guarantee that the network cannot get stuck as long as
the number of Byzantine nodes within the system is
Understanding the fundamental mechanisms and
security properties of the structure underlying
blockchain-based protocols is becoming increasingly
important. Thus, detailed analyses and formalizations
of existing distributed ledger systems are crucial to
prove the correctness of the algorithms and gain con-
fidence that they achieve their goals.
In this paper, we have presented a formalization
of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol, whose func-
tioning has been studied in a rather superficial way
so far. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the
first one that describes the phases of the Ripple pro-
tocol in such great detail, trying to avoid ambiguities
in defining its behavior. We have included the analy-
sis of two key security properties, namely safety and
liveness, based upon which the efficacy of the proto-
col can be determined. Furthermore, we have shown
that the correlation between some protocol parame-
ters can be leveraged to meet a desired liveness/fault
tolerance. Our work represents the first step towards
the complete analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus
Protocol and opens several research directions. For
instance, our set-theoretic approach could serve as the
basis for the construction of an extended formalism
that is capable of capturing the behaviour of the pro-
tocol by means of a strictly formal language. Also
the use of different model-driven approaches and au-
tomated verification tools can greatly benefit from our
specification efforts and facilitate the comprehensive
description of the protocol. For the immediate future,
we plan to extend our work considering the formal-
ization of additional security properties and using dif-
ferent models of computation.
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy