To test our hypothesis, the model developed was
simulated using the Processing programming lan-
guage (Reas and Fry, 2014). A total of 50 agents
were used to simulate site selection with two, three,
four, and five sites. The search space is depicted by a
450 x 450 pixel square. The nest, in the center of the
search space, is represented by a 60 x 60 pixel square
and the other sites are represented by 70 x 70 pixel
squares. The original site value of each site was in-
versely proportional to the distance from the nesting
location (Figure 2). The optimal sensing range and
speed for the agents were determined to be 13 pixels
and 10 pixels/s, respectively. The threshold for transi-
tioning to a quorum state was determined to be at least
5 agents per site. The simulations were run with and
without changes in the quorum site value. Changing
the quorum site value allows the testing of the effi-
ciency with which the algorithm allows the agents to
re-evaluate past quorum decisions. To test the ability
of the swarm to re-evaluate decisions, once the agents
sense a quorum at a particular site, the site value is
reduced by 0.3. After this reduction, if the value of
the site is less than the value of other sites, the value
reduces to 0.0 to allow for a re-evaluation of the other
sites. Otherwise, if the site value after reduction is
still greater than the value of other sites, there is no
additional change to the site value. The simulation
terminates after all agents have reached a quorum de-
cision. For each simulation group, 100 trials were run.
For each trial, the decision time and the number
of agents that found a quorum at each site were noted.
For trials involving two sites, the accuracy was de-
termined by the number of agents that chose the best
site. For trials involving three, four, and five sites, the
accuracy was determined by the number of agents that
chose the best two sites, based on the final site values.
Accuracy was determined using the following: n/50,
where n is the number of agents that selected the best
sites (one or two, depending on the total number of
sites) and 50 is the preset total population of agents
used in the simulation.
The graphs in Figure 3 show the change in decision
time over the number of sites in the search space and
the change in decision accuracy over the number of
sites in the search space.
Between the trials without re-evaluations and with
re-evaluations, the average decision time increased
by roughly 100 milliseconds. The average decision
time also generally increased with the number of sites
in the search space. Additionally, decision accuracy
showed an increase for the trials with re-evaluations
as compared to the trials without re-evaluations. De-
cision accuracy did, however, decrease as the number
of sites in the search space increased. For 2-site selec-
tion, the accuracy increased from 99.0% without re-
evaluations to 100.0% with re-evaluations. For 3-site
selection, the accuracy increased from 80.7% without
re-evaluations to 93.9% with re-evaluations. For 4site
selection the accuracy increased from 77.6% without
re-evaluations to 89.0% with re-evaluations. For 5-
site selection, the accuracy increased from 80.6% to
Figure 2: A: Screenshot of an original setup of the search
space for a 4-site selection simulation. The original site
value of each site is inversely proportional to the distance
from the nesting location. Site 1 (red) has a highest site
value of 1.0, Site 2 (blue) has a site value of 0.8, Site 3
(green) has a site value of 0.6 and Site 4 (purple) has a site
value of 0.7. B, C, and D: Screenshots of examples of sim-
ulations after agents have sensed a quorum. Accuracy in
examples B and C is 100% and accuracy in example D is
A t-test analyzing the decision time for 2, 3, 4,
and 5 sites produced p-values of 0.001, 2.154 ∗ 10
1.120 ∗ 10
, and 0.042 respectively. Additionally,
the same test analyzing decision accuracy for 2, 3, and
4 site selection produced p-values of 0.160, 0.0003,
0.0086, and 0.0004 respectively. Based on these val-
ues, we can not conclude that the re-evaluation algo-
rithm significantly increases decision accuracy for 2-
site selection. However, we have reasonable evidence
to suggest that the re-evaluation algorithm increases
accuracy for 3, 4, and 5-site selection.
The model was able to successfully increase the
accuracy of the decisions made by the swarm with de-
cision time as a trade-off.
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence