email. As a countermeasure, we proposed an end-
user email support system based on the analysis of
the writing style of a person. We presented two possi-
ble approaches to solve the problem (i) sender email
verification which we exploited the characterization
of the overall writing style of a sender and (ii) end
to end email verification, which considers the end to
end writing style in the sender-receiver communica-
tion. As a verification system, we proposed an author-
ship email verification based on a binary text classi-
fier. We compared two text classification approaches
(i) features engineering based and (ii) word embed-
ding based. In both the scenarios experimented are
tested two training techniques based on different split-
ting of the dataset: (i) independent from the email
length and (ii) dependent from the email length. The
analysis of the results shows: (i) the higher accuracy
of the word embedding based classifiers respect to the
features engineering based in both the scenarios; (ii)
the effectiveness of the training technique based on
the dataset splitting dependent from the email length
and (iii) the better accuracy obtained by the end to end
email verification respect to the traditional sender ver-
ification. With the high accuracy reached in the email
author verification, it has been proved that the author-
ship mechanism is a promising support approach to
use in contrast to the spear-phishing scam emails.
This work has been partially supported by H2020 EU-
funded projects SPARTA, GA 830892, C3ISP, GA
700294 and EIT-Digital Project HII, PRIN Governing
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Email Spoofing Attack Detection through an End to End Authorship Attribution System