Measuring Student Emotions in an Online Learning Environment
Márcio Alencar and José Francisco Netto
Institute of Computing, Federal University of Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil
Keywords: Sentiment Analysis, Affective Computing, Multi-Agent System, Learning Management System, Framework.
Abstract: The use of Virtual Learning Environments by educational institutions grows every year. In these
environments, students use asynchronous and synchronous tools to communicate, express their opinions on
various subjects. All of this information can be used to identify students' emotional states and improve
education. Using sentiment analysis techniques is possible to identify students with difficulty, frustration,
discouragement, this approach helps detect students with potential dropout. In this paper, an experiment was
carried out with students of a technical course using a tool that identifies the emotional state of a class and
their students using sentiment analysis on student's posts forum. The results demonstrate that the approach
proposed in this paper can support teachers in monitoring students' emotional states by accessing and
analyzing discourse forums to assist in decision making and learning improvements.
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
researchers have been trying to equip systems to
interpret emotions and Sentiment. Emotions and
Sentiment play a key role in our daily lives as they
help in decision making, learning, and
communication (Poria et al, 2017).
Virtual Learning Environment has several tools
used by teachers and students, among which we can
highlight the discussion forums, which are
communication tools that allow for collaboration
between those involved, where students can show
emotions (Cercel et al, 2015).
In the classroom the teacher can identify the
affectivity through the expressions, dialogues, and
behavior of the students, however in distance
courses this situation is more challenging, since the
students’ emotions are registered in the
communication tools such as: forum, chat, Journal,
message exchange between students and teachers,
etc (Mohammad, 2016)
In this context, the texts produced by students we
can identify many feelings, such as happiness, fear,
surprise and with can we use this information as
another tool to help teachers in their daily activities
(Alencar and Netto, 2017).
According to research conducted by (Fei and Li,
2018), affective information can help teachers to
improve their pedagogical practices. Thus,
perceiving the affectivity in the Virtual Learning
Environments, captured through its communication
tools, can be another resource to verify the needs of
the students.
The affective bond between teacher and student
plays an important role in pedagogical mediation,
since the students expect the tutor to be attentive,
motivating, and encouraging in the virtual and in-
person moments; that is, the students feel more
encouraged and secure when there is an affective
and cognitive relationship within the activities
(Roorda et al, 2017).
According to (Grawemeyer et al, 2017) students
during learning move between the positive and
negative affective state, for the teacher it is
interesting to know how to identify the students'
affective state, being able to identify which elements
are related to positive and negative aspects.
Emotions may be related to certain behaviors, for
example: negative emotions (confusion, frustration,
discouragement, anxiety and anger), while positive
emotions may be related to increased dedication,
participation, motivation and interest in the course.
The methodology adopted in this paper began
with a literature review and systematic mapping of
Multi-Agent System, Affective Computing and
Sentiment Analysis, to understand their
performance, which technologies are used in the
implementation of the experiments and their
contributions to education.
Alencar, M. and Netto, J.
Measuring Student Emotions in an Online Learning Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0008956505630569
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 2, pages 563-569
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on these studies, this paper conducted an
experiment with students of the technical
specialization course to identify the emotional state
of students through your e-learning posts. To help
the teacher this was developed a system integrated
with the Virtual Learning Environment, which uses
a multi-agent system to collect messages posted by
students in discussion forums and through
techniques of sentiment analysis to identify the
emotional state of students.
Sentiment Analysis can reveal useful information
about students and can help understand student
behavior and improve learning. Through the
messages posted in the forums, each student
expresses his opinion individually, part of our study
is to identify the emotional state of students to
collaborate with teachers (Mohammad, 2016).
One of the challenges faced by those working
with education is to motivate students to learn. The
motivation of this work is to demonstrate that from
an approach using sentiment analysis it is possible to
know the affective aspects of the students, favoring
pedagogical actions, being able to assist teachers in
decision making and intervention when necessary,
such as identifying discouraged students,
unmotivated, who wish to give up the course and
avoid school drop-out (Gontzis et al, 2017).
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 presents related works. The experiments
are described in section 3, section 4 presents the
results and discussions about the experiments. The
paper is finished with section 5, which are the
conclusions and future works.
This research began with a bibliographic review and
systematic mapping about Multi-Agent System,
Affective Computing and Sentiment Analysis, to
identify the main works, concepts and technologies
used in the literature that helped in the development
of this research.
2.1 Multi-Agent System
The Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) are a type of
distributed Artificial Intelligence system composed
of agents that act in an environment who interact
with each other, seeking to solve problems in a
collaborative way. Its main characteristics are:
Social Organization, Cooperation, Coordination,
Control and Communication (Deloach, 2001).
According to our literature review we can see a
growth in research using MAS technology in
education, among them we can name the work
(Lima et al, 2018) carried out a Systematic Mapping
of the Literature on Intelligent Agents and Multi-
Agent Systems in the educational context. The
researchers selected 84 papers using MAS applied in
the area of Educational Informatics and from these
articles were identified 20 papers using MAS to
assist distance learning and Virtual Learning
Many students express their emotions in the
online forums and assessing this vast amount of
information requires many hours of teacher work, so
researchers (Alencar and Netto, 2017) have
developed an Virtual Agent integrated into an
Moodle Virtual Learning Environment that uses a
multi-agent system to monitor student activities and
identify emotional state, thereby collaborating with
the teacher in teaching and learning.
Taking into account that every year the number
of students in distance courses grows, so it is good
work for teachers to accompany all these students,
so it is important to use intelligent agents. An Multi-
Agent System can perform various tasks in e-
learning, such as monitoring user activity, capturing
information automatically, and performing custom
recommendation of educational content. Despite
their wide applicability, there are still a number of
challenges faced by Multi-Agent System including
coordination between agents, security, and task
allocation (Dorri et al, 2018).
The researchers (Fontes et al, 2017) have
observed that student tracking is often the same
irrespective of their performance and behavioral
differences in the environment, thereby creating an
intelligent agent-based learning environment model
inspired by intelligent mentoring to provide
adaptability to Moodle Virtual Learning
Environment, taking into account the performance of
students in tasks and activities proposed by the
2.2 Affective Computing
Affective Computing is the area of computer science
that seeks to recognize and represent affectivity in
human-machine interaction, that is, the use of
emotions in different aspects in computer systems
(Poria et al, 2017).
In the educational field we can use Affective
Computing to extract aspects related to affectivity,
such as emotions and personality, in order to offer
the student a more affective learning environment.
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Through Artificial Intelligence techniques, the
machine can identify the student's affective state,
understand and act, using computational algorithms
to evaluate and respond to affective states (Picard,
In everyday life we come across a number of
different situations and develop our own feelings for
each of them. These feelings generate emotions that
can be recognized through some body expressions,
however in Virtual Learning Environments this
situation is different because it is necessary social
interaction of students through the activities and
writing, so they can get involved and share ideas
demonstrating their affective relationships. For (Liu,
2015) the feeling represents an attitude, opinion or
emotion that the opinion maker has about the target
of the same.
For (Kumi-Yeboah et al, 2017) the development
of the individual begins with the interactions that the
individual establishes in the historical and cultural
context in which he is inserted. The construction of
knowledge occurs from an intense process of social
interaction, where we can highlight the language,
which has two fundamental characteristics that are
communication and the construction of thought.
According to (Zheng et al, 2015), students are
encouraged during the teaching-learning process to
use various interaction mechanisms that allow the
generation of texts. In addition to situations of
objective nature, where textual messages related to
the answers to questions or indication of results
obtained are observed, situations are observed in
which texts describing subjectivities are generated.
These may correspond to a variety of situations,
ranging from student comments on their
performance, personal observations on peer and
teacher comments, indications of the degree of
satisfaction and acceptance with the teaching
processes, or the description of difficulties
encountered by students in participate in this type of
In distance learning courses the mediation of the
educational process occurs through a virtual learning
environment, which needs synchronous and
asynchronous communication tools, such as: forum,
chat, diary, message exchange, etc.). These
resources help the cognitive and affective
development of students, both individually and
collectively (Fei and Li, 2018).
2.3 Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Analysis is an area of study within
Natural Language Processing that is concerned with
identifying the mood or opinion of subjective
elements within a text (Zhang and Liu, 2017). Use
techniques from various fields of computing such as
natural language processing, information retrieval,
data mining, and statistics.
Its application is very wide, people can express
their opinion about products, services, brands,
health, politics, education, and even in the music
field, how can we highlight the work of (Madhok et
al, 2018).
Millions of people around the world use social
networks, so the volume of data grows every
moment, making it a huge challenge to manipulate
all this information and extract useful information
that can contribute to businesses (Rodrigues et al,
A person expressing an opinion expresses a
feeling that represents attitude, opinion or emotion.
Feeling can be measured by its polarity (positive,
negative or neutral), but it can also be measured by
emotion classes (Liu, 2015).
Sentiment Analysis is applied in several surveys,
to get an idea of the size of this area, we can observe
the work of (Pang and Lee, 2008), called "Opinion
Mining and Sentiment Analysis", has been cited by
more 9.000 paper to date.
The work of (Piryani et al, 2016) carried out a
systematic mapping to analyze papers published in
the period from 2000 to 2015, on Opinion Mining
and Sentiment Analysis (OMSA). In a more detailed
analysis they observed that the approaches (machine
learning and lexicon based) are more popular in
Considering the large amount of data on the
Internet, we find in the literature that many
researchers create framework using Sentiment
Analysis to assist in this task (Dragoni et al, 2016).
SeNTU framework (Chikersal et al. 2015) is a
project that uses sentiment analysis proposed by
students and staff members of NTU (Nanyang
Technological University). The main objective of
the framework is to prove that the use of different
paradigms, for example machine learning, linguistics
and knowledge representation, can improve the
performance of sentiment analysis. The SeNTU
framework does sentiment analysis using two
classifiers: rule-based and supervised. In the
preprocessing phase, text is normalized and
tokenized, then a combination of lexical classifiers,
such as SenticNet, is used to infer the polarity of
sentences, same tool in the research presented in this
Measuring Student Emotions in an Online Learning Environment
The School of Distance Professional Education
(CETAM EaD) works with distance learning courses
using Moodle ( and
serves various municipalities in the state of
Amazonas, Brazil. To evaluate the feasibility of the
proposal and gain mastery of technical tools, we
conducted an experiment that used real data from
students of the technical specialization course in
Information Technology Management, in the
discipline "Computer Network Management", which
used two activities (Forum and Assignment)
highlighted in Figure 1 (in Portuguese).
Figure 1: Course “Computer Network Management”.
This experiment used real data from four (4)
classes of this course, completed in May 2018, with
an average of 40 students each.
To perform this experiment an architecture was
developed composed of a Multi-Agent System
integrated to the Virtual Learning Environment in
charge of collecting the messages posted by the
students in the discussion forums, then processing
these messages using sentiment analysis and finally
the agents present the results in graphical form. The
MAS has 3 agents, their function is described in
table 1.
Table 1: Function of the agents.
Collect messages posted by students
Extract the emotion/polarity of messages
Presents the result of the Sentiment Analysis
In the 80's, Robert Plutchik created the Wheel of
Emotions (Plutchik, 1984), which was a reference
for our research, an eight-pointed star, in which each
of these represents a primary feeling with opposing
pairs, representing a total of 48 emotions, as we can
see in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Wheel of Emotions (Plutchik, 1984).
Researchers (Cambria et al, 2018) used in their
research a new category of emotion categorization,
called Hourglass of Emotions, based on the
emotions wheel proposed by (Plutchik, 1984). The
Hourglass Model organizes the primary emotions
around four affective dimensions (Pleasantness,
Attention, Sensitivity, Aptitude). Each affective
dimension is characterized by six septic levels.
These levels have a set of 24 basic emotions, six
emotions for each affective dimension, which are
used in the association of emotion with text, as we
can see in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Four dimensions of the hourglass model
(Cambria et al, 2018).
In this project the multi-agent system uses the
SenticNet tool to perform the sentiment analysis of
the texts produced by the students. According to
(Cambria et al, 2018) SenticNet is a set of tools that
performs opinion mining, sentiment analysis and
explores Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Web
techniques, using a knowledge base available in 40
languages. The SenticNet knowledge base has
undergone several updates over the years, in version
1 it had 6.000 concepts, in version 2, 13.000
concepts, in version 3 30.000 concepts, in version 4,
50.000 concepts with the accuracy of 91.3% and in
the current version 5 has 100.000 concepts with the
accuracy of 94.6%.
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The MAS used in this experiment is the same as
applied in the work of (Alencar and Netto, 2017),
these agents perform their activities following three
steps: data collection, classification and summary.
In the data collection phase, MAS collected 2016
messages posted in the forums by students of this
course (Table 2). After this each sentence has been
handled, agents remove the HTML markers, then
each message is translated into English using Google
Translator, stopwords are removed, and finally the
message is divided into words.
Table 2: Messages posted in forum.
Messages quantity
In the classification phase, MAS uses the
SenticNet 5 tool, capable of able to identify polarity
(-1 to 1) and emotion (admiration, joy, interest,
anger, disgust, sadness, surprise and fear) portrayed
in texts published by students.
At the summary stage, the SMA identifies the
emotions of the students in a class regarding the
texts posted on the forum, as well as the polarity
value, and represents these values in the form of a
pie chart.
In this section, we will present the results of the
sentiment analysis about the texts posted by the
classes. In figure 4 we present 4 graphs, each graph
represents the emotional state of each class (Class 1,
Class 2, Class 3, Class 4).
We can see in each graph that there are 8
emotions (admiration, joy, interest, anger, disgust,
sadness, surprise and fear) classified using the
SenticNet tool, each with a different color and equal
the colors of the wheel of the emotions.
In graph 3 we have class 3, which presents some
negative feelings from students that can help in
decision making, have more students with a negative
emotional state, which is 17,32 % disgusted, each of
these emotions is represented by a different color,
larger values on the graph need to be analyzed as
they can represent positive or negative emotions.
In the results presented in the Graphs, we can
observe the importance of the Sentiment Analysis in
Figure 4: Emotional state of the classes.
the texts produced by the students in each class.
With this information we can observe the emotional
state of the students during the course, for example
knowing which class is having the most difficulty
understanding a subject, so the teacher can measure
the mood of the students in real time, helping to
make decisions during the course, avoiding dropping
out, dropping out, etc. According to (Mohammad,
2016) this information can help the teachers to check
the difficulties of the students in carrying out each
activity, so we can collaborate teachers in their daily
Monitoring students during an online course is a
time-consuming activity for teachers, hence the
importance of having tools that can understand what
is happening in the virtual environment and can
inform the teacher (Alencar and Netto, 2011).
As a limitation of the project we can highlight
the difficulty in handling a large volume of data and
the difficulty in identifying emotion in texts.
In this work we present an experiment using real
data from students of distance courses, through the
analysis of feelings we can identify which feeling
predominates most in a class. We verified that
through the approach we have the perception of the
feelings of the students, with this we can identify
problems and anticipate actions carried out by the
The use of Sentiment Analysis Techniques in
educational systems helps to identify the emotion
expressed by students, understanding emotions can
Measuring Student Emotions in an Online Learning Environment
both positively and negatively, enabling yet another
support tool for teachers.
The experiment demonstrated an efficiency in
using uses Multi-Agent System as technology for the
proposed approach, considering the proactivity and
communication of the agents, another highlight is
the use of graphics with the emotional state that
facilitates interpretation by teachers.
As a future work, we intend to develop a system
integrated with the Virtual Environment that
conducts Sentiment Analysis in real time, presents
different graphs and checks the emotional state of
each student and each class.
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Measuring Student Emotions in an Online Learning Environment