ing the disease ”other”, and 20 sub-tasks have been
already solved. For Figure 4 it remains 104 relevant
symptoms to check, 18 possible diseases including
the disease ”other”, and 103 sub-tasks have been al-
ready solved.
Finally we have been able to learn a good policy
for the main task (1) where it remains 220 relevant
symptoms, 82 possible diseases including the disease
”other” and all the possible sub-tasks have been al-
ready solved. Our DQN-MC-Bootstrap starts with a
good policy which needs 45 questions on average to
reach a terminal state and only 40 after some train-
ing iterations. On the contrary, the strategy learned
by DQN-MC trying to solve this task from scratch
must ask on average 117 questions to reach a termi-
nal state and does not improve significantly during the
1000 iterations. The Breiman policy on the global
task needs 89 questions on average to reach a terminal
states (with a variance of 10 questions).
In this work, we formulated as a stochastic shortest
path problem the sequential decision making task as-
sociated with the objective of building a symptom
checker for the diagnosis of rare diseases.
We have studied several RL algorithms and made
them operational in our very high dimensional envi-
ronment. To do so, we divided the initial task into sev-
eral subtasks and learned a strategy for each one. We
have proven that appropriate use of intersections be-
tween subtasks can significantly accelerate the learn-
ing process. The strategies learned have proven to be
much better than classic greedy strategies.
Finally, a first preliminary study was carried out
internally at Necker Hospital to check the diagnostic
performance of our decision support system. This ex-
periment was conducted on a set of 40 rare disease pa-
tients from a fetopathology dataset, which has no con-
nection to the data used to train our algorithms. We
get good results; indeed more than 80% of the scenar-
ios led to a good diagnosis. Note that theoretically our
definition of the stopping rule of equation (2) makes
impossible any mis-diagnosis as long as ε is chosen
sufficiently low. In practice, of course, mis-diagnosis
are possible because of the inevitable shortcomings of
the environmental model (synonyms, omissions,...).
Research is currently underway to improve and
enrich the environmental model by adding new rare
diseases and symptoms. Finally, we are studying sev-
eral avenues to make our decision support tool more
robust in the face of the unavoidable defects of the en-
vironmental model. A larger scale study is underway
but faces difficulties in obtaining clinical data.
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ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence