Achieving Privacy, Security, and Interoperability among Biometric
Networks using Symmetric Encryption
Eduardo M. Lacerda Filho and Vinicius P. Gonc¸alves
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Brasilia, Brazil
Privacy, Encryption, Biometric Security, Communication Protocol, Interoperability.
Privacy, security, and interoperability of biometrics systems are fundamental for any segment of a society that
uses it. In this work, we developed a network that uses a symmetric encryption scheme, to ensure the anony-
mous index data exchange and registration of a person, and an interoperability communication protocol to
process identification requests between different biometric systems. Our main contribution is the construction
of a non-reversible encryption index that can safely traverse, without decrypting it, the network of connections
between different biometric systems with an interoperability and data integrity communication protocol. The
advantages of our work are the mitigation of known encryption and network attacks, the creation of a random
initialization vector, without sending it over the network, but feasible to be calculated for all the accredited
Biometric Service Providers, the increased security of biometric database, that not only relies about templates,
and the improvement of IEEE Biometric Open Protocol Standard. The security analysis of the scheme and the
results confirm that the network holds anonymity of a person and that it is possible to interoperate this data
with an enhanced integrity protocol.
Biometric Service Providers (BSP) are used in vari-
ous segments of society (Jain et al., 2016). For many
years the typical approach for the security and privacy
of a biometric system has been template protection
(Jain et al., 2016; Ngo et al., 2015; Campisi, 2013).
When it was proof that a vector minutiae representa-
tion of a fingerprint could be retrieved (Ross et al.,
2007), many works have been developed to deal with
the security and privacy of biometric networks.
Enhanced schemes have been created. They are
based on cancelable biometric (feature transforma-
tions) (Kaur and Khanna, 2019) and biometric cryp-
tosystems (Toli and Preneel, 2018; Kumar and Ku-
mar, 2016; Li et al., 2015; Nasir and Perumal, 2013).
Those efforts over the years have some improve-
ments, but also some problems, which include link-
age attacks, brute force attacks, side-channel attacks,
the problem of level privacy against False Acceptance
Rate (FAR), and others (Natgunanathan et al., 2016;
Hirano et al., 2016; Quan et al., 2008; Kocher, 1996).
Furthermore, it was not shown how to use each of
these schemes on different biometric databases and
make them communicate with reasonable security ev-
From this exposition, one issue arises. How to en-
sure that the identity of one person is not revealed but
can be processed and used for different systems in-
teroperation, preserving privacy? This work resolves
this problem with a novel approach that does not fo-
cus on the biometric template. We build a scheme that
anonymizes the records in the BSP databases, enhanc-
ing security, holding privacy, and a set of communi-
cations techniques for interoperability and integrity.
The contribution of this paper can be summarized
as follows:
A scheme which produces an encrypted register
based on AES-CBC algorithm (Dworkin, 2001),
with 256-bit symmetric secret key k, a random
and locally calculated initialization vector iv, and
on the one-way functions SHA-2 (Dang, 2015),
for checksum, calculated into Hardware Security
Module (HSM) (Wenqian Yu et al., 2016), embed-
ded in a safe and audit environment;
A communication protocol based on HTTPS
(Rescorla, 2000), JSON (Bray, 2017), and
ANSI/NIST (Mangold, 2016) packages, that im-
proves the IEEE BOPS (Biometric Open Protocol
Standard) (IEEE, 2019) method.
The cryptographic scheme proposed turns a record
based on a unique biographical identification of a per-
son, such as the social number SN into an IDN anony-
mous register. Anonymous register means that no bio-
graphical index data is stored or exchanged, not either
Filho, E. and Gonçalves, V.
Achieving Privacy, Security, and Interoperability among Biometric Networks using Symmetric Encryption.
DOI: 10.5220/0008961504810489
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 481-489
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the biometric raw images. So, one IDN represents
only one owner associated with SN. All the BSP in
the network can calculate locally the same IDN string
representing one person of that biometrics unequivo-
cally, without exchange iv. The goals of this scheme
are: 1. guarantee that it is impossible to use known
attacks to link IDN to the biographical SN identity; 2.
security and privacy of a person in the network it is
not maintained only by using biometric templates; 3.
usage of an anonymous register to exchange biomet-
ric information of the same person among different
systems, without revealing who the person is.
The communication protocol uses HTTPS and
JSON protocols, and ANSI/NIST packages. It is pos-
sible to achieve interoperability and integrity between
the biometric systems that handle the encrypted IDN
without decrypting it. As an improvement to the IEEE
BOPS, we implemented one flow of identification
(1:n) of a record, with biometric base integrity assur-
ance procedures. The goal of this protocol is that any
biometric network can use this method to address any
request for identification without tampering with the
recognition technology. A network is created where
different system technologies have a hub and direc-
tory services to authenticate and fulfill the requests
for identification between biometric systems.
This paper is divided into the following parts. In
Section 2, we will discuss the related works, high-
lighting the technical issues involved. We introduce
the proposed scheme of our contributions, in section
3. In Section 4 and 5, the security analysis and the
results of a running instance of the proposed frame-
work evaluation are reported, respectively. Finally, in
Section 6, we will conclude indicating future works.
2.1 Privacy and Security Concerns
Achieving data privacy and security is a challenge.
The Dwork’s differential privacy work (Dwork, 2006)
shows that there is much auxiliary information that
an adversary (A ) can obtain without accessing the
database. Therefore, it is essential to delimit what
a method intends to establish security and privacy
(Campisi, 2013). For biometric systems security and
privacy, many cryptography techniques are used.
The work of Nassir and Perumal (Nasir and Peru-
mal, 2013) uses symmetric and RSA algorithms. The
work encrypts and signs the user ID and password
with the biometric data extracted into one package.
Some performance evaluation is done without secu-
rity analysis.
Li et al. (Li et al., 2015) describe a new security
analysis, proposing a multibiometric construction. By
combining information-theory and security, the work
uses features extraction and two levels of encryption,
one with hash functions and fuzzy vaults to bind the
transformed fingerprint template, and the other use
Shamir’s secret sharing scheme to split and store the
hash values. A decision-level fused obtains the iden-
tity of a sample.
The paper from Kumar and Kumar (Kumar and
Kumar, 2016) proposed a multimodal biometric cryp-
tosystem based on feature-mode and decision-mode.
The construction consists of three phases, i.e., a Bose
Chaudhuri Hocquenghem (BCH) applied in the bio-
metrics, creating parity-code, a locking stage hash
code computation performed on the biometric modal-
ities, and an unlock stage where the parity-code is re-
generated using XORCoding. Experimental analysis
confirms the superiority of multimodal cryptosystems
and decision-level fusion.
The Toli and Preneel (Toli and Preneel, 2018)
work uses a pseudo-identity authentication recorder
of a bank’s client. With a client’s PIN code, the pack-
age is encrypted and stored in the device, being dis-
carded the biometrics and the PIN. For secure require-
ments, the proposed use the ISO biometric, financial,
and cryptographic device standards.
Kaur and Khanna (Kaur and Khanna, 2019) pro-
posed a random distance method. Considering mul-
timodal cancelable biometric template approach, it
generates a discriminative and privacy-preserving re-
vocable pseudo-biometric identities. The security
analysis shows some resistant to some attacks.
2.2 Interoperability Network
Interoperability between biometric data is discussed
in Tolosana et al. and Mason et al. (Tolosana et al.,
2015; Mason et al., 2014). However, regarding sys-
tem interoperability, the ANSI/NIST proposal (Man-
gold, 2016) and IEEE BOPS (IEEE, 2019) should be
considered relevant references. For this paper, we
will depart from the ANSI/NIST package and will im-
prove the IEEE BOPS method.
The IEEE BOPS is a standard that enables interop-
erability independent of the underlying system. The
proposed architecture is built using neutral languages.
It is based on a client/server authentication with soft-
ware running on a mobile system. There are some
formats, including JSON requests and responses, that
addresses the interoperability among those devices.
The fact that the IEEE BOPS mechanism is not
complete about checking communication integrity is
a problem. As IEEE BOPS, we will show that our sys-
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
tem has better security characteristics, and a complete
workflow to address different biometric systems. That
includes dealing with a time-out or bad connection
among systems, check the status for the identification
of biometric procedures, and message acknowledg-
ments between the systems.
In this section, we describe our work. We will explain
the IDN encrypted scheme, the biometric operating
network running two different technologies, and the
communication protocol. This network is currently
operational in a real government system.
3.1 IDN: The Encrypted Index Register
for Biometric Databases
The IDN generation scheme uses the SN, the k stored
in a non-exportable HSM slot (|k| = 256 bits), the
AES-256 algorithm in CBC mode, with a random,
and locally calculated iv, and the SHA256 hash func-
tions, for checksum, as follows:
The SN is expanded by concatenation by itself un-
til it gets a 256-bit length; we concatenate k and
SN expanded, resulting 512-bit string (y); then, we
get x = SHA256(y), a 256-bit string; after, we di-
vide x in two halves, letting A be the first 128 bits
and B the trailing ones; and finally iv = AB;
The SN padded with 128 bits is AES-256-CBC
encrypted using k, feasible to be locally calcu-
lated for the BSP, as the iv is not transmitted over
the network. This yields z, an encrypted 128-bit
Then, SHA256(z) is calculated and concatenated
with SHA256(SHA256(z)), for checksum; the
previous result is BASE64-encoded (Josefsson,
2006) to generate the IDN.
Any BSP, with k, can reach the same IDN for
only one SN, but the IDN becomes irreversible as
soon it leaves the HSM. The premise of using the
non-exportable key attribute, within HSM leased in
an audit secure environment, makes it easy to iden-
tify any misuse or key compromised. There is also
internal protection of the information, which benefits
segments that have issues in sharing their client’s in-
3.1.1 Export and Import the Secret Key
For this work, we generate a 256-bit random symmet-
ric secret key k into a offline HSM. The exporting of
k is done using an OpenSSL library
. We export k
by wrapping it with the public keys of the BSP HSM
in the network, producing one cryptographic enve-
lope per each HSM, containing k. In this way, only
the HSM that owns the respective private key can un-
wrap the envelope. A local audit ceremony imports
the secret key into the HSM with the “no export” fea-
ture that guarantees it cannot be taken or copied from
the slot anymore, just used. For this purpose we use
the public key encryption RSA-2048-OAEP padding
(Moriarty et al., 2016; Bellare and Rogaway, 1995) to
export k.
3.2 The Biometric Network
The first step of Figure 1 is the enrollment process,
which uses fingerprint and face sensors. The enroll-
ment process prepares an ANSI/NIST Package 1, with
a secure proprietary biometric template and the bio-
graphical information of the person. The Package 1 is
sent through a mutually authenticated TLS/SSL chan-
nel for the system Network 1.
At the system Network 1, in the client/server in-
terface, the biographical SN is replaced into the HSM
by the encrypted index IDN. An ANSI/NIST Package
2 is built and includes a Transaction Code Number
(TCN) based on Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).
In the core of the system Network 1 (Bio API and En-
gine) begins the local identification process. In the di-
rectory service, it is checked if the IDN is already in
the base, without decrypting it. If IDN exists, the Bio
API and Engine checks if there is only one owner or
other. If it is only one, it performs the 1:1 verification
process (if positive, ends the process with a ”verifi-
cation ok”; if not, performs the following); if not the
only owner, it must inform the enrollment processes
that there is something to be treated, possibly a fraud.
The Bio API and Engine initiates the identification
1:n process in case no IDN found. If there is some ex-
ception (biometric found associated with other IDN),
it reports for the enrollment process that there is some-
thing to be treated, possibly a fraud. If not, the
HUB service prepares a JSON message, attaching the
encrypted ANSI/NIST IDE packet with the BSP re-
ceiver’s public key and the IDN. The fingerprint and
face images are not a proprietary biometric template
anymore, but a wrap RSA-OAEP-2048-bit encrypted
bits that can only be opened by the receiving BSP.
Through a mutually authenticated SSL/TLS channel
between the BSP, this encrypted packet is sent to Net-
work 2, which initiates the same local biometric iden-
tification 1:n. If some irregularity is found, the re-
ceiving BSP sends back a JSON message with an
Achieving Privacy, Security, and Interoperability among Biometric Networks using Symmetric Encryption
Figure 1: Biometric Service Providers Network Diagram.
ANSI/NIST VRE with M value, informing that there
is something to be verified, possibly a fraud. If not, a
JSON message with an ANSI/NIST VRE with X value
is sent, informing that everything is “ok” and the IDN
can be stored.
Shortly after receiving the “ok” information, the
issuing BSP sends an acknowledgment JSON mes-
sage change_status to the network, informing that
the IDN can be stored. Also, the network have the
pending_operation mechanism, that checks if one
BSP has any process to be made, but for somehow
was not able to performer it on-line.
3.3 The Communication Protocol
3.3.1 Network and HTTPS Messages
Requests for HUB services must follow the asyn-
chronous pattern. All responses must be returned by
the HUB that received the request when it has the
available information. The requests must use the POST
method, containing only the ANSI/NIST file in the re-
quest body.
Requests for directory services must follow the
synchronous pattern. All responses must be returned
in the same request/response. The requests must use
the POST method.
3.3.2 JSON Messages Standards and Formats
The JSON messages will be described.
JSON IDN query operation: Checks if IDN code
is registered in the network. The response for
the registered IDN is a JSON package, figur-
ing out which fingerprints and face are registered
(TRUE|FALSE), along with the related IDN.
JSON Pending operations listing operation: It re-
veals, in the event of any contingency with a bio-
metric system (time-out, bad connection or main-
tenance), a list of IDN that requires further pro-
cessing. Hourly, a JSON type is sent to ensure
that all processes have been executed, holding in-
tegrity through the network.
JSON Change status notification operation: This
operation notifies BSP if a record, with its IDN,
was completed or there was some error.
3.4 Benchmarking
There are some works with security evidence and
anonymity of the index register into a biometric
database and network. As we showed, using cryp-
tographic techniques along with biometrics systems
is not new, but up to our best knowledge, shown in
Table 1, it had not been used to guarantee privacy
with security evidence and interoperability to the data.
Our main contribution is the construction of a non-
reversible cryptographic index that can safely traverse
the network of connections between biometric sys-
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Benchmarking.
Works Security and
privacy bio-
metric data
Security and
privacy bio-
graphical data
Security evidence
against known
database or network
(Nasir and Perumal, 2013) YES YES NO NO
(Li et al., 2015) YES NO YES NO
(Kumar and Kumar, 2016) YES NO YES NO
(Toli and Preneel, 2018) YES YES NO NO
(Kaur and Khanna, 2019) YES NO YES NO
Our proposed scheme YES YES YES YES
This section is divided into three areas of security
analysis (Katz and Lindell, 2007). The first and the
second are focused on cryptoanalysis, mainly on the
randomness of the secret key and semantic security.
The third one is based on the operational security of
the network.
4.1 Randomness of the Secret Key
For the first proof that the proposed scheme is secure,
we tested the randomness of keys that are generated
by HSM of the third reliable offline party. We use
the NIST Special Publication 800-90B - Recommen-
dation for Random Number Generation Using Deter-
ministic Random Bit Generators (Turan et al., 2018).
We compiled the “make iid” and “make non iid” tests
using the “libdivsufsort-dev / libbz2-dev” dependen-
cies, with a Ubuntu 18.04 operation system.
The results are:
./ea_iid -i keys.bin
Calculating baseline statistics...
H_original: 7.886548
H_bitstring: 0.998301
min(H_original, 8 X H_bitstring):
** Passed chi square tests
** Passed length of longest
repeated substring test
Beginning initial tests...
Beginning permutation tests... these
may take some time
** Passed IID permutation tests
NIST Non-IID test
./ea_non_iid -i keys.bin
Running non-IID tests...
Running Most Common Value Estimate...
Running Entropic Statistic Estimates
(bit strings only)...
Running Tuple Estimates...
Running Predictor Estimates...
H_original: 7.718814
H_bitstring: 0.932005
min(H_original, 8 X H_bitstring): 7.456043
The result demonstrates that the official NIST test
suite approves the randomness of the keys (k) that are
generated from the proposed scheme.
4.2 Semantic Security
Challenge: The BSP must find a secure way to gen-
erate the same IDN for the same SN.
Supposing that we do not have any random input
of the block entrance, the birthday attack can be used
against non-Feistel ciphers (Schramm et al., 2004).
The encryption could be broken with not too much
effort (e.g., exhaustion of fewer than 65,000 tests -
15-bit exhaustion - would lead to its probability of
inferring any SN from the cipher to very high values).
To proof that the IDN scheme is secure enough
for any A , we must start by explaining the calcu-
lated iv created. First, we concatenate, for this re-
search, the 88-bit SN string, which have 4-bit entropy
for each octet block, until 256-bit length, with the
256-bit k, resulting in a 512-bit length. We use the en-
tropy of SHA-256 to one way 256-bit string, leading
a log
((1 1/e) 2
) outputs (Bellare and Kohno,
2004). A bitwise XOR-ed is used with equal parts of
the SHA-256 result, leading a 128-bit random iv. Be-
cause A cannot have control of the input bits calcu-
lated on the iv, the computational cost effort to find a
collision is around 2
(Dobraunig et al., 2015), n =
output bits, leading to unfeasible known polynomial-
time attacks between the SN to IDN or IDN to SN.
Our 128-bit padding SN plaintext, it is XOR-ed
with a 128-bit random iv. Instead of rebooting the
encrypted AES-256-CBC with the previous outcome
and an initialization public vector (IV), we recalcu-
late the block entrance of the AES-256-CBC encryp-
Achieving Privacy, Security, and Interoperability among Biometric Networks using Symmetric Encryption
tion with a 128-bit random and local iv, derived from
known parameters (K and SN) only for the BSP. This
leads to an entropy effort of 256 + log
(1e9) bits.
These random bits scattering on the input makes the
system unfeasible to known polynomial-time attacks,
holding anonymity.
There are others attacks in the literature that are
Padding Oracle Attacks (Kang et al., 2016): all
the SN padded block is XOR with 128-bit string,
local and random iv created, avoiding this attack;
Chosen Ciphertext Attacks (Rogaway, 2011): the
proposed iv is not sent over the network, it works
only within the cryptography module of the HSM.
So, A(iv t,AES(SN)) cannot be enforcement;
Chosen Plaintext Attacks (Rogaway, 2011): the
iv can not be predictable by A , i.e., the proposed
AES-256-CBC cannot be attacked in polynomial-
time, as shown. Because the calculations are done
into accredited HSM, this also avoids adaptive-
CPA (Ding et al., 2019).
Timing Attacks (Kocher, 1996): the HSM of
the BSP implements cryptographic calculations in
a constant-time, accredited with FIPS test suite
(Schaffer, 2019).
For exporting k from the offline HSM, we use
RSA-2048-OAEP-wrap operation. Each BSP sends
its own HSM public key for these operations. By
the known literature, this RSA-2048-OAEP calcu-
lus has IND-CPA-security and IND-CCA1/CCA2-
security (Boldyreva and Fischlin, 2006), which makes
the calculation semantically secure. Using index cal-
culus NFS (Number Field Sieve), the published litera-
ture describes that the cost to break RSA-2048 is 2
(Bernstein and Lange, 2014), which turns out to be
unfeasible in polynomial-time for A . We use the same
wrap operation to the ANSI/NIST encrypted package
between BSP, for additional security.
4.3 Operation Security
After the cryptoanalysis, we face the attacks that
could be done in the network. It is essential to state
that the wrapped k is imported in a local ceremony at
the security environment of the BSP.
Accredited HSM (Schaffer, 2019) does not allow
any copy or misuse of the non-exportable k. Other se-
curity features of the HSM embedded in the network
are IDS (Intrusion Detection System), non-physical,
mechanical, chemical violability, and SQL injection
protection (Wenqian Yu et al., 2016). Within the bio-
metric network, we use a TLS/SSL (RSA-2048-bit)
mutually authenticated for all communication. A re-
liable entity informs for each BSP the certificates and
URL end-points. Further, dedicated firewalls are only
from the IPs of each BSP, also audit by a trusted re-
liable party. Each biometric file has the origin and
destination name of the BSP given on the certificate.
Thereby, Distributed DoS attacks are mitigated in
this network (Yan et al., 2016). In addition to every
network part mentioned, BSP set one random session
key per transaction and also have a timestamp for each
file sent. This scenario mitigates any replays attacks
(Ding et al., 2018).
The results were obtained using data acquired into the
operational BSP network. First, we show the IDN
scheme created, indicating the calculations needed to
generate an IDN. Second, we demonstrate the com-
munication protocol logs, working for an identifica-
tion purpose (“IDE”) between two distinct networks
in a time interval.
5.1 The IDN Scheme
The IDN scheme:
Algorithm 1: IDN algorithm.
Data: SN, K
Result: IDN
SNEXT = “$SNhex$SNhex$SNhex
y = “$K$SNEXT
H(y) = x
x {0,1}
A (x
B (x
iv = A B
DataHex = ${#SNhex}
BlockPadded = $(((32 $DataHex)/2))
blockSN = “$SNhex
tmp = $(print f
for ((i=0; i < $BlockPadded; i++ )) do
blockSN = “${blockSN}${tmp}
AES-256-CBC(blockSN, K, iv) = ID
H(ID) = IDbase
H(IDbase) = IDCheck
IDNhex = ($IDbase$IDCheck)
IDN = Encode64(IDNhex)
Table 2 presents the IDN calculations, from Algo-
rithm 1. Those are made, step by step, buy using a
SN and k, generated from the HSM of the entity, for
experimental purpose. It is possible to conclude from
the calculations that only with k and SN it is possible
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 2: IDN calculations.
Parameter Values and Results
K ffd62502b336b5c5784813e310412438bb 91a45aade63aafff76154016d291fc
SN 00000000001
SHA256 (K||(SN:SN:SN)) b72c3caf4dfa7468b6db5752310939f0a5 67f084dd66c19b9e77e3ce3e76f43d
iv 124bcc2b909cb5f328acb49c0f7fcdcd
Input Block 30303030303030303030310505050505 (padding)
ID f0de00ed3a0c0569243d6d1924d8be25
IDbase 8N4A7ToMBWkkPW0ZJNi+JQ==
SHA256(IDbase) 4fc25d068b5661e7e5578ad4a20e3e3f ce0c6a86fc7b0772a3988ca20b0beebf
SHA256 (SHA256(IDbase)) 27d3f2d0113b96d039f96401a431f189 ce52c2268e12bc9c86b08f0b986f9ead
IDN T8JdBotWYeflV4rUog4+P84Maob8ewd yo5iMogsL7r8n0/LQETuW0Dn5Z
to reach the IDN. In the next subsection, we will show
a real SN, shown as IDN, in this operation biometric
5.2 The Operation Communication
Based on the protocol created, shown in Section 3,
we present the network communications by following
a log trail for an IDE (identification) purpose. This
communication is extracted from a real operational
network, between Network 1 and Network 2, with a
real and irreversible IDN.
5.2.1 Log Trail
We show the core of a communication protocol for a
pending_operation, an IDE, and a change_status
messages, suppressing some log messages to make it
clearer to explain. The encrypted ANSI/NIST bio-
metric package is attached, for identification purpose.
21:08:10.209] 3.1.12 INFO 187
server.service.DirectoryService -
{"requestType": "pending_operations"}
21:08:17.376] 3.1.12 INFO 187
- [DIR:SENT] TO=‘‘bsp2"; RESULT=
The pending_operation mechanism ensures
that every service provider processes all data. By re-
quest, the issuing BSP receives from other providers
all the IDN/TCN that were not processed. This com-
mand allows the network to be integrated all the time.
[2019-09-18 17:17:04.559] - [HUB:SENT]
[2019-09-18 17:35:28.596] - [HUB:RECEIVED]
[2019-09-18 18:02:32.830] - [HUB:SENT]
TO=‘‘bsp2"; REQUEST={"requestType":
It is possible to interpret that the IDE request was
made for the encrypted IDN “L3dipU...”, which re-
sponse was a VRE with X value, i.e., no biometrics
were found in the biometric database. Then, the issu-
ing system sent a change_status acknowledge mes-
sage, completing the registration process.
In this work, we proposed a new approach scheme
that guarantees the anonymity of anyone within bio-
metric databases and still allows them to communi-
cate securely. Symmetric cryptography techniques
and known communication protocols were used to
Achieving Privacy, Security, and Interoperability among Biometric Networks using Symmetric Encryption
achieve privacy, with security evidence and interoper-
ability integrity between biometric networks. We suc-
cessfully showed that, for the same input data and se-
cret key among systems, we produced an anonymous
index register into all databases representing a person.
Also, we improved the IEEE BOPS standard by con-
structing a framework for JSON messages between
systems, including a way of networks to maintain op-
erations regardless of the contingencies. As future
works, we could generate IDN for any government
database that needs privacy, security, and interoper-
ability. This future work is an immediate outcome
of the contributions we made to enhance the security,
and also, of the shared anonymous record index we
Bellare, M. and Kohno, T. (2004). Hash function balance
and its impact on birthday attacks. In Cachin, C. and
Camenisch, J. L., editors, Advances in Cryptology -
EUROCRYPT 2004, pages 401–418, Berlin, Heidel-
berg. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Bellare, M. and Rogaway, P. (1995). Optimal asymmet-
ric encryption. In De Santis, A., editor, Advances
in Cryptology EUROCRYPT’94, pages 92–111,
Berlin, Heidelberg. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Bernstein, D. and Lange, T. (2014). Batch NFS. In Joux,
A. and Youssef, A., editors, Selected Areas in Cryp-
tography SAC 2014: 21st International Conference,
Montreal, QC, Canada, August 14-15, 2014, Revised
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