First, we experiment with the assumption that unla-
beled data are in-class like conventional SSL prob-
lems. Then, we experiment how SST performs for
out-of-class unlabeled data.
For the conventional SSL problems, we achieved
competitive results on several datasets and our
method could be combined with conventional algo-
rithms to improve performance. The accuracy of SST
is either saturated or not depending on the dataset.
Nonetheless, SST has shown performance improve-
ments as a number of data increases. In addition, the
results of the combined experiments of SST and other
algorithms show the possibility of performance im-
For the new SSL problems, SST did not show any
performance degradation even if the model is learned
from in-class data and out-of-class unlabeled data.
Decreasing the threshold of the selection network in
new SSL problem, performance degrades. However,
the output of the selection network shows different
trends according to in-class and out-of-class. By set-
ting a threshold that does not add out-of-class data,
SST has prevented the addition of out-of-class sam-
ples to the new training dataset. It means that it is pos-
sible to prevent the erroneous data from being added
to the unlabeled dataset in a real environment.
This work was supported by IITP grant funded by the
Korea government (MSIT) (No.2019-0-01367).
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ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods