for other application contexts. The emergence of the
Cloud Computing, Internet of Things and Edge com-
puting approaches aim at virtualizing, sharing and de-
ploying resources to optimize the workloads and re-
sources usage. The aim of this paper is to propose
a similar approach in vehicle electronics, by predict-
ing the evolution of vehicle architectures and power
requirements from nowadays and future solutions.
The paper is organized as follow. The futuristic
motivating scenario and the predicted vehicle elec-
tronics are presented in section two to extract future
challenges. In a third section, we propose an approach
based on the use of edge agent to carry out mediation
and task allocation on Processing Units. In a next sec-
tion, we describe the system architecture that supports
our approach. It is based in particular on the use of ex-
isting architectures: avatars and IoT-a. In conclusion,
we propose to position ourselves in the context of the
edge. We discuss the limits of the use of avatar and
IoT-a architectures and end our discussion with rec-
ommendations for a new architecture that we wish to
propose in the near future.
Most actual vehicles integrate a lot of in-vehicle ser-
vices and a small number of out-vehicle services. In-
novative services aim at enabling the car users to
be better informed, be safer, more coordinated with
its surroundings and to offer a smarter use of trans-
port network. Therefore Intelligent Transportation
System and Smart City will be more and more cou-
pled to transform urban mobility. Vehicle-to-Vehicle
(V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) and Vehicle-
to-Roadsign (V2R) technologies will be rolled out,
and some services oriented architecture such as which
data filtering and fusion functionalities will be dele-
gated either to the cloud or to external environment.
In-vehicle services will have to consider context-
aware applications. For example, effective infotain-
ment system will use the latest (live) information for
enhanced user experience. The connected car will
serve as a communications hub that will transmit as
well as receives data and information, for diagnosis
and driving assistance system (by reinforcing deep
learning application for example).
The trend toward connected cars will cause dis-
ruption and create new opportunities in areas for Ad-
vanced Driving Assistance System, Advanced Traf-
fic Management System, Advanced Traveler Informa-
tion System, Advanced Vehicle Control System, Ad-
vances Diagnosis and Maintenance System and Ad-
vanced Infotainment System.
Figure 1 depicts one created scenario for future
urban mobility in dense and developed cities. The ve-
hicle is connected to other vehicles and to external
passive and active devices to help the driver.
All these systems interact and are connected to-
gether to offer relevant and appropriate services. For
example, the steering system today interact with the
suspension to ensure a smooth ride and in the future
buildings will interact with the traffic management
system to plan ahead the daily journeys.
The objective of the motivating scenario is to pre-
dict the electronic requirements of the vehicles of the
future from actual electronics. The existing system is
studied to consider the likely evolution of the system
according to the predicted advanced system presented
in the scenario.
Electronics in vehicle typically contains 100-300
micro-controllers or processors, 50 more complex
Electronic Control Units (ECU). In general terms, we
will talk about processing units (PU) distributed in the
vehicle. Two representations co-exist for the grouping
of these units in modern vehicles.
• Feature groups: the vehicle is composed of Do-
main Controller Units (DCU) with similar func-
tionalities (ex: ADAS, Chassis, Body, etc.). This
simplifies the manufacture and design of cars.
• Physical location: functionalities from the same
location area are grouped together to form a Zone
Controller Unit (ZCU) (ex: front left and right,
rear left and right, center, etc.). The goal is to
reduce wiring in cars.
In all cases, the DCUs and ZCUs are in the
vehicle-specific area managed privately by the Gate-
way. The role of the gateway is to isolate vehicle
control from external access to information. Thus the
blocks of communication (Inter-Vehicular, Vehicule-
to-Road, Infotainment) will have access to the Telem-
atic Control Unit (TCU) to communicate with the en-
vironment without being able to influence the safety
and security of the vehicle. The communication be-
tween the different blocks (DCU and ZCU) are made
by an Ethernet link in order to gain speed and band-
width. Figure 2 shows the two architectures (Feature
Group with DCU or Physical localization with ZCU)
in a modern vehicle.
Number of processing units (PU) is more and
more increasing in the vehicle and will continue to
increase in the future. These PUs will also communi-
cate together inside the vehicle and in its surrounding.
It is therefore necessary to propose a new approach
to optimize this number of PUs and their workloads.
Our approach is to be able to share our local comput-
ing resources in order to add new functionalities to
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence