible. Irrevers-
ibility of translation means its ability to resist re-
versed translation (retranslation) and competing
translations. The more numerous and heterogeneous
the interrelationships in an actor-network the greater
the degree of network coordination and the greater the
probability of successful resistance to alternative
translations (Callon, 1991).
The process of translation in actor-networks can be
presented as a tuple of consequent operations:
T=<P,I,E,M>, where P is problematisation, I is inter-
essement, E is enrolement and M is mobilization
(translation, in turn, is considered the first phase of
the mediation metaprocess M=<T,C,RBB,D> by
some authors (Latour, 1999), where T is translation,
C is composition, RBB is reversible black-boxing and
D is delegation).
Problematisation: Problematisation is the first
step of translation, because according to Latour every
action wants to solve a problem (Fischer, 2017).
Problematisation can be defined as something that is
indispensable and where one or more key actors try
to define the exact nature of the problem as well as
Agents and Multi-agent Systems as Actor-networks
the roles of other actors that could fit with the pro-
posed solution (Silic, 2015).
Problematisation embeds what MAS studies de-
fine as “commitments” of an actor postulated as the
necessity of a chain of actions performed by this actor
towards a predetermined goal in the interests of the
community of actors (Gorodetskii et al., 2010). The
commitments are viewed as pledges to undertake a
specified course of action providing a degree of pre-
dictability so that actors can take the (future) activi-
ties of others into consideration when dealing with in-
terdependencies of actors, global constraints or re-
source utilization conflicts (Jennings, 1993).
Interessement: Synonymous with interposition
this stage of translation process represents a group of
actions where an actor tends to impose and stabilize
identities of other actors determined at the problema-
tisation stage. To make a group of actors “interested”
means to create a “virtual device” (Callon, 1986),
which can be placed between this group and all other
entities who strive to re-identify this group. In other
words, А
makes A
“interested” when it breaks or
weakens all links between A
and group
of n-2 actors who may tend to liaise
with A
. Figure 3 schematically demonstrates the pro-
cess of interessement of actor B by actor A in actor-
network AN={A,B,C,D,E} (Callon, 1986).
Figure 3: Interessement of actor B by actor A in actor-net-
work AN={A,B,C,D,E} (Callon, 1986).
Successful outcome of the interessement confirms
(more or less completely) the efficiency of the prob-
lematisation and supposed actor alliances (such het-
erogeneous alliances are often viewed as human-non-
human quasi-objects or hybrids in ANT texts). Be-
sides, this stage tries to break all competitive liaisons
and build a system of alliances within actor-network.
At this stage the socio-technological communities are
formed and fixed.
This stage of the translation process embeds “con-
ventions” discussed in MAS studies. According to the
MAS principles conventions fix the conditions of ful-
filment/rejection of obligations by an actor (Go-
rodetskii et al., 2010). “All coordination mechanisms
in MAS can ultimately be reduced to (joint) commit-
ments and their associated (social) conventions” (Jen-
nings, 1993). The interessement goes further: in terms
of MAS it is driven by the actor’s intention to
weaken/break other actors’ commitments/conven-
tions and thus create new conventions with them to
achieve a particular goal.
Enrolement: The core function of the enrolement
is the determination and coordination of roles of ac-
tors aiming at creation of a steady network of alli-
ances (Silic, 2015).
This stage of translation is also interconnected
with the MAS concepts where one of the forms of ac-
tor obligations is the role accepted by or assigned to
an actor (Gorodetskii et al., 2010). The notion is that
actors have general roles to play in the collective ef-
fort, and by using knowledge of these roles the actors
can make better interaction decisions.
This notion can be explicitly manifested in an or-
ganizational structure, which defines roles, responsi-
bilities and preferences for the actors within a coop-
erative society, and thus in turn defines control and
communication patterns between them (Durfee,
Mobilization: Through step-by-step appointment
of representatives and establishment of a series of
equivalences heterogeneous actors are moved and
then “reassembled” at a new place/time. This stage
completes translation and certain actors start acting as
representatives (delegates) of other actors (Callon,
1986). The “evolution indicators” were introduced in
(Latour et al., 1992) to measure the progress of mobi-
= A
+ A
, (6)
where S
is the number of associated elements at step
n of the translation; A
is the number of allies re-
tained from the previous step; A
is the number of the
newly “recruited” actors.
where IN
is the negotiation index. High value of IN
indicates that the project represented by actor-net-
work must be extensively renegotiated (Latour et al.,
The mobilization concept of ANT can signifi-
cantly invest into understanding of the team behavior
of actors in MAS (where it is considered as something
more than just a set of coordinated individual actions
of the actors) (Gorodetskii et al., 2010). The mobili-
zation concept suggests new semantics for transla-
tion-like effects discussed in the framework of MAS
studies where a collection of actors needed to accom-
plish a task frequently includes humans who have del-
egated tasks to the [nonhuman] actors and/or humans
who will be performing some of the work, and
(hence) it is essential that the functions being offered
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
by the actor communication language be common
across the language of intelligent [nonhuman] actors
and the language that people will use to communicate
with them (Cohen et al., 1995). The new vision to-
wards agency as a mere effect of interaction of heter-
ogeneous actors regardless of their nature and inher-
ent intelligence (or absence thereof) introduced in
ANT (generalized symmetry principle) may thus help
reconsider and enrich coordination scenarios dis-
cussed in the agent-oriented methods.
This paper introduces the actor-network paradigm
and discourse to the world of agent based modelling.
Some core concepts of ANT (e.g. generalized sym-
metry principle) represent a brand new vision towards
agency and interactions in heterogeneous multi-agent
communities. Correlation between certain ANT and
MAS concepts makes their potential assemblage (en-
riched with approaches and formalisms provided, in-
ter alia, by applied semiotics and action logics) a pro-
spective tool for use in agent based models of socio-
technological systems, including but not limited to:
intelligent logistics; global business networks; com-
plex research, engineering, industrial and construc-
tion projects; urban and regional governmentality; in-
formation security management systems; human-
nonhuman communities encapsulated in space sta-
tions, human-nonhuman interactions in multimedia
arts and many others. As an object-oriented semiotic
tool actor-network theory provides an approach to the
analysis of connections between the information in
the form of texts and meta-texts (documents, con-
tracts, messages, scripts, protocols etc.) circulating in
a socio-technological system, and situations caused
by the texts and meta-texts. This approach in our
opinion has a good potential in data and information
security studies (Iskanderov et al., 2019): investiga-
tion of dependencies between the level/quality of pro-
tection of the texts moved across the network and the
network situations caused by protected/unchanged
texts on the one hand, and deliberately or arbitrarily
changed texts on the other hand. Unfortunately the
space limits of this paper do not allow for more de-
tailed discussion which will necessarily be continued
in future texts. Our paper aims at bringing attention
of the AI researchers, MAS theorists, human-machine
systems engineers, ergonomists, knowledge engi-
neers, logistics specialists and broader research com-
munity to the actor-network paradigm and its applied
potential in socio-technological systems research.
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