model (see proof in Appendix A.1). Indeed, in
order for A
to generate a valid attestation on a
modified state without physically compromising D
he needs to forge an aggregate MAC
scheme on
all aggregated tags, assuming that at least one device
in the network is honest. According to Theorem 2,
aggregate MAC
is unforgeable provided that
is unforgeable (see proof in Appendix A.2).
The probability of A
generating said valid attestation
is therefore negligible.
In this work we introduced CoRA, the first collective
attestation protocol with verifier detection for sensor
networks. Collective (or swarm) attestation is a se-
curity mechanism which efficiently verifies the in-
tegrity of large numbers of devices in wireless multi-
hop networks. CoRA leverages the aggregating prop-
erty of its underlying in-network aggregation mecha-
nism, namely aggregate MAC
, to provide a highly
scalable swarm attestation protocol with efficient ver-
ification. In order to detect the malicious injection of
erroneous attestation, CoRA comprises a scalable de-
tection algorithm, which leverages the algebraic prop-
erty of algebraic MACs to generate proofs of knowl-
edge, on a device’s secret key. The detection method
allows the identification of a compromised node in the
network, thus preventing DoS attacks on the verifier.
We provide a rigorous proof for the underlying cryp-
tographic construction, as well as the CoRA protocol.
Finally, we prove the efficiency of our scheme, based
on a prototype implementation on a standard micro-
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