This paper introduces an extension of the cognitive
map model called temporal cognitive map which al-
lows to temporally characterize concepts of the map.
To do this the temporal cognitive map is defined on a
temporal ontology which uses periodic intervals. This
paper proposes also an extension of CMQL, named
TCMQL, which allows to query a set of temporal cog-
nitive map and its new temporal features.
The temporal cognitive map model has been
implemented and tested into the VSPCC soft-
ware which provides tools to edit and use cog-
nitive maps. This software can also execute
TCMQL queries, it is available online (LeDorze
and Robert, 2014). The implementation uses the
temporal ontology owl-time to which is added a
class PeriodicInterval as a subclass of the main
class http://www.w3.org/2006/time#TemporalEntity
and comparison predicates as properties. owl-time
contains other temporal entities, such as instants or
Allen’s intervals. They could also be used once ade-
quate inference rules are added.
The temporal features introduced in this paper
come from real application needs for a better mod-
elling of the fishermen’s strategies and for a more
in-depth analysis in the Kifanlo project. The ACS
project that succeeds the Kifanlo project is currently
in progress, using these new tools.
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Temporal Cognitive Maps