ods that reached similar performance like the BC-NN
method. Such investigation can include the explo-
ration of other experimental settings that might bet-
ter highlight possible trade-offs for the utilization of
the BC-NN method or the one based on the willing-
ness proposed in this paper. Furthermore, issues re-
lated to how the studied models scale up in terms
of, e.g., bandwidth capacity and latency, can also be
considered in the analysis. Second, security aspects
can be introduced, by considering the trustworthi-
ness of agents. Such information can be included in
the calculation of the willingness to interact, in or-
der to facilitate the cooperation between agents that
are more trustworthy, e.g., open systems where new
agents may be introduced or removed, similarly to
recent approaches (Castell
o Ferrer, 2019; Calvaresi
et al., 2018). Third, some assumptions made in this
paper can be relaxed, e.g., targets can appear and dis-
appear at random times, or leave the area defined by
the map, in order to adapt the current approach for
solving a more general κ-coverage problem.
This work was supported by the DPAC research pro-
file funded by KKS (20150022), the FIESTA project
funded by KKS, and the UNICORN project funded
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ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence