Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: Monitoring and Detection
Lukáš Kotlaba, Simona Buchovecká and Róbert Lórencz
Department of Information Security, Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague,
Czech Republic
Keywords: MS Active Directory, Kerberos Security, Kerberoasting, Cyber Security, Cyber Attacks.
Abstract: The paper focus is the detection of Kerberoasting attack in Active Directory environment. The purpose of the
attack is to extract service accounts’ passwords without need for any special user access rights or privilege
escalation, which makes it suitable for initial phases of network compromise and further pivot for more
interesting accounts. The main goal of the paper is to discuss the monitoring possibilities, setting up detection
rules built on top of native Active Directory auditing capabilities, including possible ways to minimize false
positive alerts.
Active Directory (AD) is a proprietary
implementation of a directory service for Microsoft’s
Network Operating System (NOS). NOS is the term
used to describe a networked environment in which
various types of resources, such as user, group, and
computer accounts, are stored in a central repository.
This repository, called Active Directory, contains
network, application, or NOS information that is
controlled by administrators and accessible to end
users. The directory service that provides access to
this repository is called Active Directory Domain
Services (AD DS) (Desmond et. al. 2013).
The AD is widely used as the core part of the
whole network infrastructure; as a central repository
for information about objects that reside on a
company network, such as users, groups, computers,
printers, applications, and files. The objects have
numerous attributes, specific permissions, and
relations. AD stores all this data in a hierarchical
organizational structure and provides access to it for
Microsoft Active Directory is based on the
LDAPv3 protocol, which is an updated version of
LDAP, introduced in 1997. The first version of
Microsoft AD was released with Windows 2000 and
has been a part of Windows Server operating systems
(OSs) ever since. (Desmond, 2013, Francis, 2017)
As such, AD is a very attractive target for attack-
ers and cybercriminals. It is crucial to understand how
important role Active Directory plays in an enterprise
domain, and what kind of data it stores. Thus, it is not
surprising that AD is often a target of attacks. Indeed,
AD does not even have to be the target itself, as it may
only serve as a bare tool providing a path for
compromising more interesting systems in the
domain, as discussed in (Kotlaba, 2019).
The paper is focused on one such attack –
Kerberoasting – the purpose of which is to extract
service accounts’ passwords without need for any
special user access rights or privilege escalation.
Discussion on the techniques for attack detection in
(almost) real time is presented, including the
monitoring scenarios and tuning options for
minimizing potential false positive alerts.
The paper is structured as follows - Section 2
contains background information on authentication
process in Active Directory environment, with focus
on Kerberos protocol. Further, details of the
Kerberoasting attack itself are discussed. Section 3
presents results of our work – design and
implementation of monitoring scenarios for detecting
the Kerberoasting attack, including discussion on
efficiency and minimization of false positive alerts.
Section 4 concludes the paper.
Kotlaba, L., Buchovecká, S. and Lórencz, R.
Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: Monitoring and Detection Techniques.
DOI: 10.5220/0008955004320439
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 432-439
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The Windows OSs require all users to log on to the
computer with a valid account to access local and
network resources. Authentication is a process of
verifying the claimed identity of an object;
authorization is a process of verifying that the object
has rights to access particular resources. AD is the
default technology for storing identity information on
domain-joined systems, and therefore it is tied closely
to authentication and authorization processes.
Microsoft documentation provides details on key
concepts (Microsoft, 2016) as follows.
2.1 Windows Authentication Overview
Users are authenticated to Windows-based computers
by a logon process. Depending on how the logon
process occurs, there are several scenarios defined:
Interactive logon
o Local logon
o Remote logon
Network logon
Smart card logon
Biometric logon
During an interactive logon, a user typically enters
credentials in the credentials’ entry dialog box.
Alternatives for presenting credentials in the form of
username and password are smart card logon and
biometric logon.
Users can perform an interactive logon by using a
local account or a domain account. Depending on the
account type, the logon process confirms the user’s
identification to the security database on the user’s
local computer or to the AD database. A local logon
grants a user permission to access resources on the
local computer or resources on networked computers.
A domain logon grants a user permission to access
local and domain resources. Domain logon requires
that both the user and computer have their accounts
in AD and the computer is physically connected to the
A network logon can only be used after user,
service, or computer authentication has taken place.
The network logon process does not use the
credentials entry dialog boxes; the authentication is
typically invisible to the user unless alternative
credentials have to be provided. Previously
established credentials are used to confirm identity to
any network service that the user is attempting to
Various authentication protocols are used to
provide network logon functionality, Kerberos
protocol being the preferred authentication method in
AD environment.
Windows OSs implement Kerberos version 5
authentication protocol, which is specified in RFC
4120 (Neumann, 2005). Microsoft’s proprietary
implementation of this protocol adds some
functionality beyond the RFC specification, such as
authorization or optional Privilege Account
Certificate (PAC) validation (Microsoft, 2019).
Kerberos is the default protocol used within an
Active Directory domain. With Kerberos, passwords
never traverse the network in plaintext or encrypted
formats. Instead, session-specific keys are generated
for use over a short period of time through the use of
tickets. The tickets are issued by Kerberos Key
Distribution Center (KDC), which is integrated into a
domain controller (DC) in the Microsoft’s Kerberos
implementation. The KDC uses the AD as its security
account database.
Figure 1 illustrates Kerberos authentication steps
(Desmond, 2013 and Metcalf, 2014), which occur
when a user attempts to access a service:
1. To begin the authentication process, an
AS_REQ message is sent from client to KDC. This
message proves the user’s identity and is partially
encrypted with a hash of the user’s password
computed by the client computer.
2. The DC validates the request and produces a
Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT). The TGT is sent back
to the client as AS_REP message. The TGT contains
PAC with information about all the security groups in
which the user is a member. It is encrypted and signed
by the KDC service account (krbtgt). The client
caches the TGT in memory.
3. The client sends a TGS_REQ message to the
DC to request a service ticket for a specific service.
Rather than providing credentials again, the message
contains the cached TGT obtained in the previous
4. The DC validates the TGS_REQ and constructs
a Ticket Granting Service (TGS) ticket for the
requested service. The TGS ticket, partially encrypted
with a hash of the service’s password, is sent back to
the client in a TGS_REP message. The client caches
this ticket in memory for subsequent use when
authenticating directly to the service.
5. The client presents the TGS ticket to the service
in an AP_REQ message. The service uses it to
authenticate the user. The service might also use the
user’s access token (contained in the ticket) to
perform authorization before allowing access.
6. Optionally, the service can respond with an
AP_REQ message for mutual authentication of the
Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: Monitoring and Detection Techniques
7. Optionally, the service may also send the TGS
ticket to a KDC to validate the PAC to ensure the
user’s group membership presented in the ticket is
8. If the PAC validation occurs, the KDC informs
the server hosting the specific service about the
validation result.
Figure 1: Kerberos authentication.
Kerberos allows users to access services on the
network transparently by simply requesting a service
ticket. When clients request service tickets for given
services from a DC, they use identifiers called Service
Principal Names (SPNs). An SPN is stored in AD, in
the servicePrincipalName multivalued attribute. It is
constructed in the form of a service identifier,
followed by the hostname, and optionally, a port
number. The service identifier is a predefined string
that the client and server agree on. To enable
authentication, Kerberos requires that SPN be
associated with at least one service logon account
(Desmond et. al. 2013).
All the authentication attempts, successful and not
successful, are being audited. The event logging
service records events from various sources and
stores them in a single collection called Windows
Event Log.
Several categories provided by the security audit
policies represent an essential source of information
for hunting attacks towards Active Directory. For
instance, the categories Account Logon and
Logon/Logoff track authentication and use of
credentials, which is the core element of the attacks.
Categories Account Management and DS Access
record changes and replication of the AD schema.
Other categories, such as Detailed Tracking, Object
Tracking, and Privilege Use provide useful
information that may be related to attack preparation,
use of hacking tools, or resource access after the
successful attack execution.
We will utilize the native auditing capabilities to
build our detections later on.
2.2 Kerberoasting
The Kerberoasting attack was first introduced by Tim
Medin (Medin, 2014), with the goal to crack
passwords for remote service accounts completely
offline, without sending a single packet to the service,
and without requiring special or escalated privileges.
Since any authenticated user possessing a valid
TGT may request one or more TGS tickets for any
SPN from a domain controller, this process can be
abused by adversaries in the Kerberoasting technique.
An attacker that controls a user account can request a
service ticket. The ticket may be encrypted with a
weak cipher suite, such as RC4-HMAC-MD5, which
means the service account’s NT password hash is
used to encrypt the service ticket. The attacker then
exports the ticket from memory and attempts to crack
it offline by trying different NT hashes. When the
ticket is successfully opened, the correct service
account password is discovered in plaintext. Cracking
of hashes is usually done on adversary-controlled
systems with high computational power, outside of
the target network (MITRE, 2018, Metcalf, 2017).
Table 1: Encryption types implemented in Windows.
Type Cipher suite name
0x11 AES128-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96
0x12 AES256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96
0x17 RC4-HMAC-MD5
Table 1 shows implemented encryption types
used by Kerberos in Windows OSs. Starting from
Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, the suites
containing AES cipher have been set as default,
replacing previous default RC4 cipher suites. Also,
cipher suites involving DES cipher have been
disabled starting from Windows 7 and Windows
Server 2008 R2 (Microsoft, 2017).
These updates comply with security issues arising
from RC4 and DES ciphers, as these ciphers are
considered obsolete nowadays. However, Windows
allows enabling these suites via policy setting for
backward compatibility (Microsoft, 2017).
The main reason why Kerberoasting is successful
is underrated administration of service accounts in
organizations. Many service account passwords are
often weak, and of the same length as the configured
domain password minimum. Another problem is that
service accounts often don’t have passwords set to
expire. Furthermore, most service accounts are over-
permissioned; they contain rights to access certain
objects or rights equivalent to Administrator (Metcalf
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The first step of the Kerberoasting attack is
usually SPN scanning. Querying for registered SPNs
enables an attacker to identify all service accounts
supporting Kerberos authentication together with
their role. Checking whether the service accounts
have the attribute AdminCount equal to "1" identifies
accounts which are members of highly privileged
groups. Attackers use these methods to identify
interesting service accounts to focus on (Metcalf,
Kerberoasting and SPN scanning can be
performed directly from PowerShell (Metcalf, 2017),
or by using various tools. Such tools include
PowerShell script Invoke-Kerberoast, which is also
part of the offensive framework Empire (Schroeder,
2016), or GetUserSPNs module of Impacket, which is
a collection of Python classes for working with
network protocols (SECURAUTH, 2019).
From the nature of Kerberos authentication and
the fact that usage of services is standard behavior in
an AD domain, there is no mechanism of how
Kerberoasting can be prevented by firewalls or
IDS/IPS devices. Furthermore, the obsolete cipher
suites are commonly enabled in the environment due
to backward compatibility. This implies the need for
monitoring and detection of Kerberoasting attack in
the domain.
The process of designing the detection rules starts
with defining all related log sources that may contain
relevant data. For events, it is crucial to identify what
information they carry, and under which
circumstances they are logged, or whether they are
generated at all. In many cases, also a trade-off
between the added value and the volume of generated
events has to be taken into consideration. Microsoft’s
documentation of Advanced security audit policy
settings (Microsoft, 2017) and Randy Franklin
Smith’s Log Encyclopedia (Smith, 2006) are the
ultimate reference sources of event descriptions,
logging settings, event occurrences, and other
information related to Windows Event Log.
After a scenario is designed, it is necessary to test
its detection capabilities and evaluate the relevancy of
the returned results. We have tested all proposed
detection rules and evaluated their efficiency from the
perspective of True Positive/False Positive ratio. As
it shows, the naive approach produces a high number
of False Positive alerts, and thus, we focused on the
detections tuning in the end.
For practical testing we used a virtual lab
environment to simulate an example of a small
domain, consisting of one physical machine and five
virtual machines (VMs). The host computer ran
Linux OS and was network-connected with the VMs
to receive logs. The VMs include two servers, one DC
(DC01) and one member server (SERVER2008), and
two users’ workstations (WINDOWS7 and
WINDOWS10). The last VM (kali) runs Kali Linux
distribution and serves as a simulation of an external
attacker having network connectivity to the domain.
Logs from all monitored assets are sent to the physical
machine where they are indexed by a Splunk instance.
The described environment is illustrated in Figure 2.
Splunk is a software product that enables to
search, analyze, and visualize the data gathered from
the components of IT infrastructure or business, it
takes in data from websites, applications, sensors,
devices, etc. (Splunk 2019). We have used Splunk
instance as a central collection point for Active
Directory logs, as well as central monitoring point for
our designed detections – all the presented scenarios
were developed in Splunk Processing Language in
form of detection searches from the collected audit
For testing the designed scenarios, we used three
tools to request a service ticket:
GetUserSPNs module of Impacket
Invoke-Kerberoast module of Empire (Schroeder,
PowerShell commands based on (Metcalf, 2017).
Figure 2: Lab environment.
Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: Monitoring and Detection Techniques
3.1 Log Sources
The Kerberoasting technique is targeting Kerberos
mechanism used to authenticate users who access
protected network resources. The variety of events
which contain useful information for this scenario
narrows to a single subcategory of Advanced security
audit policies: Account Logon\Kerberos Service
Ticket Operations. This policy subcategory should
generate three events:
4769(S, F) A Kerberos service ticket was
4770(S) A Kerberos service ticket was renewed;
4773(F) A Kerberos service ticket request failed.
The Microsoft documentation narrows the choice of
events even more. The event 4773 is defined but
never invoked, and failure event 4769 is generated
instead. Event 4770 logs every TGS ticket renewal.
However, it has only informational character, and no
security monitoring recommendations exist for it
(Microsoft, 2017).
The event 4769 generates every time KDC gets a
Kerberos TGS ticket request. The event generates
only on DCs, however, it is one of the most numerous
events logged (Metcalf, 2017). This event contains
lots of valuable information, including account,
service, or network information, encryption type used,
and failure code. It is a key element for monitoring
suspicious activities related to services.
Another type of logs that may be useful for this
scenario, although not so directly, are PowerShell
logs. PowerShell Script Block Logging records
compiled blocks of scripts into event 4104;
PowerShell Module Logging records module usage
into event 4103.
3.2 Detection Scenarios
Kerberoasting technique, as described in the previous
section, involves the use of a valid domain user’s
authentication ticket (TGT) to request one or several
service tickets using their SPNs. Since the goal of an
attacker is to crack the service ticket offline, tickets
encrypted with weak cipher suites are preferred.
Sean Metcalf did some research and published
several articles on this topic, which name elements
suitable for detection of Kerberoasting. We were
inspired by ideas published in these articles (Metcalf,
2017) while designing the detection scenarios.
3.2.1 Detecting Kerberoasting via Event
Unless there are incompatible or legacy systems used
in the environment, all Kerberos authentication
should use AES cipher suites, and therefore, any
requests for TGS tickets with lower encryption types
can be considered suspicious. The detection rule D01
- Possible Kerberoasting activity looks for any ticket
requests with encryption type constants equal to the
values of these cipher suites (visible from Table 1).
The snippet of the search is in Listing 1.
Listing 1: D01 – Possible Kerberoasting activity (snippet).
EventCode=4769 (TicketEncryptionType=0x1 OR
TicketEncryptionType=0x3 OR
TicketEncryptionType=0x17 OR
|eval Source=if(IpAddress=="::1", Computer,
|table _time, host, Source, TargetUserName,
ServiceName, TicketEncryptionType
|sort - _time
| ...
3.2.2 Suspicious Service Ticket Requests
The next two detection searches focus on service
ticket requests and aim to detect suspicious usage of
services more generally. The rule D02 - Excessive
service ticket requests from one source (Listing 2)
triggers if there is a higher amount of different service
requests observed in a short time from a single source.
This kind of activity is even more suspicious if the
service names are not related to each other, or if the
type of requested services is unusual for that
particular source.
The search uses events 4769. Service ticket
requests for krbtgt service and computer account
service names (those ending with $ character) are
filtered out from the results, as the search focuses
mostly on service accounts that were intentionally
created for specific resources. Subsequent events are
grouped on IpAddress field by the transaction
command. The number of services in each transaction
is calculated and filtered to display only results where
the number is higher than the one specified in the
condition. The number constant and time span used
in the condition represent a variable and have to be
adjusted to the needs of the particular environment.
The values presented in the search snippet were used
in the lab environment.
Listing 2: D02 – Excessive service ticket requests from one
source (snippet).
EventCode=4769 ServiceName != krbtgt
|regex ServiceName != "\$$"
|transaction IpAddress maxpause=5m
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
|eval services=mvcount(ServiceName)
|where services > 5
| ...
Listing 3: D03 – Suspicious external service ticket requests
EventCode=4769 IpPort > 0 (IpPort < 1024 OR
(NOT (IpAddress= OR
IpAddress= OR
IpAddress= OR
IpAddress= OR IpAddress=::1)))
| ...
Another search, D03 - Suspicious external service
ticket requests, follows a security recommendation
described by Microsoft in its documentation for the
event 4769 (Microsoft, 2017). The search focuses on
network information provided in the event. It
monitors usage of well-known ports or any events
where the IP address is not from the private IP ranges,
which are signs of an outbound connection. The
Listing 3. shows the detection logic used.
The range of IP addresses can be narrowed to only
those used in the environment. If there is a scenario
where the monitored ports or IP addresses are used by
legitimate services, the values can be whitelisted by
modifying the detection condition.
3.2.3 Detecting Kerberoasting with a
In one of his articles, Sean Metcalf presents an
effective method on how to detect Kerberoasting
(Metcalf, 2017). He suggests creating a honeypot - a
fake account, with a fake SPN associated, having
some attributes (e.g. AdminCount) set, making it
attractive for potential attackers. This account has no
effective role and privileges in the environment; it is
created merely to attract attackers. Monitoring service
ticket requests for this account gives clear results of
malicious activities with a low false positive ratio,
since there is no legitimate reason to request tickets
for this service.
We named the account Honeypot01 for
illustration, but the account should look as legitimate
as possible in reality. Apart from the AdminCount
attribute set, it could be a member of seemingly
privileged groups to lower potential suspicions of an
attacker. Listing 4 shows the detection rule D04 -
Detecting Kerberoasting with a honeypot.
Listing 4: D04 – Detecting Kerberoasting with a honeypot
EventCode=4769 ServiceName=Honeypot01
|eval Source=if(IpAddress=="::1", Computer,
|table _time, host, Source, TargetUserName,
ServiceName, TicketEncryptionType
|sort - _time
| ...
3.2.4 Detecting Kerberoasting via
Kerberoasting activity can be carried through
PowerShell on a workstation controlled by an attacker.
The search D05 – Detecting Kerberoasting via
PowerShell uses features of PowerShell logging and
its goal is to catch SPN scanning activity or successful
acquisition of the service ticket hash.
The search looks for PowerShell events 4103 and
4104 and performs a full-text search in them, looking
for strings containing names of service accounts.
Transactions are created for all subsequent
PowerShell events coming from a single workstation.
Results are produced if the number of events
containing matching strings is higher than the
specified threshold. The list of service accounts and
SPNs must be prepared as an input. Listing 5 contains
details of this rule.
Listing 5: D05 – Detecting Kerberoasting via PowerShell
PowerShell/ Operational" (EventCode=4103 OR
|transaction Computer maxpause=15m
maxevents=-1 | eval raw=_raw
[| inputlookup service_accounts.csv | eval
raw="*" . account . "*"
|fields raw]
|where eventcount > 2 | ...
Figure 3: Kerberoasting detected in Splunk.
Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: Monitoring and Detection Techniques
3.3 False Positives and Tuning
The number of false positive detections produced by
the proposed detection rules depends on several
factors. Firstly, the usage of obsolete cipher suites in
the environment. In case these suites are not disabled,
and whitelisting is not entirely implemented, false
positive detections may appear in the search D01.
The second search, D02, contains numeric values
that control thresholds for detection. These need to be
adjusted, as the number of requests for different
services in a small environment would not be on the
same level as in large environments. Alternatively,
the search D02 can be combined with D01 to see
excessive service ticket requests with suspicious
encryption types only. We tested multiple filtering
options to minimize the false positive alerts – filtering
out only krbtgt account, adding ticket encryption
types and filtering dollar accounts, which increased
accuracy of the detection scenario significantly.
Search D03 should not trigger at all unless there
actually is a configuration that allows the use of well-
known ports or external IP addresses. The same
applies to detection using honeypot in D04. There is
no legitimate reason to request a service ticket for the
honeypot account. Detected activities are very likely
to be malicious.
Table 2: Summary of detection scenarios efficiency.
True positives Fales positives
Count % Count %
D01 - Possible
13 7 58.85 6 46.15
D02 - Excessive
service ticket
requests from one
source – filtering
t account
326 7 2.15 319 97.85
D02 - Excessive
service ticket
requests from one
source – add
weak encryption
10 7 70 3 30
D02 - Excessive
service ticket
requests from one
source – filter $
5 5 100 0 0
D04 - Detecting
with a hone
7 7 100 0 0
If PowerShell is utilized for routine
administration tasks for the specified service ac-
counts, these activities will also be reported by the
search D05. Reliable filtering is quite tricky due to the
variety of commands that could be used by a potential
attacker and nature of the PowerShell logs. The logs
contain blocks of code, which limits parsing and also
filtering options, thus the search quality will be
dependent on the quality of the input list of the
Table 2 summarizes the True to False positive
ratio for the discussed scenarios. Scenario D04
alerted on no False Positives, and it can be used as a
reference search. The D02 scenario was tested with
three different modifications. Note that filtering on
both krbtgt and dollar accounts caused two attack
attempts to be missed, while producing no false
positives. Scenarios D03 and D05 are missing from
the table, since given the fact that we are able to
describe our environment so precisely, their False
Positive rate would be always zero.
Even though there is implementation overhead
and changes in the environment are required, we
suggest honeypot and/or PowerShell script
monitoring to be deployed.
In the paper, we proposed the design of detection
scenarios usable for monitoring the network for a
potential occurrence of a Kerberoasting attack. The
purpose of this attack is to extract service accounts’
passwords without the need for any special user
access rights or privilege escalation.
The main goal was to develop a set of detection
rules, which would be able to detect the
Kerberoasting attack by using Windows Security
auditing. We designed, implemented and tested
multiple monitoring scenarios, that can be used as a
baseline for organizations implementing detection
mechanisms for their Active Directory environments.
The detections were presented in Splunk SPL
language, however, the detection principles used in
the searches are not limited to the use of Splunk
We have shown the detection capabilities of the
designed rules and found out that the false-positive
rate of the designed rules may vary. Non-standard
approaches, that use honeypots or PowerShell
monitoring for detection, offer strong detection
capabilities with a low false-positive ratio, but carry
on implementation overhead.
The authors acknowledge the support of the OP VVV
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
MEYS funded project
CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000765 “Research
Center for Informatics”.
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Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: Monitoring and Detection Techniques