with the concrete dropout-based uncertainty estima-
tion method (UB-MC) does not produce viable re-
sults. Although increasing the amount of Monte-
Carlo samples improves the performance somewhat,
the resulting classification performance is not on par
with the Bootstrap-based versions. The reason for the
large difference in performance can be seen in the ex-
ample shown in Figure 6. For the UB-B version,
the reported uncertainties on environment configura-
tion 0 (training) and 7 (strong modification) increas-
ingly diverge with progressing training episodes (Fig-
ure 6a). As this is not the case for the UB-MC version
(Figure 6b), only the Bootstrap-based version allows
for an increasingly better differentiation between in-
and OOD samples and consequently high F1-scores
of the classifier. We found this effect to be consis-
tent over all parametrizations of the Bootstrap- and
MCCD-based versions we evaluated.
Our results match recent findings (Beluch et al.,
2018), where ensemble-based uncertainty estimators
were compared against Monte-Carlo Dropout based
ones for the case of active learning in image classifica-
tion. There also, ensembles performed better and led
to more calibrated uncertainty estimates. The authors
argue that the difference in performance could be a
result of a combination of decreased model capac-
ity and lower diversity of the Monte-Carlo Dropout
methods when compared to ensemble approaches.
This effect would also explain the behaviour we ob-
served when comparing uncertainty and achieved re-
turn. While there is a strong inverse relation when
using Bootstrap-based UBOOD versions, no clear
pattern emerged for the evaluated MCCD-based ver-
sions. We think that further research into the rela-
tion between epistemic uncertainty and achieved re-
turn when train- and test-environments differ could
provide interesting insights relating to generalization
performance in deep RL. Being able to differenti-
ate between an agent having encountered a situation
in training versus the agent generalizing its experi-
ence to new situations could provide a huge benefit
in safety-critical situations.
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Uncertainty-based Out-of-Distribution Classification in Deep Reinforcement Learning