Email Spoofing Attack Detection through an End to End Authorship
Attribution System
Giacomo Giorgi, Andrea Saracino and Fabio Martinelli
Informatics and Telematics Institute (IIT) of National Research Council, via G. Moruzzi 1, Pisa, Italy
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Privacy-preserving, Email Authorship, Email Spoofing, Spear Phishing.
This paper proposes a novel email author verification aimed at tackling email spoofing attacks. The proposed
approach exploits an authorship technique based on the analysis of the author’s writing style. The problem has
been studied under two viewpoints, i.e. the typical sender verification viewpoint, already exploited in previous
works, and the sender-receiver interaction verification, which to the best of our knowledge is a novel approach.
Hence, we introduced the concept of end-to-end email authorship verification, which is focused on the analysis
of the sender-receiver interactions. The proposed method implements a binary classification exploiting both
standard machine learning classifiers based on the well-known text stylometric features and deep learning
classifiers based on the automatic feature extraction phase. We have used a well-known email dataset, i.e. the
Enron dataset to benchmark our approach, with the experiments showing an authorship verification accuracy
reaching 99% and 93% respectively for the sender and the end to end verification scenarios. The proposed
method has been implemented as an end-user support system in the Android environment for email spoofing
attack detection.
Email is ubiquitous in our society, and it is an essen-
tial part of daily communication, in particular in the
workplace where it is still the most common form
of communication but also in every online experi-
ence where an account is required. As affirmed in
(Radicati Group, 2019), in 2019, the total number
of business and consumer emails sent and received
per day will exceed 293 billion and is forecast to
grow over 347 billion by the end of 2023. Despite
the benefits provided by email communication, it has
also generated new fraud opportunities which can ex-
pose the end-user private information to strict secu-
rity and privacy threats. In recent years the percent-
age of unsolicited email sent intending to steal pri-
vate information or harm the recipient device is in-
creasing. Basing on the Spam and phishing report
published by Kaspersky Lab
, the average percent-
age of spam email in global mail traffic in 2018 and
Q1 2019 are comprised between 50% and 60%. The
most widespread spam attacks are scam emails where
the malicious user tries through confidence tricks to
deceive the victim into stealing personal information.
One of the forms of scam attack is represented by the
spear phishing, in which the attacker is intended to
steal sensitive information from a specific victim of-
ten forging the email header so that the message ap-
pears to have originated from someone or somewhere
other than the actual source. This type of attack can
achieve a high degree of success because people are
more inclined to open an email when they think a le-
gitimate source has sent it. The nature of the orig-
inal Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) used in
electronic mail transmission (Hoffman, 2002), does
not provide an authentication mechanism that can ver-
ify information about the origin of email messages.
A large number of valid protocols have been pro-
posed to solve the problem such as ESMTP (Myers,
1999), SPF (Wong and Schlitt, 2006), DKIM (All-
man et al., 2007), DMARC (Kucherawy and Zwicky,
2015). Nevertheless, the original SMTP is still more
widely used (201, ). Therefore a system of email au-
thorship verification based on the writing style anal-
ysis can be a valid alternative to support end-user to
determine, with a certain confidence degree, whether
the email sender is who declares to be. In this paper,
we focused on a specific email scam (spear phishing)
based on email spoofing attack and we implemented
a new support end-user system able to detect such at-
Giorgi, G., Saracino, A. and Martinelli, F.
Email Spoofing Attack Detection through an End to End Authorship Attribution System.
DOI: 10.5220/0008954600640074
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 64-74
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tack analyzing the email content. In the paper is given
the description of the email scam attack and, as con-
termeasures, two different scenarios based on email
authorship verification are presented: (i) a detection
on the server side which can exploits the character-
ization of the overall writing style of a sender, and
(ii) a detection on the client side that marginalizes the
characterization of a sender only to a specific receiver
(End to End writing style). We considered solutions
based on machine learning systems experimenting
both standard machine learning classifiers based on
well-known text stylometric features and deep learn-
ing classifiers characterized by an automatic features
extraction. To reach the best accuracy has been exper-
imented different training approaches, which consider
different subset of the dataset used. The best model
has been employed in the realization of a secure email
client application for Android as instrument to sup-
port the end-user in the detection of suspicious emails.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 the
background concepts related to the spear phishing at-
tack and an introduction of the authorship problem
are explained. In Section 3, the proposed authorship
approach is discussed, and the details of the frame-
work applied in two possible scenarios, are provided.
In Section 4, the feature-based and the deep learning
classifiers used and implemented are detailed. Sec-
tion 5 provides a description of the dataset used and
the experiments conducted. In Section 6 the results
obtained are presented and discussed. Section 7 de-
scribes a panoramic of authorship works analyzed in
the literature. In Section 8, the concluding remark and
the possible future work are discussed.
In this section, the background concepts related to the
spear phishing attack and the introduction of the au-
thorship problem are given. In particular, is described
the basic concept of the attack showing how it is pos-
sible forge an email sender through the email spoof-
ing. Besides, the concept of email authorship is in-
troduced, defining two possible learning writing style
2.1 Spear Phishing
The spear phishing is a form of email scam intended
to steal sensitive information from a specific victim.
Unlike traditional spam attacks, spear-phishing are
personalized to their victims and messages are mod-
ified to specifically address that victim. This type
of attack can achieves a high degree of success be-
cause people are more inclined to open and reply to
an email when they think a legitimate or a trustwor-
thy source has sent it. The majority of spear phish-
ing emails use email spoofing as hacking technique to
forge the sender address acting on the email header.
Due to the structure of the Simple Mail Transfer Pro-
tocol (SMTP) used in the electronic mail transmis-
sion, email services by default are not capable of iden-
tifying and blocking deceptive emails with a forged
sender name or email address.
2.2 Authorship
The Authorship attribution process is defined as the
problem of determining the likely authorship of a
given document. It can be divided into two sub-
problems: (i) authorship identification and (ii) author-
ship verification. The goal of the identification is to
predict the author of an unknown text within a closed
set of candidate authors where, from the classification
point of view, can be viewed as a multi-class text clas-
sification task. While the goal of the authorship verifi-
cation is to predict whether a text is written by the de-
clared author and it can be modeled as a binary classi-
fication problem in which we attempt to distinguish a
single author (target class) from all other authors (not
target class). In literature, the problem has been ad-
dressed through a study of the linguistic style of a per-
son taking as assumption that each author has distinc-
tive writing habits which can be represented by writ-
ing stylistic features. From our perspective, the writ-
ing style of a person, can be divided into two different
writing style abstraction level: (i) individual writing
style, which is related to the generic writing style of a
person discernible in every context and (ii) end to end
writing style, related to a user writing style used only
with a specific receipts. The concept of individual
writing style is related to the fact that it is possible to
detect distinctive stylistic features that do not change
respect to the context, situation, or recipient. Such
independence led to consider the individual writing
style as a measurable human trait such as a biomet-
ric characteristic. Therefore analyzing text/messages
sent by an author to a subset of recipients, it is pos-
sible to understand the individual writing style of the
sender and infers the author of the text/messages sent
to new recipients. The concept of End to End writing
style is based on the fact that a person can assume dif-
ferent writing style depending on the recipient (e.g.,
colleague, friend, family member), therefore infer the
author of a text/message it is possible only analyzing
the interaction sender-receiver in order to learn a cus-
tom linguistic fingerprinting for each communication.
Email Spoofing Attack Detection through an End to End Authorship Attribution System
Receiver B
mail server
Receiver A
mail server
Figure 1: Sender email verification.
Basing on the email system architecture, in this sec-
tion, two possible scenarios in which the authorship
system can be applied, are presented.
3.1 End to End Email Verification
To test the email authorship based on end to end writ-
ing style, we consider a context in which, the email
authorship system is located on the client-side. In
such scenario, only an end to end communication be-
tween the parties is known and considering the sys-
tem implemented on the receiver side, only a subset
of emails related to the single sender-receiver interac-
tion are known. The system, located on the receiver
side, performs a writing style analysis of the received
email and assigns it, with a certain confidence degree,
a probability of belonging to a legitimate sender. As
showed in Figure 2 a malicious user intended to per-
form a spoofing attack sends an email to the victim
declaring to be a legitimate identity, when the email
arrives at the receiver side is analyzed to the author-
ship email classifier which, knowing the end to end
writing style of the declared sender, assigns it a low
probability to be an email provided by a legitimate
identity working as an Email Anti-Scam tool.
3.2 Sender Email Verification
If the point of view is moved on the server side, the
quantity of information known is not restricted to one
single sender-receiver communication but to all the
communication which involves the sender. In that
case, knowing how the sender writes to all its recip-
ients, the writing style is better characterized, there-
fore a individual writing style can be learned. As
showed in Figure 1, a malicious user intended to per-
form a spoofing attack send an email to the victim
declaring to be a legitimate identity, when the email
Receiver B
mail server
Receiver A
mail server
Figure 2: End to end email verification.
is delivered to the sender email server, the email au-
thorship classifier, knowing the generic writing style
of the declared sender analyzes the email and assigns
it a low probability to be an email provided by a legit-
imate identity and send it back.
3.3 Threat Model
In this section is detailed the threat model explain-
ing how the attack can be performed, and the attacker
knowledge. The aim of the attacker, which performs a
spear-phishing attack, is to steal sensitive information
from a specific victim. We assumed that the adversary
knows the recipient’s email address (victim email ad-
dress) and the email address of a trusted source for
the recipient. In such a case, the attacker can imper-
sonate the trusted source and it can asks sensitive in-
formation from that specific victim. we also assumed
that the victim and the trusted email accounts are not
compromised, whereby the attacker doesn’t know the
trusted source writing style.
Figure 3: Spear Phishing Attack.
Figure 3, shows a practical example of the spear-
phishing. The attacker, knowing only the victim’s
email address and the email address of a trusted user
for the victim, forges the email sender field and sends
an email to the victim, impersonating the trusted
The email authorship verification can be modeled as
a text binary classification problem to distinguish the
target class (email sent by the declared author) from
the not target class (email sent by an author different
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
from who declares to be). The two types of classi-
fiers used in the experiments can be divided into two
classes based on the feature extraction method used:
(i) features engineering-based, which require domain
knowledge of the data to extract features, and (ii)
word embedding based, which perform an automatic
feature extraction process to learn a words represen-
tation from the data.
4.1 Features based Classifier
Features based classifiers used in the experiments,
consider a set of linguistic features validated in many
authorship verification works (Brocardo et al., 2015),
(Zheng et al., 2006). The three main elements that
describe a language are lexis, syntax, and seman-
tics. The lexical features are text items that can be
a word, part of a word, or a chain of words. Lex-
ical items are the basic building blocks of a lan-
guage’s vocabulary and can be used to measuring
the lexical richness of a writing style. By defini-
tion, the syntax is the set of rules, principles, and
processes that govern the structure of sentences in a
given language. Finally, the structural features mea-
sure the text organization in terms of the number of
sentences or sentence length. The complete list of
features used in our classifiers is reported in Table
1. As classifiers, seven different states of art ma-
chine learning algorithms are experimented: Nearest
Neighbors (Dasarathy, 1991), Radial Basis Function
kernel SVM (RBF SVM) (Suykens and Vandewalle,
1999), Decision Tree (Quinlan, 1986), Random For-
est (Ho, 1995), AdaBoost (Freund et al., 1999), SGD
(Kiefer et al., 1952) and Logistic regression (Peng
et al., 2002).
4.2 Word Embedding Classifier
Neural Networks (NN) require input data as se-
quences of encoded integers so that each word has to
be represented by a unique integer. Therefore it is
necessary an encoding schema that represents a se-
quence of text in an integer vector. Word embed-
ding is a technique for representing words and doc-
uments using a dense vector representation (Mikolov
et al., 2013), its aim, is a text description where for
each word in the vocabulary corresponds a real value
vector in a high-dimensional space. The vectors are
learned in such a way the words that have similar
meanings have similar representations in the vector
space. Such text representation is more expressive
than more classical methods like bag-of-words, where
relationships between words or tokens are ignored,
or forced in bigram and trigram approaches. In ev-
Table 1: Linguistic features.
Category Feature
Number of Characters (C)
Number of lower Characters/C
Number of Upper Characters/C
Number of white space/C
Number of special Char/C
Number of Vowels/C
Frequency of Vowels
Frequency of non Vowels
Frequency of special Char
Number of Words (W)
Average length per Word
Number of unique words
Word(W) - Char (C) ratio
Most frequently words
Word 2 and 3-grams
Number of short words/W
Number of long words/W
Number of Sentences (S)
Average number of words in Sentences
Number of sentences beginning with Uppercase/S
Number of sentences beginning with Lowercase/S
Number of punctuation
Punctuation frequency
Number of symbols
Symbols frequency
ery network implemented, the embedding layer is ini-
tialized with random weights to learn, along with the
model, an embedding space for all of the words in
the training dataset (custom word embedding). In this
way, the vocabulary created reflects the terms con-
tained in the dataset, and it is independent of the lan-
guage. Two different types of deep learning classifiers
based on word embedding have been experimented:
(i) Convolutional Neural Network and (ii) Recurrent
Convolutional Neural Network.
4.2.1 Convolutional Neural Network
During recent years, Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) has achieved great performances in the Com-
puter Vision field. The extension of the CNN in other
fields has proved the effectiveness also in Natural
Language Processing (NLP), outperforming state of
the art (Zhang et al., 2015). The CNN architecture is
composed of a combination of layers that, perform-
ing a non-linear operation (convolution and subsam-
pling), can extract essential features from the input
data (text sentences in our case). Convolutional lay-
ers apply a set of learnable filters to the input with
small receptive fields. Such filters are a sort of mask
that is applied to the word representation of the input
text through a sliding window to detect different text
patterns. The set of features extracted through the fil-
ters are called feature map. The convolutional opera-
tion is typically followed by a subsampling operation
performed by a max-pooling layer. This layer aims
to reduce the dimensionality of the feature map and
Email Spoofing Attack Detection through an End to End Authorship Attribution System
1D Max
Figure 4: CNN architecture
extract the most significant features. The architec-
ture implemented is composed of three essential part:
(i) Custom Word embedding, (ii) Convolutional part,
and (iii) Fully connected part. As convolutional neu-
ral network, we experimented a multi-channel Con-
volutional network (Ruder et al., 2016), composed of
a custom word embedding of dimension 2000 with
10000 maximal amount of words in the vocabulary,
ables to represent each text sequence with maximum
length 500 through an integer vector of size 2000.
The vector representations are routed to three differ-
ent Convolutional channels having different learnable
filter dimensions (3, 4, and 5) able to extract distinc-
tive feature maps. On the bottom of the network, the
feature maps extracted are concatenated, and a fully
connected layer with 2 softmax units is applied in or-
der to compute the probability of the input email to
belong to the declared sender. The complete Convo-
lutional architecture used in shown in Figure 4.
4.2.2 Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are successfully
applied to sequential information such as speech
recognition (Graves et al., 2013), video analysis
(Donahue et al., 2015), or time series (Connor et al., ).
Different from the traditional neural networks, it con-
siders the dependency between each sequence input
value. For this reason, it can successfully be applied
to the text analysis context where the text sequences
are related to each other. Bidirectional RNNs (Schus-
ter and Paliwal, 1997) is a variant of RNN based on
the idea that the output at a specific time is dependent
not only on the previous element but also on the fu-
ture element of the sequence. The network designed
and implemented to solve the authorship problem is
a combination of a Recurrent (RNN) and a Convolu-
tional (CNN) Neural network (RCNN). The RCNN is
able to capture contextual information and text rep-
resentation, applying respectively recurrent and con-
volutional layers. The network designed and imple-
mented is composed of four part: (i) Custom word
embedding, (ii) Recurrent, (iii) Convolutional and (iv)
fully connected part. The text representation through
word embedding as in the Convolutional network, is
composed of 2000 dimension, a maximum vocabu-
lary size of 10000 and maximum text sequence length
set to 500. Figure 5 shows the entire network imple-
In this section a description of the dataset considering
the server and the receiver side are given. In addition
are detailed the approaches used to train the classifiers
and the implementation of the tool.
5.1 Dataset Analysis
Since emails contain private user information, only a
few numbers of datasets that contain personal email
labeled with the name of the sender are public. In
the following section is described the unique avail-
able dataset used to test the authorship email archi-
tecture. The Enron Email Dataset (Klimt and Yang,
2004) is a collection of emails prepared by the CALO
Project (A Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Orga-
nizes). It contains data from about 150 users, mostly
senior management of Enron company. This data was
originally made public, and posted to the web, by the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission during its in-
vestigation. For each of the 150 identity the dataset
contains the inbox folder and the sent folder. The
total emails included in the dataset are 517401, sent
by 20328 different email accounts to 58564 differ-
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
GRU 80
1D Max
Figure 5: RCNN architecture.
ent receivers. Considering the two scenarios, exper-
imented, have been analyzed the dataset under two
viewpoints following explained.
Server Side Dataset. Within the 20328 senders,
136 of them have more than 500 emails sent, and only
67 have more than 1000 emails. Analyzing the email
lengths of the dataset, we can identify three different
email set: (i) Short emails: emails having less than
20 words, (ii) Medium emails: emails having more
than 19 and less than 51 words and (iii) Long emails:
emails having more than 50 words.
Table 2: Enron Senders and communications.
Email length Senders
No constraint 67 256
words >50 49 126
20 <words <50 13 256
words <20 5 256
That analysis shows as the majority of the identity
sent long emails followed by the medium emails and
only few identities sent short emails. The number
of senders having more than 1000 emails considering
different length is summarized in the second column
of the Table 2.
Receiver Side Dataset. In the receiver scenario, we
are interested in considering users that have a consid-
erable number of emails received from the same iden-
tity to learn with more accuracy the end to end writing
style of the sender toward the receiver. Considering
100 as the minimum number of emails that a single
class has to contain to train a classifier, the number of
receivers with more than 100 emails received from a
single user and more than 100 emails received from
other users is 26, while 256 are the total amount of
sender-receiver interactions. As showed in the third
column of Table 2, from the dataset, considering only
communication with more than 100 emails, it is pos-
sible extract 256 overall sender-receiver, 126 having
long, 256 medium and 256 short length.
5.2 Training and Evaluation
In this section, the training approaches used in both
the scenario are detailed.
Sender Email Verification Training. On the
server-side, we considered the authorship system on
the sender email server, in this way it is make possible
to test the learning of the individual writing style of
the target sender. For every sender identity, a binary
classifier has been trained selecting its inbox emails
as a positive class and a list of emails randomly se-
lected from other senders as a negative class. In that
scenario, the amount of sender-receiver communica-
tions known on the server allow to learn the individual
writing style of the sender. During the training, we
considered identities having more than 1000 emails
sent and for each of one have been trained a binary
classifier considering a balanced training set select-
ing randomly 1000 emails sent by the target class
(sender) and 1000 emails randomly selected from the
sent emails of other identities of the dataset. As a
testing phase, a 10 cross-fold validation has been per-
formed using 100 testing emails for the positive class
and 100 emails for the negative class.
End to End Email Verification Training. In the
end to end email verification context, as explained in
Section 3, the authorship verification system, is lo-
cated on the receiver side, simulating in such a way
the end to end authorship verification. For each recip-
ient identity have been selected a set of sender identi-
ties, and in turn, choosing a single target sender (tar-
get communication), has been trained a binary clas-
sifier using the target emails as positive class and the
remaining sender emails as negative class. During the
training phase, 256 sender-receiver communications
having more than 100 emails, have been considered.
A random sub-sampling of the majority class to bal-
ance the training set has been performed.
Email Spoofing Attack Detection through an End to End Authorship Attribution System
Training Approaches. Two different training ap-
proaches, in both the experiments have been used. As
shown in Section 5.1, the dataset can be splitted con-
sidering different email length. Therefore, as well as
the standard training approach, that consider the train-
ing data selection independent from the mail length,
have been considered a training approach customized
for the following subsets: (i) short emails (less than
20 words) (ii) medium emails (between 20 and 50
words) (iii) long emails (greater than 50 words). Each
networks’ training has been performed on balanced
data (number of positive emails equal to the number
of negative emails), performing a random subsam-
pling of the majority class when required. A 10 cross
fold-validation has been applied during the training
phase to have a better evaluation of the machine learn-
ing models. The classifiers are evaluated through the
computation of the accuracy on the predictions.
5.3 Implementation
The aim of the proposed work is not to build an email
authentication system, but we focused on building an
alternative instrument to support the end-user in the
detection of a possible email spoofing attack. To this
end a secure email client application for Android has
been developed
, it works as a standard client email
system offering the possibility to connect to the own
mail server, download the emails and analyze them
with the end to end authorship attribution system.
Figure 6: Android secure email client application.
The end-user selecting the list of senders to monitor,
launches a training phase on each end to end commu-
nication using, if it exists, the past emails exchanged
by the parties. When a new email arrives, the sys-
tem, reading the ”declared sender”, routed the email
to the proper classifier where an analysis of the end
to end writing style is performed and it assigns to the
email a score that indicates whether the email sender
is who declares to be. The classifiers are continuously
trained to allow a learning of the end to end writing
style over time. The interface of the Android applica-
tion is showed in Figure 6.
In this section, the results obtained from the experi-
ments described in Section 5 are shown. In particular,
are reported the results obtained in the two scenarios
introduced using the proposed training approaches. In
addition a discussion of the results obtained compar-
ing the end to end and the sender email verification
results, the classification approaches adopted, and the
impact of the email length on the accuracy, is given.
6.1 Sender Verification Results
For the server-side scenario, we reported the evalu-
ation of the classifier in terms of accuracy both for
the training independent from the email length and
for the training based on the email length. Table 3
shows the accuracy comparison between the classifi-
cation mechanisms adopted for the training indepen-
dent from the email length. It shows the overall ac-
curacy and the specific accuracy of each testing set
(short, medium, long).
Table 3: Length independent sender results.
RCNN 89% 94% 94%
CNN 90% 95% 95%
Logistic Reg. 92% 95% 96%
Nearest Neigh. 73% 65% 66%
SVM 92% 95% 96%
Decision Tree 77% 87% 93%
Random For. 90% 94% 96%
AdaBoost 83% 92% 95%
SGD 88% 94% 94%
The reported results are measured through the mean
accuracy of 67 target senders having more than 1000
emails sent. The results show the low accuracy of
each classifier in recognizing the sender identities
through short emails. Conversely, higher accuracy for
the medium and long test set, has been obtained. Such
results can be because the email length influences ac-
curacy until a certain threshold.
Splitting the training set basing on the email
length and building a custom classifier for each sub-
set as described in Section 5, we obtained the re-
sults reported in Table 4. It shows for every classi-
fier, the average accuracy obtained in recognizing 5,
13 and 49 senders, respectively for the short, medium
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
and long test set. As in the previous experiment, the
lower accuracy is given by the short email set, which
does not take advantage of the custom training. Bet-
ter results in the medium and long email training set,
have been reached, where the accuracy increases of
1-2% respect to the training independent from the
email length. The results obtained shown as the email
length is an important feature to recognize the author
of an email and we can deduce that a short email con-
taining less than 20 words, does not include sufficient
information for the author verification. Excluding the
short email set from the results, it is possible compare
the two training approaches tested.
Table 4: Length dependent sender results.
RCNN 89% 96% 95%
CNN 90% 97% 96%
Logistic Reg. 87% 96% 96%
Nearest Neig. 60% 87% 88%
SVM 90% 96% 96%
Decision Tree 79% 90% 93%
Random For. 85% 95% 96%
AdaBoost 79% 94% 95%
SGD 86% 94% 95%
Table 5 shows the comparison between the two train-
ing approaches both for the total testing set (short,
medium and long) and for the medium and long test-
ing sets. In both cases, performing the email length
dependent training method, the word embedding clas-
sifiers have an accuracy increment, in fact, consider-
ing the CNN classifier, its accuracy goes from 95%
to 96.5% in the medium and long test set, while from
93.3% to 94.3% in the total testing set.
Table 5: Sender verification results comparison.
RCNN 94% 92.3% 95.5% 93.3%
CNN 95% 93.3% 96.5% 94.3%
Logistic Reg. 95.5% 94.3% 96% 93%
Nearest Neigh. 65.5% 68% 87.5% 78.3%
SVM 95.5% 94.3% 96% 94%
Decision Tree 90% 85.6% 91.5% 87.3%
Random For. 95% 93.3% 95.5% 92%
AdaBoost 93.5% 90% 94% 89.3%
SGD 94% 92% 94.5% 91.6%
6.2 End to End Verification Results
As in the sender verification scenario, we reported the
results for both the training approaches used. Table
6 shows the mean accuracy of each machine learning
models computed from the evaluation of every sin-
gle end to end classifier trained on the sender-receiver
communication independently from the email length.
