better. As we mentioned before this is caused by the
increased complexity of the discontinuous charging
model. From the point of comparison of the solution
time between different scenarios, the winter scenario
has increased computation time for both models. This
is caused by the decreased capacity of the battery.
In the table 5, there is a comparison of the count
of the charging intervals that were used for charg-
ing (UCI) during a specific scenario for each dataset.
From the results, we cannot say which type of charg-
ing uses less charging intervals. However, a change
can be seen in the number of charging events that
took multiple intervals (MIC). There the continuous
charging uses usually less number of multiple inter-
val charging events than the discontinuous charging,
but the count of the used interval during a multiple in-
terval charging was less in the case of discontinuous
charging. The last column IC shows the number of in-
terrupted charging events for discontinuous charging.
We can see that the number of interrupted charging
events is higher with the winter scenario.
In this paper we propose changes to the linear math-
ematical model, that would enable the discontinu-
ous charging. The new model was tested by IP
solver Xpress IVE and the results of the discontinuous
charging model were compared to the results of the
continuous charging model. From the results, we can
conclude, that in the case of minimizing the number
of the used electric vehicles on the selected datasets
the discontinuous charging model does not give bet-
ter results, moreover the computational time is higher.
Despite the obtained results, we see a potential
of the discontinuous charging model with the use of
different objective functions, for example minimizing
the length of deadheading trips between the service
trips respectively service trips and chargers. There-
fore, more experiments need to be conducted with the
presented model in the future, but with different ob-
jective functions. On the other hand, the proposed
models are complex and the solution time indicates
that the use of these models is not possible on large
scale problems. Therefore, the use of heuristics is ad-
vised on the larger-scale problems.
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VEGA 1/0089/19 ”Data analysis methods and de-
cisions support tools for service systems supporting
electric vehicles” and VEGA 1/0689/19 ”Optimal de-
sign and economically efficient charging infrastruc-
ture deployment for electric buses in public trans-
portation of smart cities”.
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ICORES 2020 - 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems