PV-MCTS eliminates the need for a huge database of
game records, reduces the burden of designing neural
networks, and improves learning efficiency.
The design of the search tree had to be modified
to allow the neural network to output complex data
structures representing the actions of the units of turn-
based strategy games. By moving the data of the op-
erating unit from the output of the neural network to
the input, we succeeded in significantly reducing the
design load of the neural network. The unit selection
problem necessary for the multi-unit operation pecu-
liar to turn-based strategy games was also solved by
integrating unit selection into the search tree. Effec-
tive changes such as SepConv2D, B
, and dropout
were also introduced and evaluated. The number of
blocks in the Residual layer was also evaluated.
The new method showed excellent performance as
compared to two simple and classical algorithms. It
also performed well on unlearned maps and showed
generalization by learning. However, when the num-
ber of units was increased, the operation time in-
creased, which is a problem that needs to be fixed in
the future.
In future research, we aim to test the method on a
wide variety of map situations and on maps with more
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