The table, as well as, showing the total average ac-
curacy obtained training the overall sender-receiver
communications, shows the average accuracy ob-
tained in every subset of the testing set (short, medium
and long). From the analysis of the results, it is pos-
sible to affirm that the models based on word embed-
dings outperform the feature engineering based mod-
els. Considering the total accuracy, CNN and RCNN
provide higher accuracy respect to the features engi-
neering based models achieving as best result 95.3%
of accuracy against the 94.2% reached by the Logistic
Regression classifier. Analyzing the accuracy com-
puted for each subset, the short email set shows low
accuracy in every model. As in the sender verifica-
tion scenario, the accuracy increase by increasing the
email length until a certain threshold and the better ac-
curacy is achieved with the email having length com-
prised between 20 and 50 words. It is possible to asso-
ciate the accuracy trend obtained to the fact that short
emails do not contain personal writing style features
needed to the classifier to discriminate from one com-
munication to another.
Table 6: End to End verification results length independent.
RCNN 95.3% 91.2% 96.3% 97.1%
CNN 94.8% 92.6% 97.2% 97.4%
Logistic Reg. 94.2% 84.3% 96.5% 96.3%
Nearest Neig. 81.4% 79.1% 85.4% 83.1%
SVM 94.2% 74.8% 98.0% 95.6%
Decision Tree 92.1% 76.3% 93.1% 93.9%
Random For. 93.6% 77.1% 94.6% 95.6%
AdaBoost 92.7% 80.2% 96.7% 94.3%
SGD 94.5% 80.4% 95.4% 96.0%
Table 7, shows the results obtained performing the
email length dependent training in each subset de-
fined. As in the sender verification test, the accuracy
obtained is higher respect to the training independent
approach and it confirms the validity of the training
method proposed.
Table 7: End to End verification results length dependent.
RCNN 91.3% 99.2% 98.8%
CNN 92.5% 98.9% 98.6%
Logistic Reg. 85.3% 97.2% 97.7%
Nearest Neigh. 79.4% 86.5% 84.5%
SVM 75.5% 98.1% 97.6%
Decision Tree 77.4% 95.7% 94.6%
Random For. 78.5% 96.2% 97.4%
AdaBoost 80.9% 97.4% 96.8%
SGD 81.3% 98.0% 97.1%
The accuracy increment is assessable discarding the
short test set. Taking in consideration the best model
(RCNN), it achieves 99.2% and 98.8% of accuracy re-
spectively in the medium and long set, that are better
accuracy comparing to the 96.3% and 97.1% reached
Email Spoofing Attack Detection through an End to End Authorship Attribution System
with the length independent training.
6.3 Verification Comparison
A comparison between the two authorship ap-
proaches, it is possible only testing the classifiers on
the same testing set. Considering an end to end com-
munication composed by one ”declared sender” and
one receiver, it is possible to apply both the sender au-
thorship verification systems respectively trained on
the ”declared sender”, and the specific end to end
communication. Therefore, we performed a sender
prediction of each end to end testing set using the
proper trained sender authorship classifier. The av-
erage accuracy on the overall 256 end to end commu-
nications using both the strategies is showed in Ta-
ble 8. The accuracy of the sender classifiers applied
to the end to end testing set, is lower in every test-
ing subset respect to the end to end email verifica-
tion approach. Such behavior is due to the fact that
the sender classifier is able to learn an high abstrac-
tion level of the identity writing style that is useful to
distinguish two different senders which interact with
different receivers, but as highlighted by the accuracy
differences, such learned degree is not sufficient to
distinguish different senders which interact with the
same receiver.
Table 8: End to End - Sender verification results compari-
End To End Sender
Short Medium Long Short Medium Long
RCNN 91,3% 99,2% 98,8% 85.4% 93.1% 92.2%
CNN 92,5% 98,9% 98,6% 83.6% 93.5% 92.4%
Logistic Reg. 85,3% 97,2% 97,7% 80.5% 87.9% 87.2%
Nearest Neigh. 75,5% 86,5% 84,5% 73.6% 70.3% 71.8%
SVM 77,4% 98,1% 97,6% 74.9% 85.7% 82.6%
Decision Tree 78,5% 95,7% 94,6% 72.6% 86.9% 85.1%
Random For. 78,5% 96,2% 97,4% 75.4% 85.8% 85.7%
AdaBoost 80,9% 97,4% 96,8% 77.9% 88.3% 87.7%
SGD 81,3% 98% 97% 72.9% 87.1% 86.2%
Table 9: Authorship works comparison.
Ref. Dataset Text size Identities
End 2 End
[2] Enron 500 chars 87 - EER 14.35%
[14] Enron <95 words 52 - Accuracy 97%
[22] Twitter 1000 chars 50 - Accuracy 76%
Our Enron >20 words 67 99% 96.5%
In this section, the authorship works are presented
taking into consideration the differentiation between
feature engineering based and deep learning author-
ship classifiers, as well as the differentiation between
authorship for identification and verification. Author-
ship analysis is a topic widely treated in literature and
in particular in forensic linguistics field where the aim
is to identify linguistic features that can give informa-
tion about the identity of an anonymous text. Many
works have been done regarding authorship identifi-
cation, verification, and writing style characterization.
The first works on authorship were related to the at-
tribution of an author to a specific textbook or general
text document well structured and having a long di-
mension. The new investigations are focused on au-
thorship analysis of online documents that have re-
duced text size and in general, not well structured like
social messages or emails (Brocardo et al., 2013). The
main approach used to solve that problem is to use the
stylometric features manually extracted to specify the
writing style of a person through traditional machine
learning algorithms. The effectiveness of deep learn-
ing neural network in Natural Language Processing
(NLP), have provided advantages in feature extrac-
tion, and some techniques have also been applied in
the authorship field. Most of the authorship works
are focused on the identification problem (attribution
of identity to a given text), in (Zheng et al., 2006) the
authors present an online message authorship identifi-
cation framework based on four types of writing style
(lexical, syntactic, structural and content-specific).
They experimented with three features based on clas-
sification techniques on English online text with an
average length of 169 words. They achieved 97%
of accuracy in identifying 20 identities through 30,
40 messages per author. In (Shrestha et al., 2017) is
presented another work on authorship identification
of short messages based on a deep learning model.
The authors presented a Convolutional Neural Net-
work for the author attribution of tweets achieving
76% of accuracy for 50 authors with 1000 tweets
each. Another authorship subfield studied in short
message analysis is the verification problem (verify
whether the written text belongs to who declares to
be). In such context deep learning models have also
been applied to the authorship verification problem
for short messages, in (Litvak, 2018) is presented a
deep learning model for automatic feature extraction
directly from the input text. They implemented a Con-
volutional Neural Network ables to analyze the raw
input email text and extract the discriminate features
to verify the genuineness of the author. Table 9 sum-
marizes the comparison between our work and the
studies in this field.
We faced the problem of spear-phishing attack based
on the forgery of the sender field contained in the
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
email. As a countermeasure, we proposed an end-
user email support system based on the analysis of
the writing style of a person. We presented two possi-
ble approaches to solve the problem (i) sender email
verification which we exploited the characterization
of the overall writing style of a sender and (ii) end
to end email verification, which considers the end to
end writing style in the sender-receiver communica-
tion. As a verification system, we proposed an author-
ship email verification based on a binary text classi-
fier. We compared two text classification approaches
(i) features engineering based and (ii) word embed-
ding based. In both the scenarios experimented are
tested two training techniques based on different split-
ting of the dataset: (i) independent from the email
length and (ii) dependent from the email length. The
analysis of the results shows: (i) the higher accuracy
of the word embedding based classifiers respect to the
features engineering based in both the scenarios; (ii)
the effectiveness of the training technique based on
the dataset splitting dependent from the email length
and (iii) the better accuracy obtained by the end to end
email verification respect to the traditional sender ver-
ification. With the high accuracy reached in the email
author verification, it has been proved that the author-
ship mechanism is a promising support approach to
use in contrast to the spear-phishing scam emails.
This work has been partially supported by H2020 EU-
funded projects SPARTA, GA 830892, C3ISP, GA
700294 and EIT-Digital Project HII, PRIN Governing
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy